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Discover the importance of the compilation of hadith and how it was preserved throughout history. Learn about the different stages and the significance of this process for Muslims today.
On whiteboard………..Recap summary • Definition of Hadith……. • What is Sunnah? • 3 points on the importance of hadith…… 1. 2. 3.
Why compilation of the religious text is important for a religious community?
The Compilation of Hadith Purpose of lesson How hadith were compiled-preserved? What is the significance of the methods of hadith compilation for Muslims today?
The compilation of Hadith is divided into four stages: TheProphet Muhammad (till 10 A.H). Sahaba- (11 A.H. to 100 A.H). Tabiun-(101 to nearly 200 A.H). TabaTabiun- (200 A.H. to 300 A.H).
On whiteboardDo you know these terms? • Hadith … • Sahabah … • Tabiun … • Tab’aTabiun …
Compilation….. 1. The Period of the Prophet [The companions, in particular, who had weaker memories used to write them down for memorizing and preservation] • Abû Bakr had a ṣaḥîfa(scroll) in which was written: “This is the Zakah that the Messenger of Allah obligated upon the Muslims…” and then it mentioned the amounts a person must pay. • The Prophet once dictated to Ali ibn Abi Talib and he wrote on a large piece of parchment on both sides. He also had a sahifa (pamphlet) from the Prophet which was on Zakah(the poor due) and taxes. • Amr ibn Hazmas the governor of Yemen, the Prophet himself gave him a letter containing the times of prayer, methods of prayer, details of ablution, booty, taxation, Zakah, etc.
Compilation….. 1. The Period of the Prophet • Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As, a young Makkan, also used to write down all that he heard from the Prophet. He had even asked the Prophet if he could make notes of all that he said. The Prophet replied in the affirmative. Abdullah called this compilation SahifahSadiqa(The Scroll of the Truth). It was later incorporated into the larger collection of Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal. • Anas, a young Madinan, was the Prophet’s personal attendant for ten years. Anas had written down the tradition on scrolls. He used to unroll these documents and say: “These are the sayings of the Prophet, which I have noted and then also read out to him to have any mistakes corrected.” Some other documents dictated by the Prophet himself — official letters, missionary letters, treaties of peace and alliance addressed to different tribes— all these were later incorporated into larger collections of Hadith.
Independent tasks • Read through the handout page 2 &3 ‘The Period of the Prophet till 10 AH (After Hijra)’ • Design a poster using different colour pens based on the process of compilation of hadith during prophet’s time draw images where appropriate except Muhammad’s portrait. • Include the significance of this period of compilation of hadith? • You may discuss on your desk OR ask me if any assistance is needed
Feedback Compilation….. the Period of the ProphetWhat is significance of this period? The preservation of Hadith began in Prophet Muhammad’s life. The Prophet dictated some documents Himself, which shows that it was considered an important task to preserve Islam. This was also an indication for the companions to complete the task.
Compilation….. 2. The period of the Companions of the Prophet. • After the death of the Prophet, interest in Hadith literature increased greatly on two accounts. • The Companions who knew the Hadith at first hand were gradually passing away. Therefore, it became great concern to preserve the precious Hadith literature that had been stored in their memories. • The number of converts was growing and they showed great eagerness to learn as much about the traditions as possible. • The companions devoted their lives to collect hadith from different centres of learning, preserving a large number of traditions. • The rightly guided Caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali) established ‘The centres for the learning’ of traditions. • The disciple undertook long journeys to collect traditions from different Companions.
Task Decoding the text 2. The period of the companions of the Prophet (11 to 100 A.H) • Now page 3-4 in pairs go through the bullet points and decode them as an image. • Make sure you should be able to read the image. • At the end of your decoding draw a comprehensive image that highlights the significance of the period. • Swap your decoded text with your partner to read each other’s work
Compilation…3. The Age of Tabiun(101 to 200 A.H) • The work of compilation took place on a large scale during the age of Tabiun, the disciples of the disciples. • Muhammad ibn Shihab Al Zuhri, the first regular compiler, was one of the most distinguished traditionists. • Ibn ShihabZuhriand Abu Bakr Al-Hazm were asked by Umar ibn Abdul Aziz, the Umayyad caliph, to prepare a collection of all available traditions. • Umar bin Abul Aziz wrote to Abu Bakr Al Hazm: asking to collect hadith down, showing fear of loss and wished to spread knowledge in public. • The first regular collection: The Al Muwattaof Imam Malik (716-795), contained a collection of 1700 traditions.
Task on the compilation period of Tabiun • Read the 3rd period of Hadith compilation; • Then…….Explain in your notes. • What does indicate that the work of compilation took place in a larger scale? • Why this work of compilation in larger scale is significant in Islam? Feedback!
Compilation…4. The period of Tab’aTabi’un(Followers of the Successors) The period between 200 to 300 A.H., is called ‘The golden age’ in Hadith literature. • The Prophet’s traditions were separated from the reports of the companions and their successors. • The authentic traditions were very carefully examined from the “weak” traditions and then these were compiled in book-form. • Elaborate rules were framed, canons were devised to distinguish the true from the false traditions in accordance with clear principles.
Compilation…4. The period of Tab’aTabi’un(Followers of the Successors) The Security: Hadith was given to the recorded chains of witnesses (isnad); Check on the possibilities of the witnesses whether they met or not and whether they were trustworthy. This activity, carried out to ensure the authenticity of the text of hadith itself. All traditions therefore fall into three general categories: (Sahih): sound, having a reliable and uninterrupted chain of narrators (isnad) and a text (matn) that does not contradict orthodox belief; (Hasan): good those with an incomplete chain of narrators or with transmitters of questionable authority. (Dhaif) weak those whose transmitters are subject to serious criticism.
On whiteboard Task • Now you are on the final period of compilation of hadith on page 4-5 ‘The period of Tab’aTabi’un’ • Discuss the points in pairs: - Why this period of compilation called ‘The golden age’? - List a few points as a significance of this period of compilation of hadith.
On the whiteboard What do these terms mean? • Hadith … • Sahih… • Hasan … • Dhaif…
Six authentic Hadith books (Sunni Collection) • Muhammad b. Ismail al Bukhari, (194 A.H.-256 A.H.): Sahih. This work is next to the Quran in authenticity. • Muslimbin Qushairi (204 A.H.-261 A.H.): Sahih. This is the next most important work on Hadith. • Ibn Majah(202 A.H.-275 A.H.): • Sunan Abu Isa al Tirmizi (209 A.H.-279 A.H.): • Jame Abu Abdur Rahman an Nasai(214 A.H.-303 A.H.): • Sunan Abu Da‘ud(202 A.H.-275 A.H.): Sunan
Shia Collection, a different collection from Sunnis In the Shi'a branch of Islam, the recognised hadith collections are the four books: • Kitab-al-Kafi, • Man la yahuruhu al Fiqh • Tahdhib al-Ahkam • Al- Istibar • Shi'a Muslims do not use the Sunni collection as they do not trust many of the Sunni narrators and transmitters. • Unlike Sunnis, Shia do not consider any of their hadith collections to be Sahih (authentic) in their entirety. Therefore, every individual hadith in a specific collection must be investigated separately to determine its authenticity.
Why ‘The Quranists’ hold such a denial view about hadith? • Some minor groups, collectively known as Quranists, reject the authority of the hadith. • The hadith also had a profound and controversial influence on moulding the commentaries of the Quran. The earliest commentary of the Quran known as Tafsir Ibn Abbas is sometimes attributed to the companion Ibn Abbas, but this is rejected by the Quranists. But the question is …. How is it possible to have a better understanding of the Qur’an without Prophet Muhammad’s explanations which are called hadith?
Look at page 5 and answer the question in the handout. • What is difference between Sunni, Shia versions of hadith? • What the Qur’anists’ view? Why they hold such a denial position?
Feedback Sunni Shi’a
On whiteboard--- summary feedback What is Significance of the compilation of hadith? • Prophet Muhammad’s himself dictated His companions, which shows that this was importance to be carried on after Him. • ‘The establishment of learning centre’ (Companions period) • The companions devoted their lives for the task. • First regular hadith book ‘Mawata Imam Malik’ • The reports of Prophet and the companions’ were separated • Security of Hadith and to Ensure authenticity
HomeworkPlan for the essay question ‘Hadith is the 2nd most important religious source in Islam’. Analyse.
The Compilation of Hadith Purpose How hadith were compiled-preserved? What is the significance of the methods of hadith compilation for Muslims today?