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NuMI Beam Startup S. Childress, 3 Nov.’04. NuMI beam system readiness at conclusion of current shutdown: Extraction and Primary beam ready for initial beam startup by 3 December Hadron Absorber ready for initial beam startup by 3 December
NuMI Beam StartupS. Childress, 3 Nov.’04 • NuMI beam system readiness at conclusion of current shutdown: • Extraction and Primary beam ready for initial beam startup by 3 December • Hadron Absorber ready for initial beam startup by 3 December • Target Hall can accept low intensity beam in target out mode by 3 December. Full beam readiness in 2nd half January ’05 • A high priority is to understand / resolve any significant NuMI extraction and primary transport issues while accelerator systems are still in start-up mode, and before pbars are stored in Recycler. NuMI extraction components and a major part of primary transport are in the MI / Recycler tunnel interlock region. Requested NuMI low intensity beam start-up beginning Friday, 3 December
NuMI Startup Constraints • All MI interlock area tunnel work complete including downstairs check-out prior to shutdown completion • This is going well, and is on track to accomplish this • Power supply start-up for MI region to be conducted in evenings and week-ends once MI secure. Ongoing now on week-ends in Pretarget. • Only one power supply / load combination not checked out before shutdown – HV101 (Here pre-shutdown load was 2 magnets which had fringe field shields for Recycler in place then. Now all 6 magnet shields are complete, and system is ready for full PS checkout) • Kickers pulsing at full current now • Detailed pre-beam commissioning to be conducted in period immediately after shutdown ends. • MI extraction bump setup and sensitivity to NuMI Lambertsons field measured before shutdown • Recheck during early MI running, plus measure Recycler sensitivity to full shielded HV101 string
NuMI Startup Constraints (cont) • Establish stable MI beam orbits • Initial run plan to preclude significant radiation of target hall chase and components • Radioactive component handling checkout still needed after initial beam operation • MARS runs have been done to set integral beam flux parameters, and preclude radiation of target hall chase (beyond low levels already present in shielding steel) • Completion of SAD, ARR and all readiness approvals • Approval process ongoing now (N. Grossman ldr. for NuMI) • Desire to limit schedule impact on ongoing target Hall Work • Schedule NuMI beam time near week-end • Essential need for support staff personnel during initial beam start-up • Schedule first beam effort during normal hours (Friday)
Schedule & Intensity Details • Schedule: • Request NuMIbeam cycle in timeline for a total of four 12 hour shifts – one shift on each of Friday 3 Dec., Saturday 4 Dec. and two shifts on weekend of 10-12 Dec. • Specific request for first period is • Friday 3 Dec. 0900 – 2100 • Saturday 4 Dec. 0900 – 2100 • A meeting to review start-up plans with AD experts is scheduled for 11 Nov. • Intensity: • Based on MARS results plan for integral NuMI intensity of < 1E14 protons in a 48 hour period • Operation for first weekend at 3E11 protons/pulse, with one NuMI cycle in a supercycle of 180 seconds • Will then control beam switch for NuMI to transport beam only after previous pulse understood
Pre (NuMI beam) commissioning • We can – and will – establish readiness of systems for primary beam prior to first extracted beam pulses. • These include: • Magnet function & connection polarities • Power supply function / ramp parameters • Kicker & power supply function • Recycler shielding from EPB fringe fields • Instrumentation function and readout polarities • Beam Permit System [ establish & test 1st limits for all but NuMI BLM’s] • Control timing • Verify documentation capability – Profiles,BPM’s,BLM’s, Intensity • Main Injector beam suitable for extraction
Initial Beam Priorities • Know that the basics work • Establish beam to the Hadron Absorber • Verify kicker system function • Verify instrumentation function • Verify appropriate beam optics • Verify alignment with beam • Quads for acceptable corrector currents • Limiting apertures for beam loss control • Radiation safety verification for levels from first low intensity operation • Understand any problems which can need tunnel access, and plan for solutions • As part of initial commissioning process, fully utilize and verify function for beam permit and beam control systems • 2nd weekend run plan priorities will utilize feedback from first weekend efforts including option for some higher intensity pulses with limit ~ 1.5 E12 for a small number of cycles. • Once beam established to hadron absorber using minimum number of pulses (at 3e11), initiate a controlled effort to understand problems and parameters: • Hardware function • Optics • Alignment • Emittance • Aperture problems • Intensity effects (3e11 to 1.2e12) • Access requests as needed for repair • Use time between the two weekend beam periods to carefully plan needs and efforts for 2nd weekend beam. Goal – understand what needs addressing before we can transport > e13 / pulse in January.
Contingency Planning The plan for a total of four beam shifts from 3 December to 12 December should give us a good idea of NuMI extraction and primary transport function, in preparation for extensive NuMI beam operation beginning in January ’05. In the event of significant issues which need addressing prior to high intensity operation, our requests will clearly adapt accordingly