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Narratives about the truth of narratives. OpettajanElämää. A narrative-biographical research team University of Oulu. TeacherLife. Hannu L. T. Heikkinen Rauno Huttunen Leena Syrjälä. Presented at the European Conference on Educational Research
Narratives about the truth of narratives
OpettajanElämää A narrative-biographical research team University of Oulu TeacherLife
Hannu L. T. Heikkinen Rauno Huttunen Leena Syrjälä Presented at the European Conference on Educational Research University College Dublin September 9th 2005 NETWORK 13 Philosophy of Education On the Problem of Quality in Narratives of Action Research
Action research reports are narrative in nature • the beginning, the middle and the end • plot-elements of recognition (anagnorisis), reversal (peripeteia) and suffering (pathos) (Aristotle 1958, 1452a-1452b).
reliability and validity => credibility, persuasiveness, verisimilitude, compellingness, explanatory power, moral persuasiveness, interactivity, vulnerability and therapeutic value (e.g. Hatch & Wisniewski 1995, 129; Ellis & Bochner 2000, 752 - 760).
The classical truth theories… Heikkinen, H., Kakkori, L. & Huttunen, R. 2001. This is my truth, tell me yours: Some aspects of action research quality in the light of truth theories. Educational Action Research 9 (1), 9 – 24.
Richard Winter (ECER2000 Edinburgh): • reflexive principle • dialectical principle:
Richard Winter: • reflexive principle: • the text is a world created by the writer, who is thoroughly aware of his creative role • a reflexive researcher consciously reflects on his or her pre-insights
Richard Winter: • dialectical principle: • from a (modernist) monologue into polyphony of voices • the social reality being constituted through an ongoing interaction • different interpretations and voices – even dissonant ones • the researcher wants to respect the complexity and stratification of reality in his/her research report
Quality principles for action research narratives Principle of reflexivity Principle of dialectics Principle of historical continuity
1. Principle of historical continuity • Analysis of the history of action: how has the action evolved historically? • Emplotment: how logically and coherently does the narrative proceed?
2. Principle of reflexivity • Subjective adequacy: what is the researcher’s relationship with his/her object of research like? • Ontologic and epistemologic presumptions: what are the researcher’s presumptions of knowledge and reality? • Transparency: how does the researcher describe his/her material and methods?
3. Principle of dialectics • Dialogue: how has the researcher’s insight developed in dialogue with others? • Polyphony: how does the report present different voices and interpretations? • Authenticity: how authentically the voices seem to have presented?
Quality principles for action research narratives 1. Principle of historical continuity 2. Principle of reflexivity 3. Principle of dialectics
… something still needed..? ”What works is only true” - William James
4. Principle of workability • Pragmatic quality: how well does the research succeed in creating workable practices? • Criticalness: what kind of discussion does the research provoke? • Ethics: how are ethical problems dealt with? • Empowerment: does the research make people believe in their own capabilities and possibilities to act and thereby encourage new practices and actions?
Quality principles for action research narratives 1. Principle of historical continuity 2. Principle of reflexivity 3. Principle of dialectics 4. Principle of workability
… something still needed..? Aristotle: Logos, ethos and pathos Michael Quinn Patton (2002): ”artistic and evocative criteria”
5. Principle of evocativeness • Evocativeness: how well does the research evoke mental images, memories or emotions related to the theme?
Quality principles for action research narratives 1. Principle of historical continuity 2. Principle of reflexivity 3. Principle of dialectics 4. Principle of workability 5. Principle of evocativeness