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University of Kent General Health & Safety Information. Health and Safety. The University considers the health and safety of its staff, its students and visitors to its campuses is a key priority. As such it is committed to Minimising accidents and cases of work-related ill health
Health and Safety • The University considers the health and safety of its staff, its students and visitors to its campuses is a key priority. As such it is committed to • Minimising accidents and cases of work-related ill health • Improving the health of its workforce • As a minimum, complying with relevant health and safety legislation / best practice • Developing a positive health and safety culture
Policy Underpinning the University’s commitment is a comprehensive Health and Safety policy. This policy, ratified by Council, details the University’s health and safety aspirations, health and safety management structure, roles and responsibilities. Staff are encouraged to become familiar with its contents. The policy can be found on the SHE Unit website or by following the link below. http://www.kent.ac.uk/safety/hs/pages/policy/policy.html The University recognises that the success of its health and safety policy relies on the actions and positive behaviour of members of the University community. It is essential that all staff recognise and accept that they have a personal responsibility for their own and others’ health and safety. “on his choice depends the safety and health of this whole state” Laertes, Act 1, Scene 3. Hamlet
Health and Safety management Health, Safety and Environmental policy is developed by the Safety, Health and Environment Executive Committee (SHEEC). This committee is responsible to Councilfor overseeing the management of risk to safety, health and the environment throughout the University. The University policy is supported by a formal health and safety management structure. Health and Safety responsibility ultimately resides with the University Council, but is delegated down first to the Vice-Chancellor, and then through the Executive Group to the Heads of Academic Schools and Professional Service Departments. Health and safety is a key line management responsibility. As such managers and supervisors, including academics supervising research staff, have health and safety responsibility for their staff. To the side sits the Director of Safety, Health and Environment, the rest of the SHE Unit team, School / Departmental Safety Co-ordinators and Local Safety Committees, all of whom provide support and advice to the University Community.
Committee structure Council Safety, Health and Environment Executive Committee Health, Safety and Environment Consultative Committee Environment Management Team Occupational Health Advisory Group Local Safety Committees
Health and Safety Organisation Council Vice- Chancellor Senior Management Team Director Safety, Health & Environment Safety, Health & Environment Unit Heads of Academic Schools, Professional Service Departments School / Departmental Safety Co-ordinator Supervisors Local Safety Committees Staff / Students Safety Representatives (HSECC)
Health and Safety in Schools and Departments Schools and Departments are responsible for the health and safety of their staff and students, and within areas under their control. Every new employee should receive a local health and safety induction from their School / Department. On your first day of work you should receive instruction in emergency procedures, including fire evacuation procedures. Other relevant health and safety information specific to your role and School / Department should be provided to you within your first week. This induction should be carried out by your line manager or local Safety Co-ordinator. Among the activities that are performed locally are DSE assessments for employees whose work depends upon the use of computer equipment and the provision of first aid. As many Schools / Departments share campus buildings, first aid is generally organised on a building by building basis. Details of local first aiders are posted in strategic locations in all buildings. It is worth finding out where and who, is the closest to you.
Schools and Departments – local support Local support for health and safety is provided by School / Department Safety Co-ordinators and Safety Committees. Safety Co-ordinators are not ‘in charge’ of health and safety, their role is to provide advice on local policy, procedures and work activities, and to act as a liaison with the SHE Unit. Safety Committees provide advice and monitor health and safety performance. They are a forum for discussion of any health and safety concerns that might arise, including any relating to student teaching. They are an opportunity for staff, and students, at all levels to get involved. Staff can also bring items to the attention of the staff safety representatives who sit on the Health, Safety and Environment Consultative Committee (HSECC). This is the main forum for consultation between staff and management on matters of Health and Safety. It reports directly to SHEEC.
Managers and Supervisors • Managers and Supervisors are the key players in converting University policy into a positive health and safety culture on the ground. You should be familiar with the policy but also with your School / Departmental health and safety management plan. • University policy includes requirements for managers and supervisors to • ensure that, through experience or training, the people they manage have the right level of competency to work safely • carry out assessments of the foreseeable risks associated with the work activities and locations under their control • implement and monitor measures to eliminate or reduce significant risks • undertake preventative monitoring of work activities • Evaluating hazards and assessing the risk they pose is the first step in achieving good health and safety performance. For those managers and supervisors unfamiliar with the process of risk assessment, the SHE Unit provides training in this area. • “out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety” • Hotspur, Act 2, Scene 3. Henry IV, Part I
Teaching and Research Those members of the University community who teach or conduct and supervise research are responsible for those whom they teach and supervise. While many teaching and research activities are low risk, the University is a diverse workplace and there are hazards associated with working in laboratories and workshops, as well as with fieldwork and teaching / research trips whether in the UK or overseas. For any student activity that is being performed as part of their studies, the supervising academic, like any supervisor or manager, should ensure that those undertaking the activity are trained appropriately and have the necessary level of competency. The activity should be risk assessed appropriately and measures to reduce significant risk implemented and monitored. Further advice can be found on the SHE Unit website.
Safety, Health and Environment Unit The Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Unit functions to provide competent health and safety advice, training and support to the University. This varies from general issues such as manual handling and fire safety, to specialist subjects like radiation, laser, biological and chemical safety. It also oversees the University’s Environmental Management System and includes the Occupational Health service. Director Bernard Angus Health & Safety Ray Allard Fire & Environment Andrew Briggs Biological & Scientific Jim Bloor Occupational Health Brenda Brunsdon, Caroline Groombridge Environmental Co-ordinator Catherine Morris Support and Secretarial Assistance Angela Hewlett-Day,Julie Martin,Pat Armstrong
SHE Unit services – Training • The SHE Unit provides a range of training for staff. Full details of the courses available can be found by following this link: https://www.kent.ac.uk/safety/training/index.html • All new members of staff are required to attend the Fire and Safety Awareness Course. If you have not already done so please speak to your line manager and see the ‘new members of staff’ page at the website above. • Other training provided is more specialist in nature. Some Schools and Departments have specific role-related training requirements for their staff, including: • Risk and Safety Management, for members of the Executive Group and senior managers. It explains health and safety law and responsibilities in relation to the activities of the University. • Fire Emergency Response for Fire Marshals and those with a specific role during fire evacuations. • CIEH and IOSH courses for those who need specific training for their role, and which lead to accredited certificates. These include general health and safety, manual handling and hazardous substances (COSHH).
SHE Unit specialist services • The SHE Unit also provides specialist advice and some training in a number of areas. These include: • Fire safety • Lasers • Ionising Radiation • Biological and Chemical Safety • Health and Safety Monitoring • Health and Safety Auditing
Reporting Accidents It is University policy that all work-related incidents which have caused, or had the potential to cause, harm should be reported. This is done via the on-line iCASS reporting system. This can be accessed through the link on the front page of the SHE Unit website. Although all members of staff have access and can report incidents, several Schools / Departments have developed local procedures for data entry into this system. You should familiarise yourself with any such procedure. Hazards Any hazard spotted at work should be reported to your line manager. Those in managerial / supervisory roles should act to remove the hazard considering the limits of their competence and ability and that of their staff. Hazards involving defects to buildings or the University Estate should be reported to the Estates helpdesk. Specialist advice can also be sought from the SHE Unit.
Occupational Health Occupational Health (OH) is a specialism within medicine and nursing. Its focus is on the interaction between an individual’s health and the work they do. The University OH Department provides the organisation and individuals with advice, both proactive health advice and advice relating to ill health problems. In more recent years, the focus has become broader, most especially to assist individuals who are disabled, or who develop chronic health problems, to carry on with their jobs by initiating work place adjustments.
Occupational Health • As a specialism, OH aims to: • prevent work-related ill health • facilitate rehabilitation and return to work following periods of illness or injury • promote physical and mental health and wellbeing at work. • The University’s OH Department nursing staff have specific qualifications in OH and it employs the services of a consultant OH physician on a contract basis. • OH do not provide any treatment or GP services for staff. • OH web link - http://www.kent.ac.uk/safety/oh/index.html • Wellbeing - http://www.kent.ac.uk/healthandwellbeing/index.html
Environmental Sustainability The University’s Environment Policy commits us all to minimise the impact that our work activities have on the environment. Compliance with Environmental legislation and good practice is ensured through an Environmental Management System that is certified to EN ISO 14001. This system is overseen by the SHE Unit. It includes plans and procedures aimed at reducing waste streams, preventing pollution, reducing energy and water usage, promoting biodiversity, etc. and includes targets for improvement. Many of these areas are managed primarily by the Estates Department; for more information visit https://www.kent.ac.uk/estates/sustainability/index.html The SHE Unit also leads a comprehensive programme of internal environmental audits covering both the Canterbury and Medway campuses.
Environmental Training As part of its commitment to the Environment, the University requires all staff to undertake a short e-learning Environmental Awareness training package. This can be accessed through the SHE Unit website or this link http://www.kent.ac.uk/safety/env/pages/Environmental_training.html
Any further questions? Contact the Safety, Health and Environment Unit, Keynes College http://www.kent.ac.uk/safety/ Before you go …….. there is no formal assessment in this presentation, but please be sure that you can answer all of the questions on the next page. If you cannot, then you may need to look at the presentation again, or ask some questions within your own workplace to get the answers.
Do you know: • who the person immediately responsible for your own health and safety is? • which Committee makes policy decisions about Health, Safety and the Environment on behalf of Council? • who the Safety Co-ordinator in your School or Department is? • who your local Safety Representative is? • who your nearest First Aider is? • your local Fire and Evacuation Procedure? • how your Safety Representative can escalate an issue on your behalf? • who is directly responsible for the safety of students when away on field trips? • how you would report an accident? • to whom you would report a hazard in your workplace?