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  1. Splash Screen

  2. Chapter Introduction Section 1:Challenges of a New Century Section 2:New Global Communities Visual Summary Chapter Menu

  3. Who is affected by civil war? Conflicts throughout the world have forced millions of people from their homes. Violent conflicts over border disputes in places like Ethiopia and Eritrea have forced thousands of people into refugee camps like the one shown in this photo. Refugees depend upon assistance from the international community in order to survive. In this chapter you will learn about efforts to solve global problems. • What is the United Nations doing to resolve and prevent conflicts around the world? • Give an example of a problem in another nation and explain how it affects the United States. Chapter Intro

  4. Chapter Intro

  5. Chapter Intro

  6. Challenges of a New Century How has the Internet served to increase awareness of global issues? Chapter Intro 1

  7. New Global Communities How have international organizations, such as the United Nations, taken the lead in solving world problems? Chapter Intro 2

  8. Chapter Preview-End

  9. The BIG Idea New TechnologiesToday’s societies face many challenges, and they must balance the costs and benefits of the technological revolution. Section 1-Main Idea

  10. Content Vocabulary • bioterrorism • ecology • deforestation • desertification • greenhouse effect • sustainable development • global economy Academic Vocabulary • function • environment Section 1-Key Terms

  11. People and Events • Neil Armstrong • Green Revolution • Rachel Carson • Kyoto Protocol • Universal Declaration of Human Rights • Patriot Act Section 1-Key Terms

  12. A B Global warming is a real and viable threat to the world as we know it. A. Agree B. Disagree Section 1-Polling Question

  13. Technological Revolution The benefits of the technological revolution must be balanced against its costs. Section 1

  14. Technological Revolution (cont.) • New technological advancements such as satellites, cable television, fax machines, cell phones, and computers all helped create a global world. • Technology and computers: • 1948: IBM created the first computer with stored memory. • 1959: IBM marketed computers to businesses and industries. Section 1

  15. Technological Revolution (cont.) • 1971: The microprocessor was created and the personal computer was born. • 1972: The Internet and electronic mail were made available to the public. Section 1

  16. Technological Revolution (cont.) • Technology and space exploration: • In 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. • Satellites are used for weather information and communication signals. • In 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, giving detailed images of Earth, our solar system, and distant galaxies. • In 2004, NASA sent two rovers to Mars and plans to eventually land humans. Section 1

  17. Technological Revolution (cont.) • Technology and weapons: • Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons have been used in bioterrorism. • In 2001, the U.S. experienced threats from anthrax-filled letters. Section 1

  18. Technological Revolution (cont.) • Technology and health care: • New medications enable doctors to treat both physical and mental illnesses. • Computer imaging allows doctors to perform difficult operations. • Organ transplants, valves, and pumps enable people to live longer. • Stem cell research, genetic engineering, and human cloning have sparked new ethical debates in the field of medical research. Section 1

  19. Technological Revolution (cont.) • Technology and agriculture: • The Green Revolution has promised high-yielding crops. • Concern over the use of chemical-and pesticides increased the demand for organic farming. The Global AIDS Epidemic Section 1

  20. A B C D What is the Green Revolution? A.The use of trees to combat global warming B.The development of new strains of high- yielding crops C.The use of holistic medicines D.The discovery of new plants for use in medicines Section 1

  21. Environmental Crisis Environmental damage endangers the world’s sustainable development. Section 1

  22. Environmental Crisis (cont.) • In 1962, Rachel Carson warned of the dangers chemicals and pesticides have on the environment. • Carson’s argument alarmed many scientists and gave rise to the new science of ecology. Section 1

  23. Environmental Crisis (cont.) • Population growth has affected the environment in three ways. • Deforestation: the clearing of forests to provide more farmland or timber • Desertification: the formation of degraded soil, turning semi-arid lands into nonproductive deserts. • Destruction of tropical rainforests: rainforests support 50 percent of the world’s plants and animals, remove carbon dioxide from the air, and return oxygen to the air Section 1

  24. Environmental Crisis (cont.) • Chemical wastes are also damaging the environment. • Chlorofluorocarbons are gases that destroy the ozone layer. • Pollution from factories causes acid rain. • Global warming is the result of the greenhouse effect. Section 1

  25. Environmental Crisis (cont.) • In 2002, 150 nations signed the Kyoto Protocol to work toward reducing emissions. The European Union and Japan ratified the treaty; the United States did not. • The United Nations has been encouraging sustainable development to help conserve all natural resources. Section 1

  26. A B C D What subject in Rachel Carson’s warnings gave rise to the new science of ecology? A.Dangers of chemicals and pesticides B.Global warming C.Deforestation D.Destruction of tropical forests Section 1

  27. Poverty and Civil Strife Poverty, hunger, and civil strife continue to plague many developing nations. Section 1

  28. Poverty and Civil Strife (cont.) • A global economy developed after World War II when the production, distribution, and sale of goods reached a worldwide scale. • The global economy gave rise to a widening gap between rich and poor countries. Section 1

  29. Poverty and Civil Strife (cont.) • Rich/Developed Countries: • Well-organized industrial and agricultural systems • Advanced technology • Strong educational systems • Examples include the United States, Japan, Canada, and Germany Section 1

  30. Poverty and Civil Strife (cont.) • Poor/Developing Countries: • Primarily agricultural nations • Little technology • Rapid population growth • Examples include nations in Africa, Latin America, and Asia Section 1

  31. Poverty and Civil Strife (cont.) • World hunger is a global issue with an estimated 1 billion hungry people worldwide. • Poor soil, growing populations, economic factors, and natural disasters contribute to world hunger. • Civil wars often create food shortages by disrupting normal farming. Warring groups often try to limit access to food to destroy enemies. Section 1

  32. Poverty and Civil Strife (cont.) • Ethnic conflicts have involved genocide in Darfur and ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims by Serbs. Section 1

  33. A B C D Which of the following is not a developed country? A.Canada B.Japan C.Laos D.Germany Section 1

  34. Political and Social Challenges Not all nations guarantee their people basic human rights and equality. Section 1

  35. Political and Social Challenges (cont.) • In 1948, The United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has helped to free political prisoners and bring economic and political change. • Human rights violations still occur worldwide. • People have been persecuted by repressive governments run by dictators or military regimes in Cuba, Chile, Myanmar, Iraq, Iran, and other countries. Section 1

  36. Political and Social Challenges (cont.) • Ethnic, religious, and racial hatred have led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Bosnia and Rwanda. • Military dictatorships or one-party governments still exist in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. South Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines hold free elections. • Women in industrialized countries have steadily become equal to men, although men still hold more top positions in business and government. Section 1

  37. Political and Social Challenges (cont.) • In developing countries, some women are not considered equal. They are forced to be subordinate to men and are bound to their homes and families. Section 1

  38. A B C D Which organization has fought to free political prisoners and affirm human rights? A.United Nations B.American Red Cross C.World Trade Organization D.Kyoto Council Section 1

  39. Challenge of Terrorism Acts of terrorism, now a part of modern society, have a worldwide effect. Section 1

  40. Challenge of Terrorism (cont.) • Terrorism became an increasing concern in the 1970s and 1980s when terrorist attacks gained worldwide media attention. • Terrorism is sometimes the act of militant nationalists who want separate states, such as the Irish Republican Army (IRA). • Terrorism can also be state-sponsored when governments such as Iraq, Syria, Cuba, and North Korea provide sanctuary and support to terrorist organizations. Section 1

  41. Challenge of Terrorism (cont.) • On September 11, 2001, the United States witnessed one of the most destructive and horrific acts of terrorism when planes were flown into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. As a result, President George W. Bush promised to wage war on terrorism. • The Patriot Act was passed to help track down terrorists, but many U.S. citizens argue it is an invasion of privacy and constitutional rights. Section 1

  42. Challenge of Terrorism (cont.) • As a result of terrorism, airports around the world have increased their security measures. • Terrorism is complex and is rooted in various issues: • Clash between Western and Islamic cultures • Poverty and ignorance • Christian and Muslim hostility dating back to the Crusades Section 1

  43. Challenge of Terrorism (cont.) • Israeli-Palestinian conflict • U.S. support of the Middle East oil industry Section 1

  44. A B C D Which government agency was created by Congress in 2002 to coordinate efforts against terrorism in the United States? A.Central Intelligence Agency B.Department of Homeland Security C.Federal Bureau of Investigation D.Bureau of Terrorism and Firearms Section 1

  45. Section 1-End

  46. The BIG Idea Order and SecurityThe global economy and new global threats have prompted organizations and individuals to work on global problems. Section 2-Main Idea

  47. Content Vocabulary • peacekeeping forces • nuclear proliferation • globalization • multinational corporation • grassroots level • nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) • disarmament groups Academic Vocabulary • migration • projection Section 2-Key Terms

  48. People and Events • Franklin Delano Roosevelt • World Bank • International Monetary Fund (IMF) • World Trade Organization (WTO) • Hazel Henderson • Elise Boulding Section 2-Key Terms

  49. A B Problems in one part of the world can affect people in other parts of the world. A. Agree B. Disagree Section 2-Polling Question

  50. The United Nations The United Nations focuses on international problems. Section 2

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