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TRAINING FOR THEWEIGHTS AND MEASURES OFFICIAL Module Thirteen“Quantity Control” Thirteenth in a series of 14
General Overview This module will introduce you to the verification of accurate quantities of packaged and unpackaged commodities, accuracy of prices in stores, and compliance with package and labeling laws.
Module Objectives Appreciate the importance of Quantity Control activities in protecting consumers and in assuring equity in the marketplace Understand your role as a regulatory officer and your relationship with other public agencies, consumers and industry Know where to find information from a list of resources and manuals to assist you in understanding legal requirements and proper regulatory procedures Be familiar with the three primary areas of responsibility of the Quantity Control Program
1.Enforcement of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act 1 lb/ 454 g 3. Assuring accuracy of pricing Quantity Control Program Areasof Responsibility 2. Evaluation of quantity representations in the marketplace
History 1215 AD -English Magna Carta set a standard for wine, ale, and grain as well as standard widths for cloth 1832 AD -The United States Congress established standards of weights and measures used in commerce 1850 -The first session of the California Legislature passed an act to establish standard weights and measures in conformity with the standards established by Congress.This is the basis for the Quantity Control Program 1952 -The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) adopted the Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulations
History 1960 - California adopted Sampling Procedures into the California Code of Regulations to more efficiently check products’ net quantity 1966 - The Federal Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA) was passed; California Fair Packaging and Labeling act also adopted 1994 - Adoption of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 130, Packaging and Labeling Regulation 1996 - California sampling and testing procedures were replaced with the adoption of procedures found in NIST Handbook 133
12100 General Supervision by Department of Food and Agriculture - Where not otherwise provided by law, the Department of Food and Agriculture has general supervision of the weights and measures and weighing and measuring devices sold or used in the State. Relationships Quantity Control and the Division of Measurement Standards (DMS) Quantity Control is a function of the Measurement Compliance Program
Who to Enforce Division - The duty of enforcing this division and carrying out its provisions and requirements is vested in the director and in each sealer acting under the supervision and direction of the director. 12103.5 Relationships Quantity Control and County Sealers DMS and Sealers cooperate to effectively carry out regulatory responsibilities as defined in the California Business and Professions Code
Memorandum of Understanding & the Role of the Quantity Control (QC) Specialist DMS QC Specialists are assigned a geographic portion of the State Their main duties are: • Assist and train county staff in carrying out quantity control duties • Conduct occasional surveys to test marketplace compliance • Coordinate statewide surveillance of shortages
Manuals and Resources Packaging and Labeling Regulation only adopted Business and Professions Code Field Reference Manual Citation Manual NIST Handbook 130 Uniform Laws and Regulations
Manuals and Resources • Quantity Control Program Manual • This manual is a procedural manual for carrying out the regulations of the CCR • There are detailed instructions on how to fill out the various forms used in performing the job • Much of the information contained within the QC Manual comes from NIST Handbook 133
Manuals and Resources NIST Handbook 133 – Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods Adopted by reference into regulation through B&P Code Section 12211 and has the force of law Outlines various testing procedures for products to ensure they achieve their labeled quantity and to test/sample “lots” of packaged commodities to determine “lot compliance”
Resources DMS, Quantity Control Specialists • Serve as resources for the county • Provide training and expertise in performing all of the QC related functions • Help facilitate and coordinate statewide investigations that have a broad impact within the state Related Web-Sites • The internet is a very useful tool to find out information on products, companies, and government or industry sites that carry related information Supervisor and Co-workers • An inspector's first line of information is their supervisor or an experienced co-worker whenever a problem is encountered in the field
Scales are used to test products labeled by weight. The weights used to check your scale must be traceable to NIST. Scales are checked for accuracy at each new location, and before and after filling out a PIR (Package Inspection Report) Electronic Scale Inspection Equipment
Volumetric glassware is used to test products labeled by liquid volume. The glassware must be graduated in the units (inch-pound or SI) stated on the product label Inspection Equipment
The quantity of some packaged products is stated in dry measure terms. The contents of these packages are emptied into a test measure appropriate for the package size. Some common sizes are cubic yard, 4 cubic foot, 1 cubic foot, cubic meter, and dry quarts InspectionEquipment
Pycnometer Density Cup Inspection Equipment Density cups and pycnometers hold a known volume for weighing semi-viscous fluids to determine their density and to convert volume calculation to weight
Inspection Equipment Products labeled by dimension are measured using a tape measure or ruler Pressure gauges and thermometers are used in the verification of compressed gases Thermometers are also used for temperature correction of liquids Glass or plastic plates known as slicker plates are used in headspace determination Other Equipment
Label Compliance Enforcement of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act and the Uniform Packaging and Labeling Regulation is one of the statutory responsibilities of the Quantity Control Program Purpose To provide accurate and adequate information on packagesso that purchasers can make price and quantity comparisons
What is IRQ? Label compliance inspections are an integral part of the QC Program. Proper label information will include: • Identity of the commodity • Responsibility statement including the name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor • Quantity of contents This is often referred to as the IRQ
Identity Statement The identity statement tells you “What is in the package.” It will list either a common name or the products use
Responsibility Statement The responsibility statement tells you “Who put the product in the package or who is responsible for it The street address may be omitted if it is listed in a current city or phone directory
Quantity Statements The quantity statement tells you “How much is in the package.”
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act The “Fair Packaging and Labeling Act” (FPLA) is contained in the Business and Professions Code, Sections 12601 – 12615.5 Section 12601 provides for protection against deception or misrepresentation. Accurate quantity information is required on packages
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act • Metric labeling is required on most consumer packages • It is a violation to distribute any nonconforming packages Section 12603 requires the identity and quantity statements on packaged commodities
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act The quantity statement on a package is very important. Section 12607 gives a sealer authority to order off sale any commodity that does not have a quantity statement Without a quantity statement an official could make no determination about a commodity’s net contents nor can the consumer value compare
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act A select number of Federal agencies also have jurisdiction over package labeling of certain commodities and in most cases pre-empt State laws Labeling Regulations Section 12609 directs the Secretary of Food and Agriculture to adopt the package and labeling requirements in Handbook 130 Section 12613 requires California labeling to be in conformance with the Federal FPLA
Federal Agencies & Their Labeling Jurisdiction Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Cosmetics, drugs, and medical devices United States Department of Food and Agriculture (USDA) - Food made entirely or predominately from meat or poultry Department of Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) - All package labeling for these types of commodities Federal Trade Commission (FTC) - Retail packages of household commodities Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -All package labeling for insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, and sanitizing agents
Commodity Testing and Package Inspection • Protects the Consumer • Protects Industry from unfair business practices • Is conducted at retail (store or door-to-door), wholesale, or production level 1 lb/454 g In California, around $136 billion/year is spent on commodities sold by weight, measure, or count
Package Inspections There is no set schedule for package inspections Section 12211 only requires that “Each sealer shall, from time to time, weigh or measure packages, containers, or amounts of commodities sold, …to determine the quantity represented …in accordance with law…” Section 12024 makes it a crime for any person to sell any commodity in less quantity than represented
Testing by Weight • Use an appropriate scale for the size and/or type of product to be inspected • Labeled weight indicates the net weight
Testing for Volume • Use Appropriate Equipment • Products are tested by the following methods: • Gravimetrically (weighing) • Displacement • Pouring into a graduate or other volumetric standard • Measuring head space, etc.
Testing for Volume Certain products labeled by volume require special handling and equipment Examples: • Some compressed gasses require pressure gauges and a thermometer • Mulch and animal bedding require a specially constructed box with a known volume • Ice cream can be tested by using a volume displacement procedure • Mayonnaise and similar products can be tested by subtracting the headspace volume from the volume of the empty, volumetrically tested container
When testing products with a count over 50 and the items are of consistent weight, the count may be converted to weight • You can count each piece or arrive at a weight for a designated amount and then check it by weight (i.e., matches) Testing By Count
Testing By Count Some products have multiple quantity statements • Candles are labeled by count, length and width • Tortillas are labeled by count and net weight The packages would need to meet allthe net content statements
Testing By Measure (Dimension) Using a certified tape measure or metal ruler (depending on the dimensions of the product being tested), the inspector determines the length, width, or height of a product
Testing By Dimension Some items have specific guidelines for testing in NIST Handbook 133 or in the QC Manual Note: Certain construction products have an “industry standard” adopted by NCWM so that the legal nominal size may be larger than the actual size (i.e., 2x4 lumber)
Testing by Dimension: If It Doesn’t Equal 128 Cubic Feet, It is Not a Cord! Firewood is labeled by volume, but measurements are needed to calculate the net content. There is no maximum allowable variation
Commodity Testing Commodity testing is used to verify the net contents of individual packages of product No legal action May serve as the basis for follow-up inspections Great tool for learning
COMMODITY CLASSIFICATION NUMBER (EXAMPLES) 1.00 Confections, Flavorings & Seasonings 1.01 -Penny Goods 1.02 -Bar Goods 1.03 -Confectionery-Type Chocolate 1.04 -Chocolate Coatings & Syrups 1.05 -Other Flavoring Agents 1.06 -Packaged Goods 4.00 Meat, Fish, and Poultry 4.01 - Fish & Seafood, Canned 4.02 - Fish & Seafood, Frozen 4.03 - Fish & Seafood, Fresh 4.04 - Canned Meats 4.05 - Beef, Fresh or Frozen 4.06 - Veal, Fresh or Frozen 6.00 Milling Products 6.01 - Cereals, Breakfast Foods 6.02 -Brans, Wheat Germ 6.03 - Corn Meal 6.04 - Wet Corn Meal Mush 6.05 - Milled Rice & Rice By- Products A Commodity Classification Number Identifies the Product
Package Inspection • Package audits and inspections focus on groups of like packages or a “lot” • Audits and Package Inspections are done in the field
The Audit An audit is used to “screen” the marketplace for possible violations and is a fast preliminary procedure used to check products for accuracy of the quantity statement An “Audit Inspection Report” form can be used as a worksheet or to record your findings
Lot Requirements The “Average Requirement” In general, the average net quantity of contents of packages in a lot must at least equal the net quantity of contents declared on the label The “Individual Package Requirement” The variation of individual package contents from the labeled quantity must not be “unreasonably large”
Package Inspection Reports • Once a possible shortage has been found through auditing, the next step is to do an official test using the appropriate sampling plan • The Package Inspection Report (PIR) form is used to record data and determine “lot” compliance • A random sample must be selected for testing from the entire inspection lot
Sampling Plans Category “A” sampling plan is used for most products labeled by weight, volume or measure, and that have a count over 50This category is the one most commonly used for inspections Category “B”sampling plan is only used for inspections conducted in USDA inspected packaging plants Category “C” sampling plan is used for products sold by a count of 50 or less