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In this lecture we will.... Understand some usability / design principles, and their implications for designUnderstand different conceptual models in design Understand how choices of conceptual models help realise (or not!) design principles. . Design Principles . . Usability goals. Usability
1. Lecture 2:Background: Design Principles & Conceptual Models
Lecturer: Dr Greg Hooper
Convener: Dr Geraldine Fitzpatrick
2. In this lecture we will...
Understand some usability / design principles, and their implications for design
Understand different conceptual models in design
Understand how choices of conceptual models help realise (or not!) design principles
3. Design Principles
4. Usability goals Usability goals
[Rogers at al, pp14-18]
5. Design Principles
6. Visibility
7. Visibility (2) You need to insert your room key a card into the slot by the buttons
How would you make this action more visible?
8. Feedback Sending information back to the user about what has been done
Includes sound, highlighting, animation and combinations of these
e.g. when screen button clicked on provides sound or red highlight feedback:
9. Constraints Restricting the possible actions that can be performed
Helps prevent user from selecting incorrect options
Three main types
10. Physical constraints Refer to the way physical objects restrict the movement of things
E.g. design only one way to insert a mouse connection; and only one way to insert a keyboard connection, and make them different
11. Logical constraints Exploit peoples reasoning about relationships between objects in the world
12. Cultural constraints
14. Mapping Relationship between controls and their movements and the results in the world
Which is the better mapping?
15. Mapping (2) Which is the better mapping, and why?
16. Consistency Design interfaces to have similar operations and use similar elements for similar tasks
For example:
always use ctrl key plus first initial of the command for an operation ctrl+C, ctrl+S, ctrl+O
Main benefit is consistent interfaces are easier to learn and use
17. Consistency breakdowns What happens if there is more than one command starting with the same letter?
e.g. save, spelling, select, style
Have to find other initials or combinations of keys, thereby breaking the consistency rule
E.g. ctrl+S, ctrl+Sp, ctrl+shift+L
Increases learning burden on user, making them more prone to errors
18. Internal and external consistency Internal consistency refers to designing operations to behave the same within an application
Difficult to achieve with complex interfaces
External consistency refers to designing operations, interfaces, etc., to be the same across applications and devices
Very rarely the case, based on different designers preference
19. External inconsistency
20. Affordances Refers to an attribute of an object that allows people to know how to use it
e.g. a mouse button invites pushing, a door handle affords pulling
Norman (1988) used the term to discuss the design of everyday objects
Since has been much popularised in interaction design to discuss how to design interface objects
e.g. scrollbars to afford moving up and down, icons to afford clicking on
21. Affordances Physical affordances
What do the following physical objects afford? Are the affordance obvious?
22. Based on slide by Saul Greenberg Example Scissors
holes for insertion of fingers
blades for cutting
big hole for several fingers, small hole for thumb
between holes and fingers suggested and constrained by appearance
positive transfer
learnt when young
conceptual model
implications clear of how the operating parts work
23. Based on slide by Saul Greenberg Bad Example Digital Watch
four push buttons, not clear what they do
contraints and mapping unknown
no visible relation between buttons and the end-result of their actions
negative transfer
little association with analog watches
cultural standards
somewhat standardized functionality, but highly variable
conceptual model
must be taught; not obvious
How to design a better one?
24. Digital Watch Redesigned for Affordances (Rachna Dhamija)
25. Digital Watch Redesigned for Affordances (Ping Yee)
26. Affordances Virtual affordances
How do the following screen objects afford?
What if you were a novice user?
Would you know what to do with them?
27. Relationships between usability principles Visibility
Principles are not mutually exclusive
What are the ways they can relate to each other?
28. Conceptual Models
29. Generating requirements through using conceptual models How the system will appear to users and how they will understand it
[Related to usability principles, affordances etc]
A conceptual model is a high level description of:
the proposed system in terms of a set of integrated ideas and concepts about what it should do, behave and look like, that will be understandable by the users in the manner intended
[Rogers et al, Interaction Design, p40]
Independent of implementation details
30. Conceptual Models (2) Many kinds of conceptual models
Many ways of classifying them
Tied up with user interaction modes
Conceptual models based on:
Activities 4 types
Conceptual models and interface metaphors
31. Conceptual Models and Activities CM(1) Giving instructions
issuing commands using keyboard and function keys, selecting options via menus
CM (2) Conversing
interacting with the system as if having a conversation
CM(3) Manipulating and navigating
acting on objects and interacting with virtual objects
CM(4) Exploring and browsing
finding out and learning things
32. CM(1): Giving Instructions Where users instruct the system and tell it what to do
Commands via keyboard and function keys, menu options
e.g. tell the time, print a file, save a file
Very common conceptual model, underlying a diversity of devices and systems
e.g. CAD, word processors, VCRs, vending machines
33. CM(1): Giving Instructions (2)
34. Pros and cons of the instructional conceptual model Main benefit - supports quick and efficient interaction
good for repetitive kinds of actions performed on multiple objects
Need to learn how to frame and issue instructions for particular applications
35. CM(2): Conversing Underlying model interacting with the system as if having a conversation
Range from simple voice recognition menu-driven systems to more complex natural language dialogues
e.g. timetables, some search engines, advice-giving systems, help systems
Recently, interest in having virtual agents at the interface, who converse with you
e.g. Microsofts Bob and Clippy
36. Microsoft Bob (1995)
CM(2): Conversing (2)
37. Hi! My name is Clippy, and Office XP has me sweating (and rusting).
Why? Because Office XP works so easily that it's made Office Assistants like me useless. Obsolete. And, I'm told, hideously unattractive, as well as annoying.
CM(2): Conversing (3) -The Unfortunate Demise of Clippy
38. Allows users, especially novices and technophobes, to interact with the system in a way that is familiar
makes them feel comfortable, at ease and less scared
User expectations of intelligence; difficult to train
Misunderstandings when the system does not know how to parse what the user says e.g.
child types into a conversational search engine (e.g. Jeeves):
How many legs does a centipede have? Pros and cons of the conversational conceptual model
39. Pros and cons of the conversational conceptual model (2)
40. CM(3): Manipulating and Navigating Involves dragging, selecting, opening, closing, zooming actions on virtual objects
Exploits users knowledge of how they move and manipulate in physical world
Exemplified by
what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)
the direct manipulation approach (DM)
Shneiderman (1983) coined DM from his fascination with computer games
41. CM(3): Direct Manipulation (DM) Continuous representation of objects and actions of interest
Physical actions and button pressing instead of issuing commands with complex syntax
Rapid reversible actions with immediate feedback on object of interest
42. CM(3): DM Games
43. Pros and Cons of the Manipulation and Navigation Conceptual Model Good user support
Novices can learn easily, experienced users can work fast
Immediate visual feedback
Sense of mastery and control
Not always appropriate
Not all tasks can be described by objects, nor actions done directly
e.g., each email as an object; delegation of spell checking
44. CM(4): Exploring and Browsing Similar to how people browse information with existing media
e.g. newspapers, magazines, libraries, pamphlets
Scan, flick through to find something of interest
Information is structured to allow flexibility in searching for information
e.g. multimedia, web
45. CM(4): Exploring and Browsing (2)
46. Pros and Cons of the Exploration and Browsing Conceptual Model Can be really useful when people arent sure what they want
Serendipitous information discovery
Can take more time
Needs very skilled design to properly structure information and navigation
47. Conceptual Models based on Objects Usually based on an analogy with something in the physical world
Often associated with particular contexts and dedicated activities
e.g. books, tools, vehicles
Classic examples
Offices/desktops (Star system)
Ledgers/calculators (VisiCalc)
48. Xerox Star Interface (1982)
49. Spreadsheet (Bricklin 1979)
50. Activities
Issuing instructions is good for repetitive tasks, e.g. spell-checking, file management
Having a conversation is good for children, computer-phobic, disabled users and specialised applications (e.g. phone services)
Direct manipulation is good for doing types of tasks, e.g. designing, drawing, flying, driving, sizing windows
Exploring and browsing Is good for supporting more open-ended interactions
Objects more specific than activities, brings in context and targeted use scenarios
Hybrid conceptual models
mix different models. Provide different ways of carrying out the same actions but can take longer to learn Which conceptual model is best?
51. Interface designed to be similar to a physical entity but also has own properties
e.g. desktop metaphor, web portals as gateways
Can be based on an activity, object or combination
e.g. typing, tabbed notebook, spreadsheet
Exploit users familiar knowledge, helping them to understand the unfamiliar
e.g. typewriting
word processing
Conjures up essence of the unfamiliar activity, enabling users to leverage this to understand more aspects of the unfamiliar functionality
Interface Metaphors
52. Makes learning new systems easier
Helps users understand underlying conceptual model
Makes computers more accessible
Confuses users (and designers)
The computer frees us to do tasks impossible in the physical world. A real-world metaphor, though, supplies us with only a real world user model. [Rogers et al]
Typewriter word processing...
Breaks conventions and cultural constraints
e.g. recycle bin placed on desktop
Limits designers imagination in coming up with new conceptual models
The literal calculator Pros and Cons of Interface Metaphors
53. the proposed system in terms of a set of integrated ideas and concepts about what it should do, behave and look like, that will be understandable by the users in the manner intended
[Rogers et al, Interaction Design, p40]
choice of model (and/or metaphor) depends on what we know about:
- user characteristics
persona, observational studies
- user tasks
task description, task analysis
- user goals
scenario, use cases
[to be covered in later lectures] Conceptual Models and UCD
54. So
steps in moving from conceptual model to design What will the user be doing when carrying out their tasks (problem space)?
What is the user interaction mode when they are interacting with a system, e.g. instructing, talking, browsing or other
What conceptual model will the system use to support these?
What kind of interface metaphor, if any, will be appropriate?
What kinds of interaction styles to use?
Always keep in mind when making design decisions how the user will understand the underlying conceptual model
55. Summary In Lecture 2 we looked at:
Usability/design principles
Conceptual models and their pros and cons in design (and helping realise design principles)
In Lecture 3 we will start walking through the UCD process, beginning with how to evaluate existing systems.
56. Reading Ch 1.6, Ch 2 Rogers et al (2002) Interaction Design
Website: id-book.com (material associated with Ch 2)
58. Spare slides might want to replace mapping slides with these if you want to buidl the story more???