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Cults and New Religions. New Age Scientology Wicca Heaven’s Gate Other. Cultic Definitions.
Cults and New Religions New Age Scientology Wicca Heaven’s Gate Other
Cultic Definitions • Cult – “religious practice” or “a new religious movement that often takes social stances based on modern world history” or “a dangerous social group taking extreme measures based on religious reasoning” • Religion – an organized practice and attempt to control and make sense of reality • After Jesus, Christianity was considered a “cult” to the Jews in Jerusalem • The United Methodist Church is a huge religious body in the United States, but it is considered a divisive cult in Germany • Most people get their information from media rather than informational discovery • Only cults that do something to make history get spoken • Cult Common Attributes and Stereotypes: • Founded by a Charismatic Leader • Charismatic – an attribute of charm that is easily and often followed • Leadership is Formally Spoken and Understood • Focused on Social or Political Reform • Practice Mystic Religious Practices • Shrouded in Layers of Secrecy • Attempt to “Brainwash” Members • Highly Evangelistic • Philosophical Dualistic towards Body and Soul
The Church of Scientology • L. Ron Hubbard – (1911- 1986) former science-fiction author who is considered the founder of Scientology • Lived during World War II and felt he was “destined for greatness” • According to legend, he was made a “blood brother” of the Blackfoot tribe in Montana • Wrote Dianetics – main text of Scientology • True spiritual essence is trapped or restricted by past experiences, loss, pain, and unconsciousness that can be freed through “dianetic therapy” • All his writings are being engraved and safely stored so that future societies will learn from his teachings • He teachings were submitted to the APA (American Psychological Association), but they were dismissed • He founded the Dianetics Research Foundation (offered classes and taught “auditing”) • He is considered as one to be remembered constantly • Origins: • The world consists of pure energy (Theta) that manifests itself in individual expressions Thetans • By experiencing Scientology and its practice, one can fully live to the highest potential of the individual thetan • Famous: John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Lisa Marie Presley
Scientology Theory • “Applied Religious Philosophy” – attempt to combine universally true elements of all religious movement • Goal: full rehabilitation of a person’s innate spiritual self • A person is made of three parts: Body, Mind, and Spirit • Thetan – the life force that “is” a person • “The typical residence for the thetan is the skull” • Humans are spiritual beings that have a body; Not physical beings that have a soul • The thetan places in all human beings the search for meaning • The thetan is originally good, and “evil” is merely losing touch with this internal goodness • Reincarnation – thetans have travelled through time • Analytical and Reactive Minds: • Analytical Mind – sees and stores data • Reactive Mind – sees and records emotions and spirituality • Hubbard Electropsychometer (E-meter) – “Pinch Test” • Engram – the mental print an emotional experience makes on your Reactive Mind • Therefore, in order to realize one’s full potential, one must become free of the limitations of the reactive mind and activate the full spiritual potential of the thetan
Scientology Practices • Orgs – the general term for Scientology’s missions, centers, or churches • Bust of Hubbard is on stage right between the lectern and the Scientology cross • Lectern – area in which a speaker stands to deliver a speech • Every org has an office that is symbolically empty (referencing Hubbard’s figurative presence) • Weekly worship service that look similar to Christian assemblies • 96 “official” sermons – most reference either Hubbard’s teaching or life story • Auditing – primary practice in Scientology • Process: Training, Rundowns, and Processing • Spiritual counseling between a Scientology minister and follower • Using the E-meter and specific questions, a minister traces life history in order to find engrams • With full understanding, engrams will be destroyed so that a person could live “fully human” • Auditing occurs on a “fee-per-service” basis that are on a graduated scale • The Bridge of Total Freedom – moving from preclears to Clears • Process can take up to two years • Once Clear, one can move through the 15 levels of OT (Operating Thetan) • The higher you are on the path; the more expensive the sessions can be • Costs can be lessened by training to train others
Scientology Organization • Hubbard wrote a 24-volume manifesto on the structure of the church • It is hierarchical from the highest to the least • Highest officers live on the MV Freewinds out of Clearwater, FL • Each leader and org is evaluated on effectiveness and can lose their status with poor data reports • Church of Scientology International (CSI) – based in Los Angeles, CA • Responsible for the promotion and leadership of the church • Considered the Mother Church (which also serves to license other churches) • Office of Special Affairs (OSA) – handles the legal responsibilities of the movement and its followers • Sea Organization – or “Sea Org” • The figure heads of the Scientology movement • Highest ranking officials are given special, secret knowledge that others cannot possess • The group lives in community and sign a “Billion Year Contact” to symbolize their commitment to furthering of Scientology in the world • Religious Technology Center – power behind the throne • Ensure that practices are exactly as Hubbard told • Counteracting those who infringe on trademarks of Scientology • Collection and interpretation of the “data”
The New AgeMovement • JZ Knight – (1946-pres.) founder, by means of trance, of the formal New Age Movement • Judith Hampton – born in Roswell, New Mexico • Grew up poor farmers with an abusive father, from whom her mother divorced early in life • Went to a Baptist church and learned about God • She distanced herself from church upon trying to understand the actions of the God of the Old Testament • She left church when her cousin was publically called out by the preacher for putting on lipstick • She married and divorced (and she had two children) • Got a job at a local TV station and developed the nickname: “JZ” • Ramtha – 35,000 year-old warrior-mystic who manifested himself through the trance state of JZ Knight • Lived only one life in Onai, the port city of Atlantis • His family were refugees of the continent of Lemuria (treated as slaves) • He raised an army of Lemurians and attacked the Atlanteans • He realized that “He was God” after looking at the injustice in the world • Ramtha told JZ to start something great, to invite people to trance sessions, and to charge them $100 a session • She founded the Ramtha School of Enlightenment (RSE) • Famous: Shirley MacLaine, Carrie Fisher, and Linda Evans
New Age Philosophy • Four Fundamental Beliefs: • Statement: “You Are God” • Your soul is apart of the Great Soul, so you therefore are the Great Soul • School is about “gnosis” – knowing that you are God • Mandate: Make Known the Unknown • Concept: Consciousness and Energy creates the Nature of Reality • Physical world is only one level of reality (the densest), but there are many more • 7 chakras - places of unique consciousness and energy to be awakened • One often visualizes the world they wish to create for themselves • Challenge: Conquer Yourself • There is an unseen order, the infinity of Thought, which is the equivalent of God • Practice of alternative health practices, focus on supernatural events, contact with discarnate entities, and belief in reincarnation • Most followers are women, have college degrees, and were raised in some traditional religious setting • Followers choose to pay for every session on DVD or to attend the RSE full retreats in Yelm, Washington
Heaven’s Gate Cult • Bonnie Lu Nettles (1924 – 1985) and Marshall Applewhite Jr. (1931-1997) – the founders of the Heaven’s Gate group • They become known as “Ti and Do” • Applewhite grew up as a strict Presbyterian, got married and had children, and soon realized he was struggling with homosexuality (which caused his divorce) • He worked within the academic sphere and was fired from two jobs for suspected sexual interactions and “emotional instability” • In each, there was rumor of the background reason being sex • Nettles was raised in a Baptist home, left to explore metaphysics and New Age philosophy, and she became interested in astronomy and supernatural forces • Both found each other and opened a center for the discovery of metaphysics • They both began to believe that they were two “incarnations” of other beings put on earth (aliens) • They formed a monastic community that was progressively developing theories • Then, Nettles died of Cancer
Heaven’s Gate Belief and Practice • Nettles and Applewhite had a “vision” and believed they were the prophets described in the book of Revelation • In the Bible, these prophets are resurrected and “taken up in the cloud” • They believed the “cloud” would take them to the physical Kingdom of Heaven • They wrote and published the “First Statement of Ti and Do” (which was a manifesto of physical implications of the Heaven’s Gate) • They believed their goal was to “restate the truth Jesus taught in a way that spoke to the current world” • They proposed that the goal was not to escape with world, but the goal was to fully live in the Kingdom • Growing to the Next Level • Process – renouncing the earthly ties and gaining a new name • 17 Steps – series of questions leading one to understand themselves • Commuting – establishing a mental connection with someone at the next level • Friction – learning from the partner what is restrictive • Uniforms – all should be one without individuality • Death was seen as a transfer to the Next Level • Halle-Bop Comet – passed Earth in 1997, Applewhite convinced his followers that there was a UFO in the tail of the comet that would physically take the bodies to the Next Level if they all “transferred to the next level” together
Wicca – Modern Day Witches • Gerald Gardner – (1884-1964) – English customs agent • Became a part of the Fellowship of Crotona (explored various witchcraft legends) • Found a coven of functioning witches in England and was initiated • Dorothy Clutterbuck – initiated Gardner on the eve of World War II (Operation Cone of Power) • Covens of witches attempted to prevent Hitler’s invasion of Great Britain by magic • He began to call modern witchcraft – Wicca • He wrote Witchcraft Today and The Meaning of Witchcraft • He also researched various other groups and practices and compiled them into his Book of Shadows • Although based in England, Wicca made its way to North America and various other European countries • Often the “covens” or different sects focus on fertility, paganism, or female goddesses • Since 1/3 of the world is Christian, many see witchcraft as a satanic, evil group who should be punished • Pope Innocent VIII issued a decree that all should be killed • The American (Salem) Witch Trials showed fever for death
Wiccan Practice and Beliefs • Beliefs: • Personal Gnosis – even if others do not agree or understand (including other witches), the god or goddess will reward a witch who comes with a sincere heart • Nature is Sacred – all things are connected to the sacredness of the world around • The Divine are Immanent • Control of Universal Process • Death is considered a temporary stopping ground (reincarnation) • Pentagram – the symbol of Wicca (equivalent to the cross) – balance and unity • Practices: • The Great Rite – either symbolic or true sexual union between the High Priest and the High Priestess • Magick – the process of interacting with and manipulating energies in the world • The “k” was added to distinguish between performance art “magic” • Wheel of the Year – festivals follow the normal equinoxes, solstices, and lunar phenomena • Wiccaning – dedication practice for babies born to Wiccan parents • The child is allowed to decide for themselves once they can speak • Pagan Wedding Ceremonies – rituals of leaping over a broomstick, tying hands together with a sacred knot, or the Great Rite