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TECHNOLOGY 2kreviews.com
Where are we heading? • What is Technology? • The Technology Curriculum • The Three Strands Of Technology • Teaching Technology To Children.
An Overview: Page 1/2 • STRAND A=KNOW HOW=The practical part of technology the doing and making. • STRAND B=KNOW THAT=The skills and terminology required for technology in knowing what methods to use and when. • STRAND C=KNOW WHY=The history, background, research and impact of technology in our society and on us.
LEARNING INTENTION ONE • To clearly define what Technology is and what each strand in the curriculum is about so we can teach and explain this to children.
LEARNING INTENTION TWO • To understand what the nature of technology means in the New Zealand curriculum.
LEARNING INTENTION THREE • To develop a range of teaching strategies at various levels within the nature of technology strand.
TEACHING STRATEGIES TRACKING SHEET • Use the sheet on pages three-six to fill out useful activities and teaching tips that you pick up during our sessions on Technology. • Remember while all the activities are linked to technology you can also use them in other curriculum areas.
WONDERBOARD • On the large sheet provided use the post it notes to record what you are wondering about Technology. • On the second sheet provided use the post it notes to record what you think you know about Technology. • Sign your name at the bottom of the post it notes.
THINK ABOUT THIS… • What is the wonder board activity an example of? • Why did I get you to write your names down? • What could a teacher do with this information?
YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION OF TECHNOLOGY • On page seven record your own definition of what you think Technology is and what you think the nature of technology means.
SUMMARIZING TECHNOLOGY • Refer to your own technology definition. Compare it to the definitions that you have on pages 8,9 and 10. • Is there other things you could add to make your own definition better? • What do you notice about the difference between the international and NZ definitions of Technology?
TECHNOLOGY IN THE CURRICULUM • As with many of the old curriculum documents they are now a supporting document of the new curriculum. • Read and highlight the main points on pg11/12 • With a partner discuss the following questions. • What impact does Technology have on our lives? • Why teach Technology to our children? • What do children gain from learning experiences in Technology?
A GREAT HOOK • You Tube is a brilliant way of grabbing children’s attention. • Observe the You Tube clip and think about the message it is giving. • What understanding of the nature of technology does it provide?
THE MISCONCEPTION OF TECHNOLOGY • Using THINK PAIR SHARE discuss the first thing children and adults will think of when you ask them what Technology is. • The answer is mostly computers, IPods cell phones and so on.
THE NATURE OF TECHNOLOGY STRAND • The nature of technology strand has been introduced, to address the need, for more in depth understanding on the purpose and characteristics of technology.
ADDRESSING THE KEY ISSUES USING SIX HAT THINKING • Refer to the activity on page 13 and 14. • Use Six Hat Thinking to explore the quotes from Set Research Information for teachers/ N.O. 1, 2004 “Putting Students at the Centre developing effective learners in primary technology classrooms”
QUOTE ONE • “ Students perceptions of the nature of technology are linked to the effectiveness of their learning in technology” BLUE HAT THINKING
QUOTE TWO “When teachers do not teach about the nature of technology, few students talk broadly or comprehensively about it and they find it difficult to build an overview of the subject tending to define it in terms of the current activity they are undertaking.” (Continued to next page…)
QUOTE TWO (Continued from last page…) “For example, when making a timer such students think that technology is making timers, and when making electronic games they think technology is making electronic games. They have difficulty making generalizations about technology.” BLACK HAT THINKING
QUOTE THREE • “When teachers change their teaching practice to include repeated opportunities for students to discuss the nature of technology, students begin to view technology as a purposeful designing and constructing artifacts and systems rather than seeing technology as the artifact they are currently making.” YELLOW HAT THINKING
QUOTE FOUR • “Teachers may talk with students about technology during informal unplanned times and during planned times such as during general class-news times and during planned times such as at the beginning of technology sessions.” HOOK!! GREEN HAT THINKING
QUOTE FIVE • “The research showed that when given these talks and opportunities students also began to see that technology is about the improvement of artifacts, lifestyle, and the environment and that different groups of people influence the development and use of technologies.” WHITE HAT THINKING
QUOTE SIX Children’s quotes • Edward (6 years) “It’s about making things so that they are better.” • Jerome (7years) “its human made. It’s learning about trying to improve things.” • Marcia (9 Years) “It is something made and used to make life easier. It’s something made to do something. You can even design for someone else to make.” • Rachel (10 Years) “It’s about designing and making ideas and better things for our world.” RED HAT THINKING
ADDITIONAL EXTRA • Assisting Students To Build A Broad , Comprehensive Understanding Of The Nature Of Technology Helps Them To See Technology In The World Around Them And To Build An Overview About The Nature Of Technology. CHOOSE YOUR OWN THINKING HAT
TEACHING STRATEGIES • As we explore a range of activities to enable students to explore the nature of technology use your sheet on page 3-6 to record your ideas • Think about which level the activities would suit the best. • Also consider how could the activities be adapted to suit junior, middle and senior pupils
THE THINKING KEYS A Great thinking tool for all areas of the curriculum. Certain keys cater to technology perfectly • Alternative Key • Invention Key • Construction Key • Brainstorming key • Questions key: The answer is technology • Alphabet key • Prediction key • Different uses key
EXPLORING THE THINKING KEYS • In groups of two or three rotate around the room and become familiar with the keys • Remember to fill out your teaching strategies sheet as you go • Be prepared to share with the whole group how the keys help to explore the nature of technology.
TECHNOLOGY IN THE ENVIRONMENT • Using the local environment and objects that are familiar to children can be a fun and practical way to help them understand the nature of technology.
PICTURE INTERPRETATION • ACTIVITY 1: • Look at the pictures provided to you in the envelopes. Discuss how they work and what they do.
HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS • ACTIVITY 2 - Use everyday house hold items to explore the following questions • Why was it made? • What did the technologist think about when making it?
GO FOR A TECHNOLOGY WALK • Go for a walk around school and identify all the objects that are a result of technology and those that are not • List the characteristics that make an object a technology • Refer to your booklet on pg 15/16
MAKING COMPARSIONS • Compare a normal phone to a cell phone. What are the similarities and differences? Refer to pg 17 • Use a Venn diagram to compare board games verses electronic games. Refer to page 18
THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY • Choose a technological outcome such as computers, television, cell phones and so on • How has it helped people? • How has it not helped people? • PMI’s can also be a great way to record the impact of technology. Pg 19
CHANGING TECHNOLOGY • Explore how an object has changed over time such as TV's, music players, • Research and make a timeline of the historical development of a technological concept. (The Bendy Straw). • How has communication changed over time such as oral, written and computers?
REFLECTION • Refer back to your definition of technology and the nature of technology strand. Refer to the new curriculum pg 32 and the A.O.s • Fill out your modified version of each definition. • Fill out the first part on page 20 • Share and discuss this with a partner
FINAL WRAP UP!! Have we achieved the purpose of our session? Are you feeling more confident in using the nature of technology strand? • YOU TUBE clip to finish.
NEXT…. • Next we will explore the Technological Knowledge Strand. Till Than Take Care and Goodbye !!!