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Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC

Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC. Alfredo Gurrola On behalf of TAMU (full list of collaborators in the slides to follow) Karlsruhe, Germany - August 19, 2009.

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Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC

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  1. Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC Alfredo Gurrola On behalf of TAMU (full list of collaborators in the slides to follow) Karlsruhe, Germany - August 19, 2009 Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 1

  2. Outline • Motivation • Goals • General approach to extracting Dark Matter relic density • Case studies: • Co-Annihilation • Focus point • Over-dense Dark Matter region • Work in progress Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 2

  3. Motivation: Content of the Universe Does not interact with light (“invisible”) Relic Density: A measure of the density of dark matter left in the universe Still Unknown “Normal” Matter Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 3

  4. Goal • Our main goal is to develop techniques/methods to extract the relic density from measurements at the Large Hadron Collider. • Relic density calculation depends on the particular case of interest: Standard Cosmology Non-Standard Cosmology Supercritical String Cosmology [Case 1] “Coannihilation (CA)” Region Arnowitt, Dutta, Gurrola, Kamon, Krislock, Toback, PRL100 (2008) 231802 For earlier studies, see Arnowittet al., PLB 649 (2007) 73; Arnowittet al., PLB 639 (2006) 46 e.g., Rolling dilation in Q-cosmology [Case 2] “Over-dense” Region Dutta, Gurrola, Kamon, Krislock, Lahanas, Mavromatos, Nanopoulos PRD 79 (2009) 055002 [Case 3] “HB/Focus Point” Region Arnowitt, Dutta, Flanagan, Gurrola, Kamon, Kolev, Krislock Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 4

  5. General Approach • We want to take a general approach that is “independent” (to the largest possible extent) of the particular model or scenario we are targeting: Measure the global SUSY scale - Allows us to filter out models/scenarios that are not consistent with the global scale 1 2 Identify smoking-gun variables - e.g. Different points in SUSY parameter space can allow for similar global scales. We need to find the “smoking-gun” variables to discriminate between them Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 5

  6. General Approach • We want to take a general approach that is “independent” (to the largest possible extent) of the particular model or scenario we are targeting: Parameterize variables in terms of “physical” values (SUSY masses) & model parameters - The parameterization is done by varying one SUSY mass or model parameter at a time, while keeping other masses/parameter constant 3 4 5 6 Determine SUSY masses Determine model parameters - We can also use the determination of the SUSY masses to test e.g. gaugino universality. W≟? Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 6

  7. mSUGRA (Benchmark Scenario) Determines the particle masses at the electroweak scale by solving the Renormalization Group Equations At the Grand Unified Scale: 4 parameters + 1 sign m1/2 Common gaugino mass at MG m0 Common scalar mass at MG A0 Trilinear couping at MG tanb<Hu>/<Hd> at the electroweak scale sign(m) Sign of Higgs mixing parameter (W(2) = m HuHd) Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 7

  8. mSUGRA (Benchmark Scenario) At the Grand Unified Scale: 4 parameters + 1 sign m1/2 Common gaugino mass at MG m0 Common scalar mass at MG A0 Trilinear couping at MG tanb<Hu>/<Hd> at the electroweak scale sign(m) Sign of Higgs mixing parameter (W(2) = m HuHd) Key experimental constraints Jegerlehner and Nyffeler, arXiv:0902.3360 Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 8

  9. Case 1: Co-Annihilation Region Within this framework, let’s look at the 1st dark matter allowed region: Co-Annhilation region tanb= 40 A0 = 0, m > 0 c m0 (GeV) Coannihilation Region 1 a b • Excluded by • Rare B decay bsg • No CDM candidate • Muon magnetic moment m1/2 (GeV) a b c Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 9

  10. Case 1: Co-Annihilation Region At the Grand Unified Scale: 4 parameters + 1 sign m1/2 Common gaugino mass at MG m0 Common scalar mass at MG A0 Trilinear couping at MG tanb<Hu>/<Hd> at the electroweak scale sign(m) Sign of Higgs mixing parameter (W(2) = m HuHd) Case 1 benchmark point: m0 = 210 m1/2 = 350 tanb = 40 A0 = 0 sign(m)>0 Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 10

  11. Case 1: Signature at LHC 2. Interested in events with or pairs 3. & Branching Ratios are ~ 97% 1. , Production is dominant SUSY process at LHC ( ) Excess in 3 final states: , , Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 11

  12. Case 1: Event Selection • In order to target events with , we require ≥ 2 hadronic t’s • et = 50%, ffake = 1% for pTvis > 20 GeV (CDF based) • Require large Missing Transverse Energy to target events with • High PT jets are required to target events with squarks/gluinos [1] References • hep-ph/0608193, Phys. Lett. B649 (2007) 73. R. Arnowitt et al a. b. c. d. Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 12

  13. Case 1: Smoking Gun Observables Sort τ’s by ET (ET1 > ET2 > …) & use OS-LS method to extract t pairs from the decays on a statistical basis Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 13

  14. Case 1: Smoking Gun Observables Slope of PT distribution contains ΔM Information. hep-ph/0603128 Slope of the soft t PT distribution has a DM dependence What is the dependence on the other SUSY masses? Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 14

  15. Case 1: More Observables p p Squark = 660 GeV Squark = 840 GeV We can combine the t’s to the jet from the squark decay to provide another mass peak • Mtt < Mttendpoint • Jets with ET > 100 GeV • Mjtt masses for each jet • Choose the 2nd largest value • Peak value ~ “True” Value Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 15

  16. Case 1: More Observables - Meff • ETj1>100 GeV, ETj2,3,4> 50 GeV [No e’s, m’s with pT > 20 GeV] • Meff > 400 GeV (Meff ETj1+ETj2+ETj3+ETj4+ ETmiss) [No b jets; eb ~ 50%] • ETmiss > max [100, 0.2 Meff] m1/2 = 335 GeV Meffpeak = 1220 GeV m1/2 = 351 GeV Meffpeak = 1274 GeV m1/2 = 365 GeV Meffpeak = 1331 GeV Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 16

  17. Case 1: SUSY Mass Determination We have 6 observables defined as functions of 5 SUSY masses 14119 GeV 10 fb-1 • Inverting Eqs. Testing gaugino universality at 15% level. Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 17

  18. Case 1: mSUGRA Parameters • Established the Co-Annihilation region • detected low energy taus (pTvis > 20 GeV) • observed the “smoking-gun” ditau mass • Determined SUSY Masses • e.g. LSP mass was measured to ~14% • tested gaugino universality to ~15% (10 fb-1) • Determining mSUGRA parameters • mSUGRA parameters cannot be determined directly from the SUSY masses → we need an observable that can provide us with another independent function of A0 and tanb • In general, it is NOT true that the determination of the SUSY masses from the mSUGRAparameters will give correct results (e.g. gaugino universality does not hold true) Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 18

  19. Case 1: More Observables - Meff(b) • ETj1>100 GeV, ETj2,3,4> 50 GeV [No e’s, m’s with pT > 20 GeV] • Meff(b)> 400 GeV (Meff(b)ETj1=b+ETj2+ETj3+ETj4+ ETmiss) [j1 = b jet] • ETmiss > max [100, 0.2 Meff] tanb = 48 Meff(b)peak = 933 GeV tanb = 40 Meff(b)peak = 1026 GeV tanb = 32 Meff(b)peak = 1122 GeV Arbitrary Scale units Meff(b)peak (GeV) Meff(b)can be used to probe A0 and tanb without measuring stop and sbottom masses Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 19

  20. Case 1: mSUGRA Parameters • Solved by inverting the following functions: 10 fb-1 Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 20

  21. Conclusion Lahanas, Mavromatos, Nanopoulos, PLB 649 (2007) 63 A0 = 0, tanb= 40 Dilaton effect creates new parameter space. m0 m1/2 Minimal SUGRA Smoking gun signals in the region? Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 21

  22. 2 Reference Points m1/2= 440 GeV; m0 = 471 GeV Appendix 86.8% m1/2= 600 GeV; m0 = 440 GeV Appendix 77.0% Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 22

  23. Case 2(a) : Higgs m1/2=440, m0=471, tanb=40, mtop=175 1041 1044 500 393 341 462 87% 181 114 ETmiss > 180 GeV; N(jet) > 2 with ET > 200 GeV; ETmiss + ETj1 + ETj2 > 600 GeV 13% N(b) > 2 with PT > 100 GeV; 0.4< DRbb < 1 91 Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 23

  24. 4 Kinematical Variables Side-band BG subtraction where: MeffETj1+ETj2+ETj3+ETj4+ ETmiss [No b jets; eb ~ 50%] Meff(b)ETj1=b+ETj2+ETj3+ETj4+ ETmiss Meff(bb)ETj1=b+ETj2=b+ETj3+ETj4+ ETmiss w/ side-band BG subtraction Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 24

  25. Kinematical Templates Band = Uncertainties with 1000 fb-1 Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 25

  26. Determining mSUGRA Parameters • Solved by inverting the following functions: Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 26

  27. DeterminingWh2 • Solved by inverting the following functions: 1000 fb-1 Note: These regions have large Wh2 if one just calculate based on standard cosmology. We put a factor of 0.1 for this non-standard cosmology. Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 27

  28. Case 2(b) : Stau and Higgs m1/2=600, m0=440, tanb=40, mtop=175 1366 1252 494 462 462 20.5% 376 249 114 Follow Case 2(a) and Case 1 77% Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 28

  29. Determining Wh2 • Solved by inverting the following functions: 500 fb-1 b/c stau helps to determine tanb accurately. Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 29

  30. Case 2 Summary • Over-dense Dark Matter Region: • sOD-CDM ~ sCDM /10 • Implication at the LHC: • Region where c20 decays to Higgs • dWCDM /WCDM ~ 150% (1000 fb-1) • Region where c20 decays to stau and Higgs • dWCDM /WCDM ~ 20% (500 fb-1) • Future Work: • More over-dense and under-dense cases? Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 30

  31. Abram Krislock’s image of HB/FP, October 18, 2008 Z m0, A0, m, tanb Z Z Z Prospects at the LHC A few mass measurements are available: 2nd and 3rdneutralinos, and gluino Question Can we make a cosmological measurement? m1/2, m, tanb Minimal SUGRA Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 31

  32. Part 1 : New to Probe Wh2 A4x4 (m1/2, m, tanb) Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 32

  33. dD21anddD32dmandd tanb assuming Example (m = 195, tanb = 10): dD21/D21 dD31/D31 d tanb/tanb d tanb/tanb arbitrary scale arbitrary scale dm/m dm/m Let’s test this idea: (1) (1) (2) 300 fb-1 • D. Tovey, “Dark Matter Searches of ATLAS,” PPC 2007 • H. Baer et al., “Precision Gluino Mass at the LHC in SUSY Models with Decoupled Scalars,” Phys. Rev. D75, 095010 (2007), reporting 8% with 100 fb-1 Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 33

  34. Wh2 Determination LHC Goal: D21 and D32 at 1-2% and gluino mass at 5% Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 34

  35. Part 2 : Mass Measurements Reconstructing two top quarks! e.g., "Perspectives for the detection and measurement of Supersymmetry in the focus point region of mSUGRA models with the ATLAS detector at LHC," U. De Sanctis, T. Lari, S. Montesano, C. Troncon, arXiv:0704.2515v1 [hep-ex] (Eur.Phys.J.C52:743-758,2007)  No gluino mass measurement. Question (& HW) Can we improve the gluino mass measurement by using a simultaneous detection of neutralinos and tops? Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 35

  36. CSI Summary Reports: mSUGRA tanb= 40 A0 = 0, m > 0 HB/Focus Point Region 3 c m0 (GeV) Note: g-2 data may still be controversial. Over-dense DM Region 2 a b m1/2 (GeV) Coannihilation Region 1 • Excluded by • Rare B decay bsg • No CDM candidate • Muon magnetic moment a b c Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 36

  37. “Smoking Gun Signal” Snapshots tanb= 40 A0 = 0, m > 0 3 T. Kamon, Talk at “The LHC and Dark Matter” Univ. of Michigan, Jan. 7, 2009 c m0 (GeV) 2 a PRD 79 (2009) 055002 b OS m1/2 (GeV) LS OS-LS 1 • Excluded by • Rare B decay bsg • No CDM candidate • Muon magnetic moment a PRL100 (2008) 231802 b c Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 37

  38. Goals • Our main goal is to develop techniques/methods to extract the relic density from measurements at the Large Hadron Collider. • Standard Cosmology vs. Non-Standard Cosmology • Standard: • mSUGRA Co-Annihilation Region  • mSUGRA Focus Point Region  • Non-Standard: • Over-dense Dark Matter Region  • Minimal vs. Non-Minimal scenarios • Minimal: mSUGRA  • Non-Minimal: Work in Progress (see backup slides) Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 38

  39. Goals *) Graduate student, #) REU student [Case 1] “Coannihilation (CA)” Region Arnowitt, Dutta, Gurrola,*)Kamon, Krislock,*)Toback, PRL100 (2008) 231802 For earlier studies, see Arnowittet al., PLB 649 (2007) 73; Arnowittet al., PLB 639 (2006) 46 W - 1 Constant in time? [Case 3] “HB/Focus Point” Region Arnowitt, Dutta, Flanagan,#)Gurrola,*)Kamon, Kolev, Krislock*) e.g., Quintessence – Scalar field dark energy [Case 2] “Over-dense Dark Matter” Region Dutta, Gurrola,*)Kamon, Krislock,*) Lahanas, Mavromatos, Nanopoulos PRD 79 (2009) 055002 [Case 4] “Non-universality” Arnowitt, Dutta, Kamon, Kolev, Krislock*) [Case 5] New project 1 Dutta, Kamon, Krislock,*)Gupta [Case 6] New project 2 Allahverdi, Bornhauser, Dutta, Kamon, Richardson-McDaniel*) Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 39

  40. Summary Goal: Develop technique(s) to test minimal and non-minimal scenarios and extract Wh2 (standard and non-standard cosmology cases) at the LHC where a limited number of SUSY mass measurements are available. • So far 4 cases were studied or are being studied: • Case 1: Coannihilation region • Case 2: Over-dense DM region (sOdCDM~ sCDM /10) • Case 3: HB/Focus Point region • Case 4: Non-universal Higgs CSI: Cosmology at the LHC Collider Scene Investigation • Future: • Further improvements • New cases … in progress Aug. 19, 2009 Probing Supersymmetric Cosmology at the LHC 40

  41. Backup Slides

  42. [Non-universality Case] • Is a cosmological measurement possible? • Start with over-abundance region in SSC-like mSUGRA (e.g., m1/2 = 500, m0 = 360, mHu= 360) • Reduce Higgs coupling parameter, m, by increasing mHu(m1/2 = 500, m0 = 360, mHu =732) •  Extra contributions to Wh2 •  More annihilation (less abundance) •  Normal values of Wh2 • Find smoking gun signals • Technique to calculate Wh2 Non-minimal SUGRA

  43. W’s

  44. Start with “JW” ETmiss > 180 GeV; N(J) > 2 with ET > 200 GeV; ETmiss + ETJ1 + ETJ2 > 600 GeV N(j) > 2 with pT > 30 GeV N(b) > 0 with pT > 30 GeV N(t) = 0 with pT > 20 GeV Jet Mix to extract W’s & & Appendix Note there might be b-jets and/or t-jets in event, but not counted as “J” nor “j”. 500-360-732 Ture = 714 GeV(c1+/-) [Vetoing events with any t’ s with pT > 20 GeV] Endpoint = 774 GeV Ture = 739 GeV(c40) Ture = 739 GeV(c40) MJW

  45. MJW, shifting with mHu 500-360-732 500-360-694 500-360-582 Endpoint = 774 GeV Ture = 739 GeV(c40) Endpoint = 856 GeV Ture = 813 GeV(c1+/-) Endpoint = 900 GeV Ture = 867 GeV(c1+/-) 867 813 739

  46. Extraction of Model Parameters Work in Progress …

  47. Minimal-type SO(10) Work in Progress …

  48. Non-minimal SUGRA Work in Progress …

  49. Bsmm

  50. From the Tevatron

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