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《 英汉语篇翻译教程 》. 著者:范守义、郭立秋、贾令仪 2011 年 6-9 月. 译文讲评: Text A (PPT v 2.0). Text A: CHINESE AND PROUD OF IT. Passage 11:. 第 1 段. 其中 venue 一词的在朗文词典中的意义为如下:. The spectacular “Water Cube”—the bubblelike Beijing Olympic swimming venue ,. ven · ue
《英汉语篇翻译教程》 著者:范守义、郭立秋、贾令仪 2011年6-9月
译文讲评:Text A (PPT v 2.0) Text A: CHINESE AND PROUD OF IT Passage 11:
第1段 • 其中venue一词的在朗文词典中的意义为如下: The spectacular “Water Cube”—the bubblelike Beijing Olympic swimming venue,
ven·ue • a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes place • sporting/conference/concert etc. venue • The first thing to do is book a venue. • The band will play(=perform at) as many venues as possible. • venue for the venue for the latest round of talks • venue可以翻译成发生地点、集合地点等,在文中与swimming连用,译为“游泳馆”即可。
第1段 • dis•tinc•tion 1. DIFFERENCE [uncountable and countable] a clear difference or separation between two similar things distinction between the distinction between formal and informal language clear/sharp distinction There is often no clear distinction between an allergy and food intolerance. make/draw a distinction The Act makes no distinction between children and adults (=it treats them as if they were the same). … but it bears an even more unusual distinction,
2. EXCELLENCE • [uncountable] the quality of being excellent and important: • Eliot's distinction as a poet 3. BEING SPECIAL • [singular] the quality of being special in some way • have/earn/achieve etc the distinction of doing something • At that time, it had the distinction of being the largest bridge in the UK. • The US enjoys the dubious distinction of being the lawsuit capital of the world. 4. RESULT [uncountable and countable] • a special mark given to a student whose work is excellent • with distinction • He obtained a law doctorate with distinction. • 文中是选择提供的第2个意思,即the quality of being excellent and important,可以翻译成非凡之处、不同凡响的地方。
第1段 • 这句中的diaspora一词本义是the movement of the Jewish people away from ancient Palestine to settle in other countries犹太人的离散,后来引申为the spreading of people from a national group or culture to other areas散居在他国的人。 The $150 million structure was financed entirely by the 40 million to 50 million members of the worldwide Chinese diaspora.
第1段第3句 • 动词短语fork something over(to someone)是非正式语,通常是指Money,如 Come on! Fork the money over to me! Fork over the cash you owe me! … who forked over $100 in exchange for a certificate from Beijing confirming his donation.
但是如果我们对这个短语的用法再作进一步的研究,你会得到更为准确地解释,即Also written as “to fork out money over/to/for” is to spend money on something for little actual gain. An example is if your car keeps breaking down and you keep paying to have it repaired you may say “I’ve had to fork out over 100 pounds on that bloody car again this month.” (WordReference.com Language Forums) 这个解释正好与我们文中的Lie Cho Hui向奥运会捐出100美元而获得证书的情景吻合。
第2段第2句 • marv.marred, marring • to make something less attractive or enjoyable [= spoil]: • Their wedding was marred by the death of Jenny’s mother a week earlier. • A frown marred his handsome features. Discrimination and violence marred the history of Southeast Asia’s 30 million ethnic Chinese,
第2段第2句 • oppressive一词本义是powerful, cruel, and unfair ,即“压迫的”、“压制性的”,文中它特指印尼对外来人群,尤其是对华人的态度,所以这里处理成“容不得异己者的”。 … and Indonesia—home to the region’s largest community—was particularly oppressive.
第2段第3句 • 这里有一个外来语,需要我们做些词源考证: • pogrom • A pogrom is a form of riot directed against a particular group, whether ethnic, religious, or other, and characterized by killings and destruction of their homes, businesses, and religious centers. The last anti-Chinese pogrom there occurred during the 1998 Asian financial crisis, when rioters killed an estimated 1,000 people.
pogrom • The term was originally used to denote extensive violence against Jews–either spontaneous or premeditated–but in English it is also applied to similar incidents against other minority groups. The word pogrom (Russian: погром) came from the verb громить, “to destroy, to wreak havoc, to demolish violently”. In Russian the word pogrom has a much wider application than in English, and can be applied to any incident of wanton and unrestrained destruction on a mass scale, such as may occur during wartime. The word pogrom may have come into English via Yiddish פאָגראָם.
因此,根据当时在印度尼西亚对华人所做的那些令人发指的罪恶行径,我们将这个词翻译成“打砸抢烧杀”是准确的。英语中有另外一个词,既vandalism,其定义是willful or malicious destruction of public or private property,其严重程度要比pogrom小很多。 • 但是,有一点必须注意:在我们中译英时如果要使用pogrom这个词的时候,必须加上一个限定的、修饰语,如,我们在描述2008年3月份发生在拉萨的少数人骚乱,并进行打砸抢烧行为时候,要这样说:a pogrom (that was) incited/orchestrated/instigated by the Dalai Clique。因为pogrom这个词在西方英语说者的头脑里,这一行为是政府进行的,或者在政府默许之下进行的。我们在翻译这种文字的时候,要注意立场,加上限定成分,不给歹人有机可乘。
第3段第1句 • 其中pronounce一词本义为: • pro·nounce 1[transitive] to make the sound of a letter, word etc, especially in the correct way[pronunciation]: How do you pronounce your name? 2[transitive] to officially state that something is true pronounce somebody/something sth The victim was pronounced dead on arrival. I now pronounce you man and wife. The changes in Indonesia are particularly pronounced.
3[intransitive and transitive] to give a judgment or opinion: The scheme was pronounced a failure. pronounce on/upon He used to pronounce on matters he knew nothing about. 4[intransitive, transitive] law to give a legal judgment pronounce sentence(=tell a court of law what punishment a criminal will have) • pronounced作形容词,意思是very great or noticeable,即非常显著的,例如: a pronounced Polish accent; This disability is more pronounced in men.
第3段 • 冯慧兰 • 冯慧兰1956年10月23日出生于雅加达,是印尼著名经济学家冯来金的女儿。冯慧兰毕业于澳洲国立大学经济系学士,1980年获微观经济、宏观经济及国际贸易学硕士学位。1986年获美国加州大学国际经济、贸易与金融学博士学位。她曾先后担任国际货币基金组织和世界银行的经济顾问,经常在世界各地进行有关经济与金融、贸易等方面的讲演,并被世界最为瞩目的瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛列为全球百名著名经济学家之一。 Many ethnic Chinese have entered politics, including the current minister of Trade, Mari Pangestu; the vice governor of West Kalimantan province
80年代,她在印尼“国际问题战略与研究中心”任职,1997年她被任命为印尼“国际问题战略与研究中心”主任,并在全国最高学府印度尼西亚大学经济系任教。她被普遍认为是自由贸易与市场经济的积极推动者。80年代,她在印尼“国际问题战略与研究中心”任职,1997年她被任命为印尼“国际问题战略与研究中心”主任,并在全国最高学府印度尼西亚大学经济系任教。她被普遍认为是自由贸易与市场经济的积极推动者。 • 2004年10月21日印尼总统苏西洛正式公布新内阁成员名单,冯慧兰获被任命为印尼商贸部长。
the vice governor of West Kalimantan province • 西加里曼丹省副省长黄汉山 (Christiandy Sanjaya)
第3段第3句 • tally一词的意思从上下文中并不难确定,但是为什么作者要选择这个词而不是别的词呢?请看这个词的许多义项和用法: This tally may grow in the near future, for as the campaign for the next year’s general election gets underway, political parties have begun approaching Chinese cultural organizations in search of candidates.
tal·lyn.pl.tal·lies 1. A reckoning or score. 2. a. A stick on which notches are made to keep a count or score. b. A stick on which notches were formerly made to keep a record of amounts paid or owed. 3. A mark used in recording a number of acts or objects, most often in series of five, consisting of four vertical lines canceled diagonally or horizontally by a fifth line. 4. A label, ticket, or piece of metal or wood used for identification or classification, especially in gardens and greenhouses. 5. Something that is very similar or corresponds to something else; a double or counterpart. 6. Nautical A metal plate attached to a ship’s machinery and bearing instructions for its use. • 原来作者要表示的是华裔印尼人走向政坛的人数增加,是“一五、一十”地数,即划四根竖线和一根横线,表示一个“五”字,这样计数出来的。
第3段中提到关于华裔印尼人从政的事情,作者使用的是这些人的印尼名字。我们可以根据情况作些不同的处理,如minister of Trade, Mari Pangestu,我们从网上很容易查到她的中文名字,叫“冯慧兰”;还有the vice governor of West Kalimantan province,虽然文章没有提到他的名字,但是从网上也可以查到他的中文和印尼名字,我们也可以顺带把他的名字写出来;至于其他许多职位也是华裔人士,作者没有提及他们的名字,我们也就不必翻译了,除非从网上得到他们的全部名单,我们可以作为注释加以说明。
但是在“Natalia Soebagjo is vice president of the University of Indonesia’s Center for Chinese Study”这句话中提到的人名字,被译成“苏圣丽”是费了一番功夫的。 • 首先,从网上查到Natalia Soebagjo这个名字曾经是中国社科院的访问学者,她有个中文名字叫“苏圣丽”;但是我们不能就这样确定这个人就是文中作者提到的那个是“vice president of the University of Indonesia’s Center for Chinese Study”的同一个人,从该校的网页上无法查到相关信息,况且是印尼文字,没有英语。 • 但是我们继续google查到 “The Asian Scholars”(No. 3)电子学报上有Natalia Soebagjo这个名字,其论文的名字是“Whither China’s New Rich?”,而这篇论文的中文名字是“中国新富有阶级何处去?”,这正是Natalia Soebagjo在中国社科院亚太研究所访问的研究课题(2004.12-2005.5),即是说,她在北京曾经待过半年的时间,搞她的项目,此后,其研究成果发表在“The Asian Scholars”(No. 3)电子学报上,该学报是泰国公主诗琳通(H.R.H. Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn)支持的“亚洲学者基金会”(Asian Scholarship Foundation)创办的电子学报。
当然,这样还不能说明她,苏圣丽就是vice president of the University of Indonesia’s Center for Chinese Study同一个人;我们从这个职衔中发现了一个不一致的地方,为何是“vice president of the University of Indonesia”(印尼大学副校长)而又是修饰“Center for Chinese Study”(中国研究中心)呢? • 我们进一步地发现,该学报上还有每个作者简单介绍,原来“Natalia Soebagjo is the Vice Chair of the Center for Chinese Studies, Jakarta, Indonesia”;由此得知,这位记者女士把Natalia Soebagjo的职衔记错了,如此而已。
Natalia Soebagjo即苏圣丽原来是印度尼西亚大学的讲师,到中国社会科学院亚太研究所访问半年之后回到印尼大学,并当上该校中国问题研究中心的副主任。至此,我们百分之百地确信可以把Natalia Soebagjo翻译成“苏圣丽”。感兴趣的学生可以从下面的三个网址查到我所提供的信息,这是一种严谨的翻译态度和工作风格,要学会尽力翻译准确: • http://iaps.cass.cn/fangwenxz/showcontent.asp?iD=27 • http://www.asianscholarship.org/asf/ejourn/toc.html#toc3 • http://www.asianscholarship.org/asf/ejourn/authors.html
第3段第7句 • 其中assertive一词为形容词,意思为behaving in a confident way, so that people notice you自信的,文中处理成修饰defending的副词,使中文译文更加流畅。 They have become more assertive defending their rights.
第3段第8句 • 其中politician一词,在美国英语中有贬义,与此相对应的汉语词是“政客”,显然,这里我们不好用“政客”这个词来指那些步入印尼政界的华裔印尼人,所以权用“政坛人物”代之。 Before the reforms, there were hardly any Chinese Indonesian politicians to speak of,
pol·i·ti·ciann. 1. a. One who is actively involved in politics, especially party politics. b. One who holds or seeks a political office. 2. One who seeks personal or partisan gain, often by scheming and maneuvering: “Mothers may still want their favorite sons to grow up to be President, but . . . they do not want them to become politicians in the process” (John F. Kennedy). 3. One who is skilled or experienced in the science or administration of government.
第4段第1句 • 其中land sb. in jail很形象地表示使某人入狱,所以对应地译为中文的“锒铛入狱”。又如:Assault charges land one in jail. Eight years ago, broadcasting or publishing anything in Mandarin or displaying a red lantern could land you in jail.
第4段第3句 • 系指2008年印度尼西亚小姐Miss Sandra Angelia (但是我们没有查出她的中文姓名),她来自东爪哇,于2008年5月13日晚在雅加达会议中心由7人评委选中。 … an ethnic Chinese being picked to represent Indonesia in the Miss World pageant for the first time,
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