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Selected Soil SCIENCE principles for soil survey. Soil Genesis and Morphology. Hone your skills and study . Know your parent materials. Soil Forming Factors. Parent Material Topography Climate Biota Time. Topography: dictates accumulation vs. erosion, drainage, aspect, etc.
Soil Forming Factors Parent Material Topography Climate Biota Time
Topography: dictates accumulation vs. erosion, drainage, aspect, etc
Biota: in Maine this means (mostly) spruce-fir and N. hardwoods influence.
Landform = Hill shoulder slope Spruce - N. hardwood forest Parent Material = Dense Basal Till ~ (14,000 Yrs old in mostly humid, frigid climate) Slate bedrock
Catena Concept for Soils-within a parent material:drainagesequence of soils by landform (along a slope)- INCREASING WETNESS Soil Bedrock
Catena Concept for Soils-sequence of soils along a slope- INCREASING WETNESS Rawsonville Marlow Dixfield Colonel Brayton Bucksport Dense Till Soil Bedrock
Pre-mapping Preview: Delineate Soil Forming Factors and use Catenas • Permutations drive map unit development. • Parent material • Topography • Landform • Slope, position on slope • Morphometry • Vegetation • Climate • Time
Pedantry and mastery are opposite attitudes toward rules. To apply a rule to the letter, rigidly, unquestioningly, in cases where it fits and in cases where it does not fit, is pedantry... To apply a rule with natural ease, with judgment, noticing the cases where it fits, and without ever letting the words of the rule obscure the purpose of the action or the opportunities of the situation, is mastery. -George Polya, professor of mathematics (1887-1985)