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Jamarri R. Aikins, M.A.

Predictors of Positive Adjustment in Children Exposed to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Hurricane Katrina. Jamarri R. Aikins, M.A. Introduction. 50% - 60% of the U.S. population will be exposed to a traumatic event; however, only 5% - 10% develop PTSD.

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Jamarri R. Aikins, M.A.

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  1. Predictors of Positive Adjustment in Children Exposed to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Hurricane Katrina Jamarri R. Aikins, M.A.

  2. Introduction • 50% - 60% of the U.S. population will be exposed to a traumatic event; however, only 5% - 10% develop PTSD. • Posttraumatic Growth – Positive psychological change experienced as a result of the struggle with highly challenging life circumstances. • Resilience – The ability to maintain stable levels of psychological and physical functioning after exposure to aversive life circumstances.

  3. Social Support and Positive Adjustment • Social support has been identified as a significant predictor of resiliency • Relationship between source of support and resiliency is unclear

  4. Coping and Positive Adjustment • “Coping” – Processes that are employed to reduce anxiety and distress. • Positive coping strategies decrease severe psychopathology post disaster and is associated with greater personal adjustment.

  5. Summary and Purpose • Evaluate social support and coping strategies used by children exposed to Hurricane Katrina and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill • Hypotheses • Positive coping strategies will predict greater amounts of positive adjustment • Greater amounts of social support will lead to greater amounts of positive adjustment although the source of support may vary.

  6. Results • Hurricane Katrina • Children who reported more social support from peers and teachers reported greater levels of adjustment. • Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill • Social support from parents and peers was associated with greater levels of adjustment. • Destructive coping was associated with lower levels of adjustment.

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