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Before you read with children…………. Read the text from a bible that is a Revised Standard Version Edition (not only a children’s translation) Do this individually or in a group with an adult learner’s hat.
Before you read with children………….. Read the text from a bible that is a Revised Standard Version Edition (not only a children’s translation) Do this individually or in a group with an adult learner’s hat. Investigate the text. Read biblical reflections on the text such as the one in the next slide. What does it mean for us today? What questions do you have about the text? If you have questions about definitions of words look up the meaning on: thebibledoctor.com Teachingscripture.com Both these sites are credible and suitable. They have been created with input from MargCarswell. Be careful when sourcing biblical information digitally; much is available on the internet. However, the interpretation given is, at times, is of a fundamentalist nature.
This story comes from a sacred group of stories – the bible. This story is from the part of the bible that is the New Testament or Christian Scriptures. This story is from the Gospel of Mark. It is a story about Jesus.
Some people brought their children to Jesus so that he could bless them by placing his hands on them.
When Jesus saw this he said “Let the children come to me don’t try to stop them!”
“People who are like these little children belong to the kingdom of God”
“I promise you that you cannot recognise the Kingdom of God unless you accept it in the way a child does”
“Then Jesus took the children in his arms and blessed them by placing his hands on them”
Before reading…… • What do you think of the front cover? Why? • What might happen in this story? • I wonder what Jesus is thinking in this picture? • Or the children? • Does this picture remind you of any situations in your life? How? • I wonder what they could be talking about?
During the story………. Slide Four: Do you know of any other parts of the bible? Do you know other bible stories? Slide Five: I wonder why people thought they needed to bring their children to Jesus? Slide Six: I wonder why the disciples told people to stop bothering Jesus? I wonder if you have ever felt bothered by something before? Slide Seven: I wonder why they all look so happy? When have you felt like these people?
During the story…. Slide Eight: I wonder if the Kingdom of God is a place or a way of thinking and acting? What do you think? I wonder what it means by “people who are like these little children?” Slide Nine: What have you ever discovered that was hidden? I wonder if the Kingdom of God is hidden? Slide Ten: I wonder if anyone in your life reminds you of the way Jesus is on this page? How can you be welcoming like this to someone else? Who have you taken in your arms?
After the story….. Do you have any questions about this story? Who would you like to be in the story? What questions would you ask the children? Jesus? the people who brought their children to Jesus? What is your favourite part of the story? Why?
Bibliography • Awakenings Core Document (2005) Catholic Diocese of Ballarat • Catholic Youth Bible (2000) Saint Mary’s Press Washington D.C. • Davison L..G. (2013) An introduction to the Catholic School Identity Research Project (ECSIP) and some implications for the teaching of Religious Education Paper presented to the 8th National Symposium on Religious Education and Ministry ACU Canberra , April 2013 • Carswell, M (2011) teachingscripture.com and thebibledoctor.com found at http://www.teachscripture.com http://thebibledoctor.com • Carswell, M (2001) Teaching Scripture the Gospel of Mark. Harper Collins, East Melbourne • Hall G. (2007) Let’s Play. Puppets Tell Parables Redemptorist Publications Hampshire • Photos http://www.bing.com/?FORM=HDRHME&pq=photo of sheep • Oral Language Supporting Early Literacy 2013 found at http://www.olsel.catholic.edu.au • Ryan, M (2001) Teaching the bible Social Science Press Katoomba • Stead, B (1994) A Time of Jubilee Using Luke’s Gospel With Children . Desbooks Thornbury