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Combat Camera

Combat Camera. Eyes of the Battlefield. Imagery submitted to Combat Camera Management FY 09. August 7, 2009. 31 ST MEU Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia July 22, 2009 090722-M-7040N-023.

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Combat Camera

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  1. Combat Camera Eyes of the Battlefield Imagery submitted to Combat Camera Management FY 09 August 7, 2009

  2. 31ST MEUShoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia July 22, 2009 090722-M-7040N-023 U.S. Marines assigned to Company K, 3/5, 31st MEU, move to assault a building using smoke grenades for cover at Raspberry Creek during Exercise Talisman Saber 2009. photo by LCpl Brian Nichols

  3. 1ST MARDIV Nawa District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan July 24, 2009 090724-M-1159E-256 An Afghan child watches as U.S. Marine Private First Class Dempsey assigned to Company A, 1/5, performs a routine search on his father. photo by LCpl Phillip Elgie

  4. HQMCMarine Barracks Washington D.C.July 24, 2009 090724-M-3389K-349 The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, attends the Evening Parade and reception at Marine Barracks Washington D.C. photo by Cpl Erin Kirk-Cuomo

  5. 1ST MARDIV Nawa District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan July 26, 2009 090726-M-5160M-382 U.S. Marine Corporal Joshua Heintzassigned to 1/5, gets a haircut from a local Afghan barber at Patrol Base Jaker. Marines with 1/5, 2D MEB - Afghanistan, are deployed in support of NATO's ISAF and will participate in counter insurgency operations and training; and mentoring the Afghan National Security Forces to improve security and stability in Afghanistan. photo by Lance Cpl. John M. McCall

  6. III MEF Helmand Province, Afghanistan July 27, 2009 090727-M-6159T-004 U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Scott Nechayassigned to Company F, 2/8, uses his radio during a local security patrol. Co. F Marines are conducting patrols outside of Patrol Base HasanAbad. photo by Sergeant Pete Thibodeau

  7. 1ST MARDIV Patrol Base Jaker, Helmand Province, Afghanistan July 28, 2009 090728-M-0440G-838 Afghan National Army Soldiers take cover from a incoming sand blast from a CH-53D helicopter while preparing for the arrival of ANA Generals Sheer MohmmadZazenear and MahydinGhoori photo by Staff Sergeant William Greeson

  8. III MEF Camp Kinser, Okinawa, Japan, July 29, 2009 090729-M-9007D-036 Camouflage netting covers a field mess site during a training exercise being held aboard Camp Kinser. It took 23 Marines one month to set up for the exercise. photo by LCplMargrette Dorn

  9. III MEF MCB Hawaii July 30, 2009 090730-M-5041C-004 U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Domingo Luna (losing), HQBN, grapples with Sergeant Mark Adame. Sgt Adame is conducting MCMAP training in a newly re-padded grappling pit on the base. photo by LCpl Geoffrey T. Campbell

  10. 1ST MARDIV Nawa District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan July 31, 2009 090731-M-0440G-494 An Afghan National Army Sergeant stands guard at Patrol Base Jaker. photo by SSgt William Greeson

  11. 29 PALMS MCAGCC, Twentynine Palms, CA July 31, 2009 090731-M-0581G-093 Children with the Youth Center enjoy the new Children's Water Park after the ribbon cutting ceremony. photo by LCplKelsey J. Green

  12. 1ST MARDIVNawa District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan August 3, 2009 090803-M-1159E-098 U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Jonathan Burgess assigned to 1/5 constructs a building at theCompany A Operating Base. Constructing buildings is a part of improving the quality of life for the Marines. photo by LCpl Phillip Elgie

  13. 2D MAWHelmand Province, Afghanistan August 3, 2009 090803-M-5284B-003 U.S. Marine Sergeant Zachary Ritter test fires the tailgun in a CH-53D helicopter assigned to HMH - 362 "Ugly Angels.“ HMH-362 is deployed to Afghanistan in support of the ISAF. photo by Sgt Timothy Brumley

  14. Archive Totals Still Imagery: 145,586 Video Minutes: 54,080 min For any questions/concerns please contact: SSgt Guadalupe Deanda COMM: (703) 784-6831/2963 DSN: 278-6831/2963 guadalupe.deanda@usmc.mil

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