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Mastering Decision Quality: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the intricacies of decision-making with this comprehensive guide covering programmed and unprogrammed decisions, risk, conflict resolution, decision-making process stages, maximizing, satisficing, and more.

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Mastering Decision Quality: A Comprehensive Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DECISIONS SOLUTIONS DECISION QUALITY GROUP DECISIONS CRISIS DECISIONS 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 30 pt 40 pt 40 pt 40 pt 40 pt 40 pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt 50 pt

  2. Programmed Decisions

  3. What are decisions that have been encountered and made before?

  4. New, novel, complex decisions having no proven answers

  5. What are unprogrammed decisions?

  6. When you have less than 100% certainty, you have______

  7. What is risk?

  8. When people don’t agree, you have_______

  9. What is conflict?

  10. Identify and diagnose, generate alternative solutions, evaluate alternatives, make the choice, implement, and evaluate

  11. What is the 6-stage decision making process?

  12. Contingency Plans

  13. What are alternative courses of action that can be implemented based on how the future unfolds?

  14. A decision with the best possible outcome

  15. What is maximizing?

  16. An acceptable decision that may not be the very best or perfect

  17. What is satisficing?

  18. Optimizing

  19. What decision achieves the best possible balance among several goals?

  20. Carefully executing all stages of the decision process

  21. What is vigilance?

  22. Gamblers have this illusion of being able to make their own odds

  23. What is illusion of control

  24. Have you stopped beating your wife…yes or no?

  25. What is an improperly framed question?

  26. Discounting the future

  27. What is taking a reduced short-term payoff instead of a larger long-term payoff?

  28. Speed and quality

  29. What are two ways of measuring the success of a decision?

  30. Real-time information

  31. What is information with little or no time delay?

  32. Larger pool of information, more perspectives, intellectual stimulation, understanding, buy-in

  33. What are advantages of group decision making?

  34. One person holds the group hostage, takes longer, groupthink, goal displacement

  35. What are negatives of group decision making?

  36. Phenomenon where you don’t want to be the one going against the group norm

  37. What is Groupthink?

  38. A person who has the job of being a critic for the decision

  39. What is devil’s advocate?

  40. Debating the decision with two sides

  41. What is “dialectic?”

  42. Group members generate as many ideas as quickly as possible without evaluation

  43. What is brainstorming?

  44. Bounded rationality

  45. What is the situation where you have imperfect information and complex conditions?

  46. A model with groups of people using power and negotiation to get their way

  47. What is the coalitional model?

  48. Decisions are made through a series of smaller decisions, like the federal budget

  49. What is the incremental model?

  50. This company spent millions to prevent people from getting harmed with their “Tylenol” product through an expensive product recall

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