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Introducing two services at UUCS to enhance community connection, spiritual growth, and outreach efforts. Join us for a variety of activities and events catered to all ages and interests.
Open Doors – Two Services Two Service Concept • Beginning in September 2015 (Delayed from Sept 2014) • Two services: 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM each service generally the same, i.e., the same readings and sermon at both services. (For example: On Sundays when she is in the pulpit, Rev Anya will preach at both services.) • Full Children‘s Religious Education at 11:00 AM service • Small group RE at 9:15 AM service – such as presently done in the summer • Both services similar – possibly time for more polylogs at first service • Band plays five times per year at both services • Choir sings five times per year at both services, fifteen times at second service only and twice during vespers services • Social hour between services, and after second service • UUCS is growing both spiritually and in membership. We want to expand our reach and our presence. We are limiting our potential to increase in attendance and membership by celebrating only one service each Sunday. More flexibility in times is a big reason to move to two services. • From the UUCS Mission Statement: • In the Experience of Worship we express our awe, contemplate the Sacred, interpret the wisdom of religion, and explore the insights of science. • In Community we listen to and empower one another to seek, doubt and grow. UUCS Vision Statement: We are building the world we dream about, where all souls thrive in a diverse and loving community, acting daily on our commitment to justice.
Why Two Services? • More room at fellowship • Allows us to grow numerically without renting more space • More space for parking to accommodate our growth • Have one service that is intergenerational and one that is not (i.e., Animal Blessing Sunday) • RE volunteers can attend one service and serve during the other • Option to be a “morning person” ... • Services reasonably comparable - so the congregation has a similar experience • There are literally hundreds or thousands of people who could benefit from our religion if they new it existed and if they felt comfortable coming here. • With expected membership growth, we will begin studying the acquisition of our own church property with move-in expected January 1 2018 (to be discussed) Challenges? • Costs: Our preferred scenario will cost $23,000 per year. This would increase the DRE (Linda Weaver) and the Music Director (Kris Adams) to half-time, as well as increased accompaniment costs, 2 additional paid Child Care Providers, and one additional paid teacher. • Depending on the final results of 2015 pledge drive the costs we expect enhanced Children’s Religious Education and additional music support to increase by between $13,000 and $23,000. • Should the 2014/2015 pledge drive not raise enough additional funds, the Board would like the Congregation to specifically authorize raising the necessary funds in a different way, perhaps by borrowing the money internally from the existing Endowment or from individuals within the Congregation. • Maintain connections • Friday social events (one or two per month) • Wednesday vespers (one per month) • Encourage joining covenant groups