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Quality of e-Learning – How are we doing and can we do better?

Explore the significance of e-Learning in nursing education, focusing on information, technology, and digital communication skills to enhance patient outcomes in a technical sector. Discuss factors like accessibility, flexibility, interactivity, and personalization crucial for e-Learning success. Learn about strategic management, curriculum design, course delivery, staff, and student support. Discover ways to integrate e-Learning effectively into daily work routines. Collaborate with NGL centers and ICT departments for curriculum development. Embrace OER for quality enhancement, empower students' responsibility, and innovate clinical practice methods. Contact the authors for more information.

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Quality of e-Learning – How are we doing and can we do better?

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  1. Quality of e-Learning – How are we doing and can we do better? Inger L Santesson, Jan Florin & Marie Elf Högskolan Dalarna, Falun

  2. Why e-Learning in Nursing education? Information skills – Evidence-basednursing Technology skills – To improve patient outcomes in a highly technical sector Digital communication skills - e-Health (WHO 2012) Flexibility – Increased mobility and diversity Health care staff – even in rural areas

  3. Factors of importencefor e-Learning Accessibility Flexibility Interactivity Personalisation

  4. EADTU e-XcellenceEADTU – European Associated Distance Education Universities Strategic management Curriculum design Course design Course delivery Staff support Students support

  5. Strategic management Visions and Strategies NGL-Vision, Strategy & Researchprogram Quality process Organisation and management e-Learning strategy – Educationstrategy DU

  6. Curriculum - Course design Personalisation ConstructiveAlignments Explicit guidelines Interactivity Formative and summative assessment Prevent impersonation and/or plagiarism

  7. Course delivery Collaboration Technical infrastructure VLE (Virtuallearningenvironment) Reliability and security Portfolio System maintenance Information

  8. Staff support Education Support/Feedback Learning environment Legal advice Exchange and collaboration

  9. Students support Support Information Responsibilities/Rules/Regulations Services – different offices Library Alumni access

  10. Results E-learning needs to be a natural part of daily work such as… Create arenas for discussions about the use of pedagogy, technology, experiences and skills among students and staff Pedagogy in focus with pedagogical models and objectives focused on learning activities and goals Monitoring the e-Learning impact on learning and students learning experiences regularly Active Recruitment process of staff, training and research needs for developing e-Learning and learning outcomes ICT department and NGL center should be invited and involved in curriculum/course design process and course delivering Enhance collaboration with departments, research groups and institutions

  11. Strategies for the future Quality improvement due to a framework OER (Open Education Resources) Flexibility and Transparency Empowering of the Student - Responsibility Develop new methods for Clinical practice and skills

  12. Inger L Santesson ilu@du.seJan Florin jfl@du.se Marie Elf mel@du.se

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