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Ali Jafry Teacher Pre Calculus & Pre AP Pre Calculus Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composites

Ali Jafry Teacher Pre Calculus & Pre AP Pre Calculus Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composites Dr. Dimitris Lagoudas, Dr. Daniel Davis, Patrick Klein & Lesley Weitz Faculty Advisors Madison High School for Meteorology and Space Science (Magnet School).

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Ali Jafry Teacher Pre Calculus & Pre AP Pre Calculus Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composites

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  1. Ali Jafry Teacher Pre Calculus & Pre AP Pre Calculus Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composites Dr. Dimitris Lagoudas, Dr. Daniel Davis, Patrick Klein & Lesley Weitz Faculty Advisors Madison High School for Meteorology and Space Science (Magnet School)

  2. Texas Institute of Intelligent Bio Nano Materials & Structures for Aerospace Vehicles (TIIMS) Aerospace Engineering at Texas A & M University

  3. Composites Application of Composites Introduction to Nano Composites Application of Nano Composites and Nano technology Pre test Students will engage in: Cooperative learning Peer tutoring Whole group instruction Hands on activities Math and Science Integration DAY 1 AND DAY 02

  4. High-performance applications of carbon fiber composites Boeing 787 Nose section of Boeing 787 F-22 Fighter

  5. Multifunctional Composites Multifunctional composites have good mechanical properties and at least one other property of interest (e.g. electrical, thermal…) in a given application.

  6. Multi-wall CNT (we use a mixture of single wall and mutli-wall CNTs)

  7. Nanoscale Materials How Small is Nano Small? How many carbon nanotubes does it take to stretch across the width of a human hair? A  human hair is about 100 micrometers. A carbon nanotube is about 5 nanometers That’s 20,000 carbon nanotubes per human hair.

  8. Fiber Carbon Nanotubes grown on carbon fiber.

  9. Properties of Carbon Nanotubes • Modulus (Stiffness) • 5 x steel • 400 x epoxy • Electrical conductivity • 1000 x copper wire • 10^15 x epoxy (Quadrillion times)

  10. Electrical Conductivity Specimens Pure epoxy 0.015 wt. % CNT

  11. DAY 03, 04 & 05 • Introduce engineering concepts -stress, strain, elasticity etc. • Three-point bending test to measure stiffness (modulus) of material. • Shear Force, Bending moment. • Differential Equations.

  12. Three-point bending test

  13. Equations for Internal Shear force, Bending Moment, and Displacement

  14. Solving for Internal shear and moment equations

  15. To calculate modulus (E), L = support span P = Load δ = displacement w = specimen width t = specimen thickness

  16. Shear force and Bending MomentQuestions

  17. Solving the Internal Shear and Moment Equations (with Distributed Load)

  18. Other Differential Equations Acceleration & velocity Other applications (Work, Momentum, Energy)

  19. TEKS / TAKS Correlation Make quantitative observations and measurements with precision. (2B)  Organize, analyze, evaluate, make inferences, and predict trends from data. (2C)  Graph data to observe and identify relationships between variables(2D) Develop and interpret a free-body diagram for force analysis (4E)

  20. Conclusions • Introduce Nanocomposites and carbon nano tube epoxy composites. • Introducing Engineering concepts like bending of beam, Stress, Strain. • Experiments. • Field trips.

  21. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to extend appreciation to the following Dr. Dimitris Lagoudas, Dr. Daniel Davis, Patrick Klein Lesley Weitz Jeff Cowley E 3 team and staff Texas A & M Engineering National Science Foundation

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