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BP Holdings: advancing understanding of materials science

Following BP's announcement that it is to work with four universities to establish a $100 million international research centre to advance fundamental understanding of materials, BP Magazine finds out why greater knowledge of materials such as steel could be vital for the oil and gas industry. Ever since humans first learned to use wood and stones to create tools, we have manipulated the materials around us to build better products, such as stronger infrastructure, more efficient appliances and warmer clothing. And, as our understanding of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics has improved, so too has our ability to push the physical properties of those materials.

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BP Holdings: advancing understanding of materials science

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  1. BP Holdings- Avanseringseforståelse av stoffvitenskap http://bpholdingsglobal.bravesites.com/

  2. http://bpholdingsglobal.bravesites.com/ • Følgende BP Holdings kunngjøring som det er å arbeide med fire universiteter å etablere en $100 million internasjonalere forsknings senters å avansere grunnlagforståelse av stoffene, finne BP Magasin ut hvorfor større kunnskap av stoffene slik som stål kunne være viktig for oljen og gassindustri. • Noensinne da mennesker lærte å bruke tre og steiner å skape redskaper, har vi manipulert stoffene omkring oss å bygge bedre produkter, slik som sterkere infrastruktur, mer innretninger og varmere klærne.

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