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Status of the Nuclotron-NICA project Nearest Plans. G.Trubnikov Sarantsev seminar, September 17, 2011 Alushta, Ukraine. 1/34. Вид на площадку с вертолета. ЛФВЭ. Нуклотрон ( сверхпроводящий синхротрон ). ОИЯИ. Синхрофазотрон. Схема комплекса НИКА.

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  1. Status of the Nuclotron-NICA project Nearest Plans. G.Trubnikov Sarantsev seminar, September 17, 2011 Alushta, Ukraine 1/34

  2. Виднаплощадкусвертолета ЛФВЭ Нуклотрон (сверхпроводящийсинхротрон) ОИЯИ Синхрофазотрон СхемакомплексаНИКА

  3. НаучнаяпрограмманаускорительномкомплексефизикивысокихэнергийОИЯИНаучнаяпрограмманаускорительномкомплексефизикивысокихэнергийОИЯИ Предложенаврамках «ДорожнойКарты» научныхисследованийОИЯИ Основныеобласти: • Релятивистскаяфизикатяжелыхионов:поискиизучениефазовыхпереходовиновыхсостоянийядернойматерии, включаясмешаннуюфазуикритическуюточку; • Спиноваяфизикамалонуклонныхсистем: изучениеспин-зависимыхпроцессов; • Физикаароматов: проверкаправила OZI, поискмногокварковыхсостояний (пентакварки)поискиизучениеэкзотическихядер (гиперядра); • Инновационныепроекты: медицинскиепучки, биология. 3/34

  4. УскорительныйкомплексЛФВЭ SPI – d­ EBIS – N, Ar, Fe, Kr, Xe, … Laser – Li, B, C, F, Mg, … Duoplasmotron – p, d, a, 3He 4/34

  5. СлайдсзаседанияУС 2008г. 1 этап: Нуклотрон-М Руководители: Г.В.Трубников, А.Д.Коваленко, Тема 02-00-1065-2008/2010 • Цель– достичь в 2010году параметров Нуклотрона, необходимых для реализации • проекта НИКА за счет: • Модернизации инжекционного комплекса (нет АСУ и диагностики, потери k=3) • Модернизации ВЧ системы (нестабильность, нет диагностики, 0.6 Т/с) • Обновление диагностики и систем управления (на уровне середины 90-х) • Модернизации вакуумной системы (10е-7 Торр) • Реконструкции систем питания и криогенного обеспечения (2 кВт@4.5К, нет АСУ) • Развития необходимой инженерной инфраструктуры (уровень конца 80-х годов) • ТребуемыеНИРиОКР– приоритетприпроведениисеансов Этотэтапд.б. завершенв2010демонстрацией: - УскорениетяжелыхионовсA ~ 100 ÷ 200 • интенсивность~ 107 A/имп • Энергияпучка > 3,5ГэВ/н • Развитаяинфраструктура 5/34

  6. Nuclotron-M Results Estimation of the average vaccum in the Nuclotron ring measuring circulating deutron beam lifetime at Е=5 MeV/u corresponds to the vacuum pressure not worse than 4*10-10 Тоrr. (it means that since 2007 we improved vacuum by >2 orders) Magnetic field, T Beam intensity, particles 6/34

  7. Nuclotron Run 43 21 February- 22 March 2011 Automatic beam orbit correction system (kit of 28 correctors) MCP detector for residual gas ions registration Beam profile evolution at acceleration (transverse and longitudinal) 7/34

  8. Nuclotron Run 43 21 February- 22 March 2011 Newdigitalsystemforon-linebeamorbitmeasurment Beam signal amplitude evolution from pick-ups (Acceleration. Field rising from 300 to 1000 Gs) 8 8/34

  9. Nuclotron-M Results 4.5÷5·1010 (d) at 300 MeV/u For the first time at Nuclotron had been performed beam slow extractionat 3,1 GeV/u 9/34

  10. Nuclotron-M Results Circulating beam signals during 1150 ms. Small increasing of the signal amplitude is connected to beam de-bunching First 6 turns (about 50 s), deutron beam after orbit correction. Blue - injected beam, Red - signal from pick-up. 10 10/34

  11. Результаты:Нуклотрон-М РезультатымодернизацииКРИОН, ЛУ-20, ВЧсистем, вакуума Сеана №41, март 2010 Kr, Xe впервыеполученынаисточнике ПучокXe (A=124, Z=42+) былускорендо570 МэВ/ни 1 ГэВ/н, иуспешновыведендляфизиков. СигналускоренногопучкаXeсдатчика низкоинтенсивного циркулирующего пучка ИзображениевыведенногопучкаXe (Е = 0,6ГэВ/н) нафотопластине СледотпучкаXe (1 ГэВ/н) вфотоэмульсии (эксперимент “Беккерель”) 11/34

  12. Результаты:Нуклотрон-М Полномасштабнаяреконструкциясистемыпитаниявсегоускорительногокомплекса I_max = 6kA B_max = 20 kGs dB/B = 0.1Gs df/f (RF) = 1e-5 12/34

  13. Результаты:Нуклотрон-М 13/34

  14. Nuclotron-NICA laser p,d foreinjector ESIS d Cascade transformer up to 0,7 MeV Recent: Maximum HILAC energy is reduced from 6.2 MeV/u to ~ 3 MeV/u Доклад К.Левтерова 14/34

  15. Injection complex Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator • Design at IHEP (Protvino) and JINR 21.87 m  ~0.85 m • Fabrication and test assembling at VNIIEF (Sarov) Presently in there – technology analysis and cost estimate Recent: Maximum HILAC energy is reduced from 6.2 MeV/u to ~ 3 MeV/u 9/36

  16. Nuclotron-NICA Heavy Ion Source KRION-6T Assembling of electron/ion optics system: view from the “ion extraction” side. Magnetic field (T) versus current (A) for SC solenoids; experimental and expected data.1) 26 layers (green line, 21 Jan.’11) – 7.41T at I_crit.=131 A (experimental data);2) 32 layers (top green line, 25 Apr.’11) – 7.81T at I_crit=114 A (experimental data);3) red line: critical current for SC wire according it’s manufacturer data;4) blue line: expected for Krion-6T ESIS – 22 layers, L=120 cm, B=6 T at I_working=118 A . Should be ready in September 2011. Superconducting test coil (L=19 cm, 32 layers of SC wire) : preparation for testing in a liquid helium. 16/36

  17. Nuclotron-NICA Source of polarized particles (p, d,H) JINR+INR RAS V.Fimushkin We plan to assemble and TEST SPP at Nuclotron with d in the end of 2012 11/36

  18. Booster synchrotron 18/36

  19. NICA Project Concept & Status SC Booster-Synchrotron Booster Parameters Booster scheme Design and construction of the Booster RF System is under development at Budker INP (G.Kurkin and team)

  20. NICA Project Concept & Status SC Synchrotron Nuclotron 20/34

  21. SC experiment at Nuclotron 21/34

  22. Simulations of stochastic cooling Expected evolution of particle distribution function and rms value of dP/P for protons. Expected evolution of particle distribution function and rms value of dP/P for carbon ions (C6+) Доклад Н.Шурхно 22/34

  23. Nuclotron-NICA Stochastic cooling system prototype at Nuclotron Vacuum chamber for pick-up Vacuum chamber for kicker Slot-coupler structures, manufactured at IKP FZJ We plan to assemble and TEST stochastic cooling system prototype at Nuclotron in the end of 2011 (depends on electronics delivery) 23/34

  24. Stochastic cooling Kicker - 48 meters upstream the IP-point PU - 132 meters upstream the Kicker Total and partial slip-factors of the ring as the function of ion energy. At such position of the kicker the condition gives for the acceptable upper frequency of the band the value of about 20 GHz (at the momentum spread equal to the ring dynamic aperture ±0.01). The luminosity of 11027 cm2s1 corresponds to about 2.3109 ions per bunch, the effective ion number is about 81011. To provide required cooling time the cooling bandwidth can be chosen from 3 to 6 GHz “Slice” overlapping (by D.Moehl) 3..6GHz: Tsc~0,5Tibs 2..4 GHz: Tsc~Tibs W = 3-6 GHz 24/34

  25. Electron cooling Electron transverse temperature [eV] required to obtain ion life-time = 10 hours. Dependence of the cooling times for transverse and longitudinal degrees of freedom Recombination supression: a) Increasing T_tr_e b) “Shift” of electron energy T_tr_e = 1 eV Conclusions: T_ecool ~ 0,05 Tibs at 1 GeV/u 25/34

  26. Summary final IBS DR SC DR 26/34

  27. Status of NICA SC magnets Magnets for the Booster: • Prototype dipole magnet had been manufactured and successfully tested in May of this year. The first results of the tests had been obtained. • The iron yoke of model quadrupole lens had been manufactured. Completion of the lense is planned for August 2011. • Multipole corrector magnet, a cryostat for the lense and the corrector are under construction. Completion of their construction is planned for November 2011. • Cryogenic tests of the tandem lense + corrector in the common cryostat is scheduled for the end of this year. • Development of the first stage of the system for magnetic measurements scheduled for the end of this year. Collider Magnets: • The iron yoke for model dipole magnet had been manufactured. Two coils and cryostat for magnet must be completed in June. Cryogenic test is planned for August - September 2011. • Manufacturing of the iron yoke for model quadrupole lense and tooling for its coil winding had been started. 27/34

  28. First test results for booster dipole The quench history of the magnet Installation of the cryostat with the magnet on the bench for the cryogenic test. AC losses as a function of the field ramp rate at magnet operation in triangular cycle Cryogenic test facility forsuperconducting magnets Доклад Г.Кузнецова 28/34

  29. First test results for booster dipole • The first quench was occurred at 7705 A. After 13th quench current reach nominal value 9690 A. This corresponds to the magnetic field induction in the gap of 1.8 T. Further training was stopped because of the limitation of the power supply. • The measured static (at zero current) heat flow to the magnet was 5.8 W. • AC losses of 12 W were determined by the calorimetric method during magnet operation at triangular cycle with field ramp rate 1.2 T/s without pause. This value agrees well with the calculation and confirms the correct grade of steel for the magnet yoke. • Hydraulic resistance of the cooling channel was 2 times higher calculated value due to the fact that the inner tube diameter was 2.6 mm instead of 3 mm. Доклад Г.Кузнецова 29/34

  30. Booster quadrupole magnet manufacturing Finished yoke of the quadrupole magnet 30/34

  31. Collider dipole magnet manufacturing Manufacturing of the winding (0,9 mm wires) Test on vacuum tightness of the tubes for cooling the yoke 31/34

  32. Nuclotron-NICA Important: - dedicated test bench for injection system (inflector plates) into Booster is in operation; - dedicated prototype of HV platform for Ion sources (PS 225kV/3A) is under assembly; - new system of the whole complex synchronization is under design and construction; - new thermometry and quench detection system for Nuclotron is in progress; - development of electron cooling system for booster is in active phase (could be designed and constructed at BINP). HV electron cooling system for collider is under design with All-Russian Electrotechnical Inst + FZJ + BINP; - … PLANS: Next run at Nuclotron with prolonged period (~1,5 months) is planned for November-December 2011 and beam will be delivered mainly for physicists. 32/34

  33. Thank you for your attention

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