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Momentum and Impuls. Creatif by : Nurlia Enda. Impuls. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari banyak ditemui peristiwa-peristiwa seperti bola ditendang, bola tenis dipukul. Pada peristiwa itu,
Momentum and Impuls Creatif by : NurliaEnda
Impuls Dalamkehidupansehari-haribanyakditemuiperistiwa-peristiwa seperti bola ditendang, bola tenis dipukul. Pada peristiwa itu, gaya yang bekerjapadabendahanyasesaatsaja, inilah yang disebutsebagaiimpuls. Secaramatamatisdapatdituliskansebagaiberikut:
impulse In everyday life events encounteredlike the ball was kicked, hit a tennis ball. In that event,forces acting on the object only a moment, this is what is called the impulse. In math can be written as follows: With : I = Impuls (N.s) F = gaya ∆t= interval
Impulssebagaiperubahan Momentum Suatubenda yang bermassa m bekerjagaya yang konstan, makasetelahwaktu t bendatersebutbergerakdengankecepatan :
Impulse as the change in momentum A body of mass m is a constant work force, then after time t the object is moving with speed:
Momentum • Setiapbenda yang bergerakmempunyaimomentum.Momentumadalahhasil kali antaramassadankecepatan. Secaramatematisdapatdituliskansebagaiberikut:
Momentum • Any moving body has momentum.Momentum is the product of mass and velocity.Mathematically can be written as follows: With : P = momentum m= mass V = velocity
KESIMPULAN • Momentum ialah: Hasil kali massasebuahbendadengankecepatan. Momentum merupakanbesaranvektor yang arahnyasearahdengankecepatannya. Satuandarimementumadalah kg m/s ataugram cm/s • Impulsadalah: Hasil kali gayadenganwaktuyang ditempuhnya. ImpulsmerupakanBesaranvektor yang arahnyasearahdenganarahgayanya. Perubahanmomentum adalahakibatadanyaimpulsdannilainyasamadenganimpuls.
conclusion • Momentum is: The mass times the speed of an object. Momentum is a vector quantity whose direction the direction of the velocity. Units of mementum is kg m / s or g cm / s • Impulse is: The result of the force times the time taken. Impulse is a vector quantity which direction the direction of his style. The change in momentum is the result of impulse and the impulse is equal to
Hukumkekekalan Momentum Pada Gambar diatas,misalkan benda A dan B masing-masing mempunyaimassamAdanmBdanmasing-masingbergeraksegaris dengnkecepatanvAdanvBsedangkanvA > vB.Setelahtumbukan kecepatanbendaberubahmenjadiv’Adanv’B. Bila FBA adalahgayadari A yang dipakaiuntukmenumbuk B danFAB gayadari B yang dipakai untukmenumbuk A, makamenurutHukum III Newton:
Momentum conservation laws In Figure above, suppose objects A and B respectivelyhas mass mA and mB and each moving slitswith less speed, while the VA and VB> vB. After the collisionobject speed and changes to v'Av'B. When FBA is a style ofA which is used to pound the FAB style of B and B usedto pound the A, then according to Newton's Third Law:
Jumlahmomentum dari A dan B sebelumdansesudahtumbukanadalahsama/tetap. KeadaaninidisebutsebagaiHukumKekekalanMomentum Linier.
momentum of A and B before and after the collision is equal to / fixed. This situation is referred to as the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum
Tumbukan • Padasetiapjenistumbukanberlakuhukumkekekalanmomentum tetapi tidak selalu berlaku hukum kekekalan energi mekanik, sebabsebagianenergimungkindiubahmenjadienergibentuk lain, misalnyapanasataubunyi, akibattumbukanatauterjadiperubahanbentukbenda.Besarnyakoefisienrestitusi(e) untuksemuajenistumbukanberlaku :
collision • In every type of collision applies the law of conservation of momentum but does not always apply the law of conservation of mechanical energy, because some energy may be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or noise, caused by collisions or changes in the form of restitution coefficient benda.Besarnya (e) for all types of collisions apply:
Jenisjenistumbukan • Tumbukanelastissempurna, yaitutumbukan yang takmengalamiperubahanenergi. Koefisienrestitusie = 1, berlakuhukum kekekalan momentum dan hukum kekekalan energi mekanik (kerena pada kedudukan/posisi sama, maka yang diperhitungkanhanyaenergikinetiknya) • Tumbukanelastissebagian, yaitutumbukan yang tidakberlakuhukumkekekalanenergimekaniksebabadasebagianenergiyang diubah dalam bentuk lain, misalnya panas. Koefisien restitusi0 < e < 1. • Tumbukantidakelastis , yaitutumbukan yang tidakberlakuhukumkekekalanenergimekanikdankeduabendasetelahtumbukan melekat dan bergerak bersama-sama.Koefisien restitusie = 0
Type of collision • Perfectly elastic collisions, ie collisions that did not experience changes in energy. The coefficient of restitution e = 1, apply the law of conservation of momentum and mechanical energy conservation laws (because they in the position / position of the same, then the calculated kinetic energy only) • Partially elastic collisions, ie collisions that do not apply the law of conservation of mechanical energy because there is some energy that changed in other forms, such as heat. The coefficient of restitution 0 <e <1. • Inelastic collisions, ie collisions that do not apply the law of conservation of mechanical energy and attached the two bodies after the collision and move with-sama.Koefisien restitution e = 0
source : FisikaB.inggrisserway & Jewett • Thanks for your attention