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Empowering Citizens with Smart Technology: Navigating the Digital Landscape

Explore how citizens utilize smart technology in their everyday lives, reflecting on the alignment of tools and usage patterns. Dive into concepts like motivation, ownership, survival in the internet space, service diversity, flexibility in business models, and scalability. Delve deeper into the trusted service operators, employing methodologies such as ethnography, co-design, and lead user involvement in Living Labs for user-driven innovation. Unveil the essence of human-centric technology adoption.

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Empowering Citizens with Smart Technology: Navigating the Digital Landscape

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The sweet point: smart technology in everyday use by citizens …our use patterns match the tools Pic: UIAH Crucible Studio, 2006

  2. Participation: motivationand ownership

  3. Internet: survival of the fittest

  4. Diversity – services and uses Flexibility – concepts and business models Scalability – fromsmall to big & back …who is the trustedserviceoperator?

  5. Ethnography, Co-design, Lead Users… Living Labs – user-driven innovation

  6. …it’s all about people

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