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Advanced Transport Phenomena Module 3 Lecture 10. Constitutive Laws: Energy & Mass Transfer. Dr. R. Nagarajan Professor Dept of Chemical Engineering IIT Madras. VISCOUS LIQUID SOLUTIONS, TURBULENT VISCOSITY. m intrinsic viscosity of (non-turbulent) fluid
Advanced Transport Phenomena Module 3 Lecture 10 Constitutive Laws: Energy & Mass Transfer Dr. R. Nagarajan Professor Dept of Chemical Engineering IIT Madras
VISCOUS LIQUID SOLUTIONS, TURBULENT VISCOSITY m intrinsic viscosity of (non-turbulent) fluid mt turbulent contribution; more dependent on local condition of turbulence than on nature of fluid
ENERGY DIFFUSION FLUX VS TEMPERATURE GRADIENT • Fourier’s Heat Flux Law: • For energy diffusion (conduction) in pure isotropic solids • Vector equation, equivalent to 3 scalar components in, say, cylindrical polar coordinates:
ENERGY DIFFUSION FLUX VS TEMPERATURE GRADIENT • k local thermal conductivity • Non-isotropic materials => k is a tensor (vector operator)
SPECIES DIFFUSION CONTRIBUTION TO ENERGY FLUX • In multi-component systems (e.g., reacting gas mixtures), each diffusing species also transports energy in accordance with its enthalpy, hi • Hence, Fourier’s Law must be generalized:
SPECIES DIFFUSION CONTRIBUTION TO ENERGY FLUX • Consistent with requirement of locally positive entropy production for k > 0, irrespective of sign of grad T • Radiative energy transport (“action at a distance”) cannot be treated as a diffusion process, must be dealt with separately.
ENTROPIC ASPECTS • Energy diffusion (conduction) contributes additively to local rate of entropy production: • Quadratic in gradient of relevant local field density • Positive for any flux direction
ENTROPIC ASPECTS • In the absence of multi-component species diffusion, entropy diffusion flux vector is given by: • Entropy flows by diffusion as well as convection!
THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY COEFFICIENT • Experimentally obtained by matching results of steady-state or transient heat-diffusion experiments with predictions based on energy conservation laws & constitutive relations (in the absence of convection) • Unit of k: W/ (m K) • , thermal diffusivity; m2/s • k has modest temperature dependence
k FROM KINETIC THEORY OF GASES • Chapman – Enskog - Herschfelder Expression: viscosity molar specific heat R universal gas constant
k FROM KINETIC THEORY OF GASES Mixture: cube-root law
THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF LIQUID SOLUTIONS, TURBULENT FLUIDS • No simple relations for thermal conductivity of liquid solutions • Greater dependence on direct experimental data • Gases & liquids in turbulent motion display augmented thermal conductivities
THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF LIQUID SOLUTIONS, TURBULENT FLUIDS k intrinsic thermal conductivity of quiescent fluid kt turbulent contribution; more dependent on local condition of turbulence than on nature of fluid
EQUIVALENCE OF THERMAL & MOMENTUM DIFFUSIVITIES Due to additional terms chemically reacting mixtures in LTCE also exhibit augmented thermal conductivities.
MASS DIFFUSION FLUX VS COMPOSITION GRADIENT • Fick’s diffusion-flux law for chemical species: • In pure, isothermal, isotropic materials, species mass diffusion is linearly proportional to local concentration gradient • Directed “down” the gradient
MASS DIFFUSION FLUX VS COMPOSITION GRADIENT where is local mass fraction of species i Di = Fick diffusion coefficient (scalar diffusivity) for species i transport in prevailing mixture • Valid for trace constituent i, and • When mixture has only two components (N = 2)
OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO MULTI-COMPONENT DIFFUSION • Other forces, such as pressure & temperature gradients • - grad p, • - grad (lnT), etc. • Interspecies “drag” or “coupling”, i.e., influence on flux of species i due to fluxes (hence, composition gradients) of other species • - grad , where j ≠ i
CHEMICAL ELEMENT DIFFUSION FLUXES Example: local diffusional flux of element oxygen in a reacting multi-component gas mixture
ENTROPY PRODUCTION & DIFFUSION ASSOCIATED WITH CHEMICAL SPECIES DIFFUSION General form of driving force for chemical species diffusion: where chemical potential, dependent on mixture composition via “activity” ai:
ENTROPY PRODUCTION & DIFFUSION ASSOCIATED WITH CHEMICAL SPECIES DIFFUSION General form of Multi-component Diffusion Flux Law where scalar coefficients, directly measurable Reciprocity relation (L Onsager):
DIFFUSIONAL FLUX OF ENTROPY • For the case of multi-component species diffusion in a thermodynamically ideal solution (ai = xi): Each bracketed quantity = , partial specific entropy of chemical species i, such that
DIFFUSIONAL FLUX OF ENTROPY Convective flux of entropy: Mixing entropy contributions ( origin of minimum work required to separate mixtures into their pure constituents
SOLUTE DIFFUSIVITIES IN GASES, LIQUIDS, SOLIDS– REAL & EFFECTIVE • Di,eff effective mass diffusivity of species i in prevailing medium • May be a tensor for solute diffusion in: • Anisotropic solids (e.g., single crystals, layered materials) • Anisotropic fluids (e.g., turbulent shear flow)
SOLUTE DIFFUSIVITIES IN GASES, LIQUIDS, SOLIDS– REAL & EFFECTIVE • In such cases, diffusion is not “down concentration gradient”, but skewed wrt –grad • Can often be treated as single scalar coefficient, valid in any direction
DILUTE SOLUTE DIFFUSION IN LOW-DENSITY GASES and yj mole fraction of species j yi<< 1 Di not very temperature-sensitive, varies as Tn, n ≥ 3/2, ≈ 1.8
MOMENTUM – MASS – ENERGY ANALOGY • For mixtures of similar gases, Di is always of same order of magnitude as momentum diffusivity, (kinematic viscosity) and energy diffusivity, • Reason: for gases, mechanisms of mass, momentum and energy transfer are identical • viz., random molecular motion between adjacent fluid layers
MOMENTUM – MASS – ENERGY ANALOGY Both dimensionless ratios are near unity for such mixtures. Sci can be >> 1 for solutes in liquids, aerosols in a gas
DILUTE SOLUTE IN LIQUIDS & DENSE VAPORS • Di estimated using a fluid-dynamics approach • Each solute molecule viewed as drifting in the host viscous fluid in response to • Net force associated with gradient in its partial pressure
DILUTE SOLUTE IN LIQUIDS & DENSE VAPORS Stokes-Einstein Equation: effective molecular diameter of solute molecule i Newtonian viscosity of host solvent Also applies to Brownian diffusion of particles in a gas, when
SOLUTE DIFFUSION IN ORDERED SOLIDS Di calculated from net flux of solute atoms jumping between interstitial sites in the lattice energy barrier encountered in moving an atom of solute i from one interstitial site to another
SOLUTE DIFFUSION THROUGH FLUID IN PORES • Interconnected pores of a solid porous structure where solid itself is impervious to solute • Solute mfp << pore diameter => Di,eff < Di-fluid • Reduction depends on pore volume fraction,
SOLUTE DIFFUSION THROUGH FLUID IN PORES Denominator correction for “tortuosity” (variable direction & variable effective dia of pores) • usually determined experimentally • Can be computed theoretically for model porous materials • e.g., for impermeable spheres, = 1 + 0.5 (1- )
SOLUTE DIFFUSION THROUGH FLUID IN PORES • When solute mfp > mean pore diameter: • e.g., gas diffusion through microporous solid media at atmospheric pressure • Solute rattles down each pore by successive collisions with pore walls • For a single straight cylindrical pore (Knudsen, 1909): (pore diameter plays role of solute mfp)
SOLUTE DIFFUSION THROUGH FLUID IN PORES • For Knudsen diffusion in a porous solid, • Independent of pressure when fluid is an ideal gas • Interpolation formula, rigorous for a dilute gaseous species at any mfp/ pore size combo:
SOLUTE DIFFUSION THROUGH FLUID IN PORES Widely used to describe gas diffusion through porous solids (e.g., catalyst support materials, coal char, natural adsorbents, etc.)
SOLUTE DIFFUSION IN TURBULENT FLUID FLOW • Effective diffusivity, Di,t, unrelated to molecular diffusivity, but closely related to prevailing momentum diffusivity, , in local flow = number near unity (turbulent Schmidt number) • e.g., tracer dispersion measurements near centerline of ducts containing a Newtonian fluid in turbulent flow ( > 2,000) reveal that:
SOLUTE DIFFUSION IN TURBULENT FLUID FLOW Peeff(Re) weak function of Re, 250-1000
SOLUTE DIFFUSION THROUGH FIXED BED OF GRANULAR MATERIAL • Similar to turbulent flow in a homogeneous medium • Deff nearly proportional to product of average interstitial velocity, ui, and particle size, dp • In packed cylindrical duct with Rebed > 100:
SOLUTE DIFFUSION THROUGH FIXED BED OF GRANULAR MATERIAL • Peclet numbers weakly dependent on bed Reynolds number, near 10 & 2, resp. • Time-averaged solute mixing, apparently anisotropic, much more rapid than expected based on molecular motions alone