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Gramática. A few notes about grammar. Make sure you are studying at least 20 minutes a night !. Adjectives. Adjectives modify nouns Adjectives are description words for : people , places, things , or ideas Adjectives are typically placed after the noun
Gramática A few notes aboutgrammar Makesureyou are studyingat least20 minutes a night!
Adjectives • Adjectivesmodifynouns • Adjectives are descriptionwordsfor: people, places, things, or ideas • Adjectives are typically placed afterthenoun • Theexceptiontothis rule isquantity- they are placed beforenoun • Whichadjectives do youknow, besidesnumbers, that are quantitative? “mucho” and “poco”
Adjectives Key: Qualitativeadjective Quantitativeadjective Noun • Adjectivesmustagree in quantity (singular or plural) and gender (masculineorfeminine) • (We’vealreadygoneoverthis- youshouldhavethe notes foritalready. Thisisjustreview)
Contractions • Weonlyhave 2 contractions in Spanish: • a + el = al • de + el = del • “a”- at/to • “de”- of/from • “el”- the • Every time youhavetheword “a” or “de” in a Sentence and theword “el” (articlefor singular/masculinenoun) comes immediatelyafter, youhavetomakethecontraction. • Yo llego a el colegio a las sieteYo llego al colegio a las siete. • “el colegio isthenoun in thesentence.
Contractions • Anotherexample: • Yo salgo de el colegio a las dos y cuarto de la tarde • Yo salgo del colegio a las dos y cuarto de la tarde Unlikecontractions in English, the 2 contractions in Spanish are notvoluntary. Youmust use them!
CohesiveDevices • Youmust use cohesivedevicestomakeyoursentencesflow. • We use them in English, • They are equallyimportant in Spanish • Youalreadyhave a few: “y”, “o”, “también”, “tampoco”, “pero” • Ifyou look at yourrubric, youwillnoticeyou are gradedonyour use of cohesivedevices
CohesiveDevices in Context • Mi madre tiene los ojos castaños. Yo tengo los ojos castaños también. (Mymother has hazeleyes. I havehazeleyesalso.) • Yo estudio después del colegio.(I studyafterschool.) –Also, noticethe use thethe de + el contraction “del” • Primero, yo hago la tarea. Entonces, me baño. (First, I do homework. Then, I bathe.) • No me gusta la película. No me gusta tampoco. (I do notlikethemovie. I do notlikeiteither)