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Aujoud’hui et Demain. Anna Johnson Rachel Sternlicht Renée Waller. La Grammaire. Le Futur. To describe upcoming events In English, formed with dual verbs “I will fly ” French has full conjugation “Je volerai ”. Conjugation: verb infinitive + ai ons
Aujoud’hui et Demain Anna Johnson Rachel Sternlicht Renée Waller
Le Futur • To describe upcoming events • In English, formed with dual verbs • “I will fly” • French has full conjugation • “Je volerai”
Conjugation: verb infinitive + aions as ez a ont • -er and –ir verbs • add correct ending directly to infinitive • -re verbs • dispose of final ‘e’ and add appropriate ending
Examples • -er: danser – to dance danseraidanserons danserasdanserez danseradanseront • -ir: bondir – to leap bondiraibondirons bondirasbondirez bondirabondiront • -re: perdre – to lose perdraiperdrons perdrasperdrez perdraperdront
Le Futur – irregular verbs acheter -> j’achèteraivouloir -> je voudrai être -> je seraisavoir -> je saurai avoir -> j’aurai aller -> j’irai faire -> je ferai pouvoir -> je pourrai voir -> je verrai venir -> je viendrai
HOWEVER, English sentences which usually use the present tense after certain phrases use the futur in french • I will leave as soon as I finish (present) • Je partiraidèsque je finirai(futur) • Other Phrases Include: après que->afterlorsque ->when aussitôt que->as soonas quand ->when dès que ->as soonas une fois que ->once espérer que->to hopethat
Best Part About the Future…. • The same irregular verbs and their stems are used to form the CONDITIONAL!
Le Conditionnel • Describes unguaranteed events – dependent on other conditions • Use in polite requests • I would like some tea • Je voudraisdu thé
Conjugation: Exactly like le futur (same stems, even irregular verbs) except with imperfect tense endings Infinitive + ais ions aisiez aitaient
Si Clauses • If ….. Then…. • Can be reversed but ‘si’ must always stay with the verb it is added to • Si + present ,present • Si + present ,futur • Si + imperfect , conditional
present/present – factual, happens regularly • If I am sad, I eat chocolate. • Si je suistriste, je mange du chocolat. • Reverse: Je mange du chocolatsije suistriste. • present/futur – likely to occur • If you fall, I will help you. • Si tutombe, je t’aiderai. • Reverse: Je t’aideraisitutombe. • imperfect/conditional – unlikely to occur –> this would happen • If I had the time, I would do it. • Si j'avais le temps, je le ferais. • Reverse: Je le ferais si j’avais le temps.
Le Subjonctif • After a subjective, not indicative clause • Entirely different umbrella, man. • Won’t necessarily happen!! Doubtful, uncertain Subjunctive Indicative
Conjugation: • ils form present tense • drop –entending • Add subjunctive ending • Example: • They study • Ilsetudient • Ilsetudi/ • T’etudies – you study (but you might not)
Subjunctive Endings -e -ions -es-iez -e -ent • Usually follows a commanding phrase such as “ilestimportanteque…” or “ilfautque…” • Does not necessarily mean that the action will be done
Irregular Conjugations êtrealler soissoyonsailleallions soissoyezaillesalliez soitsoientailleaillent avoirfaire aieayonsfassefassions aiesayezfassesfassiez aitaientfassefassent
More Irregular Subjunctive Conjugations savoirvouloir sachesachionsveuillevoulions sachessachiezveuillesvouliez sachesachentveuilleveuillent pouvoirpleuvoir – ilpleuve puissepuissions puissespuissiezfalloir – il faille puissepuissent
Devoir • Overarching verb definition: • to have to *obligation and probability* *expecation and inevitability* • Noun: • Le devoir • Homework, duty
Basic Conjugations Present Subjontif Je dois Nous devons Je doive Nous devions TudoisVousdevezTudoivesVousdeviez Il devraIlsdoivent Il doiveIlsdoivent Futur Past Participle Je devrai Nous devronsdû TudevrasVousdevrez Il devraIlsdevront
Obligation & Necessity • Must, have, need to • Ellesdoivent manger. • Probability & Suppostion • Should, will probably • Nous devonsgagner plus cetteannée. • Expectaion & Intention • Supposed to • Je devaisaller avec eux. • Fatalism & Inevitability • Had to, bound to • Il devaitperdre un jour.
Used to differentiate Must vs. Should • Must: add absolument or vraiment • Je doisabsolumentpartir. • I must leave. • Should: conditional of devoir • Tudevraispartir • You should leave.
As a transitive verb, not followed by a verb…. “Pierre me doit 10 Euros.” …. Means “to owe”. Exemple: “Jinx, tu me dois un Coca!”
Les verbessortir, partir, quitter, laisser: des significations différentes • Sortir- to go out, to get out of something, or to get something out • Je sorscesoir. • Tudoissortir de l’eau. • Nous allonssortir en bicyclette. • Il doitsortir la voiture du garage.
Partir– to leave in a general sense • Cannot be followed by a direct object but can be followed by a preposition and an indefinite object • Nous partonsjeudi. • Ilspartent de Paris. • Je suisparti pour le Quebec.
Quitter - to leave someone or something • must be followed by a direct object • Ilsquittent la France. • Il quittesa femme. • You can say: Ne quittez pas! (Don’t hang up!)
Laisser– to leave something, as in not taking it. can also mean to leave someone alone. • J’ailaissémon sac chez Luc. • Laissez-moi du gâteau! • Laissez-moitranquille!
Les pronoms: y et en • ‘y’ – place, location • “there” • ‘en’ – quantity, number • “some” or “any” • ‘y’ usually replaces à, chez, or dans • ‘en’ usually replaces de
Examples of ‘y’ • We are going to the theater. • Nous allons au théâtre. • Nous y allons. • Examples of ‘en’ • I wouldlikesomeflowers. • Je voudrais du fleurs. • J’en voudrais.
Emphatic Pronouns Emphasizes a noun or a pronoun referring to a person • Used if there are more than one person • Lawrence et moifont jardineraujourd'hui. • Also used with ‘même’ • Lui-même– himself • Moi-même - myself • To indicate possession • Quels enfant est à toi?
Moi - me Toi - you Lui - him Elle – her Soi - oneself Nous - us Vous - you Eux – them (m) Elles – them (f)
c’est/cesont vs. ilest/ilssont • C’est/cesont: describes a situation, with a modified adverb, with a modified noun, or with a proper name • C’est normal. • C’est trop tard. • C’estune bonne actrice. • C’est Madame Thompson!
Il est/ilssont: describes people with an unmodified adverb, unmodified noun, or with a prepostional phrase • Elle estintelligente. • Il esttard. • Il estavocat. • Elle est en France.
Some Quizzes • http://french.about.com/library/weekly/aa032500t.htm • http://french.about.com/library/verb/bl-toleavet.htm