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E lectricity and N atural G as Markets in Serbia. Belgrade , 15 . April 201 3. Ljiljana Hadzibabic Council member Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia. C ontent. M arkets Types and M arket P articipants The D ynamics of the M arket O pen n ing
Electricityand NaturalGas Markets in Serbia Belgrade, 15. April 2013. Ljiljana Hadzibabic Council member Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia
Content MarketsTypes and MarketParticipants The Dynamicsof the MarketOpenning Electricity and Natural Gas Market Modelsin Serbia The legal framework for the functioning of the Markets Comparative Electricity and Gas Pricesfor the industry in some EU countries
Market Participants Balancingresponsibilities of allmarket participants; Relations of Market participants are regulated by agreements.
Electricity Natural Gas The Dynamics of the MarketOpening MarketOpening - realized and planned The marketswill be 100% beopenfrom 1 Jan 2015, but the households and small consumers maychoose from the market or the public supply
Comparasionof the Electricity Prices for the Industry- The first half of 2012 -
Comparasionof theNatural Gas for the Industry- The first half of 2012 -
Thank you for your attention! Ljiljana Hadzibabic Council member Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia www.aers.rs