Joint OECD/ ECMT Transportation Research CenterWorking Group on Transp. Infrastructure InvestmentApril 25-26, 2006 Vienna, AustriaFinancing transp. Infrastructure under the paradigm shift from construction to operationProf. Reinhart Kuhne, Ph.D.German Aerospace Center, BerlinTransportation Studies Group
Speed vs. Flow on I-10 westbound in 5 minute intervals from 4am to 6pm Source: Varaiya Pravin: What we‘ve learned about Highway Congestion. Transportation Research at the University of California, Access 27, Fall 2005, S. 2-9
Results from Performance Monitoring System on Californias Highways (data from 26000 sensors) • 600 recurrent bottlenecks = 50% of weekday peak delays, • 28% additionally peak-period congestion delay is caused by collisions, • 10% of it accounting for 90% of all collision-induced delay Total vehicle-hours of travel (left) and sources of congestion (right) during peak periods Source: Varaiya Pravin: What we‘ve learned about Highway Congestion. Transportation Research at the University of California, Access 27, Fall 2005, S. 2-9
Incident Balance in Germany Each construction site a congestion site freeway construction sites in the complete network (2000)
Incident consequences and improved incident management 1min blockage cause 5 min add‘l blockage capacity reduction due to reduction by 1 lane 3lane road: 48% 2lane road: 79% original situation improved incident management cummulative distribution duration of incident [min] Quelle: Forschung, Straßenbau und Straßenverkehrstechnik, Überlastungswahrscheinlichkeiten und Verkehrsleistung als Bemessungskriterium für Straßenverkehrsanlagen; Heft 870, Hrsg: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen
The main goals of effective Traffic • Incident Management are to: • Protect both on-scene responders and the traveling public • Reduce delays and associated impacts on travelers • Reduce the possibility of secondary incidents • Ensure that response resources tied up at incidents are put back into service quickly Top-of-the-line equipment such as the rotator pictured here enables towing and recovery companies to clear roads in minutes instead of hours. Source: David L. Helman: Traffic Incident Management, Public Roads Nov./ Dec. 2004, Vol. 68 (www.tfhrc.gov/pubrds/04nov/03.htm)
Heavy Occupical Vehicle Tolling Lane a high-occupancy vehicle lane (or HOV lane) is a lane for vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers Some HOV lanes are built on totally separate roadways from their corresponding general use lanes; are constructed on parallel roads separated by a concrete barrier, are built on grade-separated (i.e. elevated or underground) roadways. One example is the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles, California, where four HOV lanes travel on the upper deck of the freeway. This type of construction is said to maintain optimal efficiency by keeping general use traffic from merging back and forth into the HOV lanes, and by maximizing space on the main roadway for general use traffic. Additionally, major interchanges on such routes are often equipped with HOV-only ramps, which minimizes haphazard cross-freeway merging. Four high-occupancy vehicle lanes are elevated over general-use lanes on the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles, CA Some cities that use separated HOV lanes make them reversible; i.e. usable only by inbound traffic during the morning rush and usable only by outbound traffic during the evening rush. Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-occupancy_vehicle_lane
Temporary emergency lane opening Emergency lanes increase the security on motorways Using the emergency lane means a higher security risk (about 25%) but increases also the road capacity with marginal costs Variable message signs • variable message signs have to be • used for lane allocation because of: • shift in direction • lane allocation on intersections • lane allocation before and after a tunnel • temporary emergency lane opening complete blocking of a tunnel Source: Hinweise zu variablen Fahrstreifenzuteilungen – Anwendungsbeispiele und Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Ausgabe 2003, FGSV e.V. Köln, ISBN: 3-937356-18-5
Saisonale Wärmespeicher künftig für Energiespeicherstraße Quelle: ITW, Universität Stuttgart
Bauarbeiten Erdsonden-Wärmespeicher in Neckarsulm Amorbach Quelle: ITW, Universität Stuttgart
Bauteiltemperierung: Energie liegt auf der Straße • Fahrbahnabsorber: mit Sommerwärme gegen Winterglatteis • Ziele: höhere Sicherheit, weniger Schäden an Belag u. Bauwerken Quelle: Fraunhofer Institut Bauphysik