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2. 1. Группа Acinetobacter (89%) 93% symbiont Alvinella pompejana (Campbell et.al., unpublished). Рис.1 Результаты DGGE Камчатских проб с Bact. и Arch. праймерами. Форез 1 : NPT1 Bact. pr. и 47K Bact. pr. ( градиент 35-65% ) Форез 2 : NPT1 Bact. pr. (градиент 35-55%)
2 1 Группа Acinetobacter (89%) 93% symbiont Alvinella pompejana (Campbell et.al., unpublished) Рис.1 Результаты DGGE Камчатских проб с Bact. и Arch. праймерами. Форез 1: NPT1 Bact. pr. и 47K Bact. pr. (градиент 35-65%) Форез 2: NPT1 Bact. pr. (градиент 35-55%) Форез 3: NPT1 Bact. и Arch pr.; 47K Bact. pr. (градиент 35-65%) NPT1 3 Группа Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter (родственников термофилов не обнаружено) NPT1 47K NPT1 NPT1 47K 96% Uncultured bact. clones Napoli and Urania (Heijs et.al.) 95% Uncultured bact. clone (Zhao et.al., unpublished, deepsea sediment from the Pacific Warm Pool) 95% Uncultured bact. (Madrid et.al., 2001, anoxic zone of the Cariaco Basin) Группа Acinetobacter (87%) 87% Uncultured gamma-Proteobact. (Bonheyo et.al. unpublished, microbial diversity, Yellowstone Park) Группа Brevundimonas (97% ) 97% Uncultured clones Urania (Heijs et.al.) 96% Uncultured bact. clones Napoli and Urania (Heijs et.al.) 93% Uncultured bact. (Laniol et.al.., 2001, Bact. and Arch. associated with Gulf of Mexico gas hydrates) Группа Acinetobacter (93%) 91% symbiont Alvinella (Campbell et.al.) 93% Thermophic anaerobic bact. (Huang et.al., unpublished, Guguan hot spring) 93% Uncultured bact. (Godon et.al., unpublished, anaerobic digestor) Группа Rhizobiales (Ochrobactrum (88%), Brucella (87%) (Термофилы не обнаружены)) Группа Cytophaga/Bacteroidetes (92%) Группа Acinetobacter 91% symbiont Alvinella 96% Uncultured bact. clones Napoli and Urania (Heijs et.al., unpublished, deepsea mud volcanoes in eastern Mideterranean) 93% Uncultured bact. clone (Zhao et.al., unpublished, deepsea Western Pacific ) 1 Группа Thermoanaerobacter (93%) 93% delta-Proteobact. (Alain et.al., 2003, bacterial assemblage associated with polychaete of the hydrothermal vent) 91% Thiobacillus thermosulfates (небольшой участок сходства) 96% Uncultured bact. Clones Napoli and Urania 97% Uncultured bact. (Nakagawa et.al. Japanese hot spring) 96% Dictyoglomus thermophilum 95% Uncult.bact. clone (Spear et.al., 2005, Yellowstone Park) Группа Acinetobacter (97%) 89% Uncultured bact. 01463 (Orphan et.al., 2000, high temperature oil reservoirs) Группа Acinetobacter (89%) 89% Uncultured bact. 01463 (Orphan et.al., 2000, high temperature oil reservoirs) 82% Uncultured bact. (Donachic et.al., unpublished, microbial diversity in the Hawaiian Archipelago) 82% Uncultured bact.(Orphan et.al., 2000, petroleum reservoirs) Группа Brevundimonas = Pseudomonas (α-Proteobact. 97%) 97% Uncultured clone Urania (Heijs et.al.) 97% Uncultured bact. (Inagaki et.al.,2003, Japanese epitharmal gold mine) Группа Brevundimonas (α-Proteobact. 95%) 97% Uncultured clone Urania (Heijs et.al.) 97% Uncultured bact. (Inagaki et.al.,2003, Japanese epitharmal gold mine)
2 1 Группа Acinetobacter (89%) 93% symbiont Alvinella pompejana (Campbell et.al., unpublished) Рис.1 Результаты DGGE Камчатских проб с Bact. и Arch. праймерами. Форез 1: NPT1 Bact. pr. и 47K Bact. pr. (градиент 35-65%) Форез 2: NPT1 Bact. pr. (градиент 35-55%) Форез 3: NPT1 Bact. и Arch pr.; 47K Bact. pr. (градиент 35-65%) NPT1 3 Группа Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter (родственников термофилов не обнаружено) NPT1 47K NPT1 NPT1 47K 96% Uncultured bact. clones Napoli and Urania (Heijs et.al.) 95% Uncultured bact. clone (Zhao et.al., unpublished, deepsea sediment from the Pacific Warm Pool) 95% Uncultured bact. (Madrid et.al., 2001, anoxic zone of the Cariaco Basin) Группа Acinetobacter (87%) 87% Uncultured gamma-Proteobact. (Bonheyo et.al. unpublished, microbial diversity, Yellowstone Park) Группа Brevundimonas (97% ) 97% Uncultured clones Urania (Heijs et.al.) 96% Uncultured bact. clones Napoli and Urania (Heijs et.al.) 93% Uncultured bact. (Laniol et.al.., 2001, Bact. and Arch. associated with Gulf of Mexico gas hydrates) Подобные клоны обнаружены в воде Группа Acinetobacter (93%) 91% symbiont Alvinella (Campbell et.al.) 93% Thermophic anaerobic bact. (Huang et.al., unpublished, Guguan hot spring) 93% Uncultured bact. (Godon et.al., unpublished, anaerobic digestor) Группа Rhizobiales (Ochrobactrum (88%), Brucella (87%) (Термофилы не обнаружены) Группа Cytophaga/Bacteroidetes (92%) Группа Acinetobacter 91% symbiont Alvinella 96% Uncultured bact. clones Napoli and Urania (Heijs et.al., unpublished, deepsea mud volcanoes in eastern Mideterranean) 93% Uncultured bact. clone (Zhao et.al., unpublished, deepsea Western Pacific ) 1 Группа Thermoanaerobacter (93%) 93% delta-Proteobact. (Alain et.al., 2003, bacterial assemblage associated with polychaete of the hydrothermal vent) 91% Thiobacillus thermosulfates (небольшой участок сходства) 96% Uncultured bact. Clones Napoli and Urania 97% Uncultured bact. (Nakagawa et.al. Japanese hot spring) 96% Dictyoglomus thermophilum 95% Uncult.bact. clone (Spear et.al., 2005, Yellowstone Park) Группа Acinetobacter (97%) 89% Uncultured bact. 01463 (Orphan et.al., 2000, high temperature oil reservoirs) Группа Acinetobacter (89%) 89% Uncultured bact. 01463 (Orphan et.al., 2000, high temperature oil reservoirs) 82% Uncultured bact. (Donachie et.al., unpublished, microbial diversity in the Hawaiian Archipelago) Подобные клоны обнаружены в воде 82% Uncultured bact.(Orphan et.al., 2000, petroleum reservoirs) Группа Brevundimonas = Pseudomonas (α-Proteobact. 97%) 97% Uncultured clone Urania (Heijs et.al.) 97% Uncultured bact. (Inagaki et.al.,2003, Japanese epitharmal gold mine) Группа Brevundimonas (α-Proteobact. 95%) 97% Uncultured clone Urania (Heijs et.al.) 97% Uncultured bact. (Inagaki et.al.,2003, Japanese epitharmal gold mine)
Плохой сиквенс (Mus. ьusculus) 96% Carboxydobrachium pacificus 96% Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis NPT1 019 019 1321 1321 92% Carboxydocella thermoautotrophica 93% Carboxydocella sporoforma 47K NPT1 NPT1 019 019 1321 1321 H2O 95% Uncultured bact. (Nakagawa et.al., 2002, thermophilic sulfate-reducing bact. Within Cu-Pb-Zn mine) 94% Carboxydocella sporoforma 93% Carboxydocella thermoautotrophica Группа Сytophaga/ Flexibacter/Bacteroidetes 95% Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis 94% Carboxydobrachium pacificus Группа Acinetobacter (Почти все некульт.) 95% Uncultured bact. (Elsaie et.al., 2004, deep-sea hydrothermal vent water, Japan) 95% Uncultured bact. (Takami et.al., 1997, deepest sea mud) 96% Carboxydocella thermoautotrophica 96% Carboxydobrachium pacificus 96% Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis Сиквенс не получился 1 96% Carboxydobrachium pacificus 96% Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis 2 97% Uncultured bact. clones Napoli and Urania (Heijs et.al., unpublished, deepsea mud volcanoes in eastern Mideterranean) 97% Uncultured bact. (Takami et.al., 1997) 97% Uncultured bact. (Inagaki,Horikoshi et.al., 2003, Japan epithermal gold mine ) 93% Carboxydocella thermoautotrophica 3 95% Carboxydocella thermoautotrophica 96% Carboxydocella sporoforma 96% Группа Desulfotomaculum и Thermoanaerobacter 95% Tab. tengcongensis 96% Carboxydobrachium pacificus 96% Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis Группа Thermoanaerobacter 95% Tab. siderofilus Группа -Proteobact. Низкое сходство 89% Uncultured bact. (Miyoshi et.al., unpublished, deep sea hydrothermal vent) Рис. 2 Результаты DGGE Камчатских проб и накопительных культур с Bact. Праймерами (денатурирующий градиент 35%-65%). Дорожки: 1-NPT1, 2-019/H2+Fe, 3-019, 4-1321/H2, 5-1321, 6-H2O, 7-47K, 8-NPT1, 9-NPT1, 10-019/H2+Fe, 11-019, 12-1321/H2, 13-1321. H2O: 1-Сиквенс не получен, 2-группа Pseudomonas 89% Bact. (Donachie et.al., unpublished, microbial diversity in the Hawaiian Archipelago) 89% Uncultured bact. (Lanoil et.al., 2001, Bact. and Arch. associated with Gulf of Mexico gas hydrates), 3-группа Pseudomonas 93% Uncultured gamma-Proteobact. (Li et.al., 1999, deepest cold-seep area) 93% Uncultured bact. (Donachie et.al., unpublished) 95% Carboxydobrachium pacificus 94% Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis