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Storing characters Harfleri Depolamak. Variables of type char store a single character code.char myCharacter = X';Character Escape Sequenceschar myCharacter = \u0058';System.out.println(\"It\'s freezing in here\", he said coldly.");\b Backspace\f Form feed<br> New line Carriage return\t
1. JAVA ile Programciliga Giris 1.2.2
2. Storing charactersHarfleri Depolamak Variables of type char store a single character code.
char myCharacter = ‘X’;
Character Escape Sequences
char myCharacter = ‘\u0058’;
System.out.println(“\”It\’s freezing in here\”, he said coldly.”);
\b Backspace
\f Form feed
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Tab
3. Character Arithmetic Harf aritmetigi Character arithmetic
myCharacter += 1; // Increment to next character
++myCharacter; // Increment to next character
char aChar = 0;
char bChar = ‘\u0028’;
aChar = (char)(2*bChar + 8);
Here are the hexadecimal codes for the letters:
A: 41 B: 42 C: 43
4. Storing charactersHarfleri Depolamak EXAMPLE- Arithmetic with Character Codes – CHARCODECALCS
public class CharCodeCalcs {
public static void main(String[] args){
char letter1 = ‘A’; // letter1 is ‘A’
char letter2 = (char)(letter1+1); // letter2 is ‘B’
char letter3 = letter2; // letter3 is also ‘B’
System.out.println(“Here\’s a sequence of letters: “+ letter1 + letter2 + (++letter3));
// letter3 is now ‘C’
System.out.println(“Here are the decimal codes for the letters:\n”+
letter1 + “: “ + (int)letter1 +
“ “ + letter2 + “: “ + (int)letter2 +
“ “ + letter3 + “: “ + (int)letter3);
import static java.lang.Integer.toHexString;
5. Bitwise OperationsBit Islemleri & AND , | OR
^ Exclusive OR if both bits are the same the result is 0; otherwise, the result is 1.
~ Complement it inverts all the bits, so that each 1 bit becomes 0, and each 0 bit becomes 1
Using the AND OR Operators
thirdBit = indicators & 0x4; // Select the 3rd bit
6. Bitwise OperationsBit Islemleri EXAMPLE- Bitwise AND and OR operations-BITWISEOPS
import static java.lang.Integer.toBinaryString;
public class BitwiseOps {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int indicators = 0xFF07;
int selectBit3 = 0x4; // Mask to select the 3rd bit
// Try the bitwise AND to select the third bit in indicators
System.out.println(“indicators = “ + toBinaryString(indicators));
System.out.println(“selectBit3 = “ + toBinaryString(selectBit3));
indicators &= selectBit3;
System.out.println(“indicators & selectBit3 = “ + toBinaryString(indicators));
// Try the bitwise OR to switch the third bit on
indicators = 0xFF09;
System.out.println(“\nindicators = “+ toBinaryString(indicators));
System.out.println(“selectBit3 = “+ toBinaryString(selectBit3));
indicators |= selectBit3;
System.out.println(“indicators | selectBit3 = “ + toBinaryString(indicators));
// Now switch the third bit off again
indicators &= ~selectBit3;
System.out.println(“\nThe third bit in the previous value of indicators” +
“ has been switched off”);
System.out.println(“indicators & ~selectBit3 = “ +
7. Bitwise OperationsBit Islemleri Using the Exclusive OR operator
a ^= b;
byte allBitsOne = 0xFF; // Wrong!!
byte allBitsOne = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Correct – well done!!
Shift Operations
<< Shift left, filling with zeros from the right.
>> Shift right, propagating the sign bit from the left.
>>> Shift right, filling with zeros from the left.
8. Bitwise OperationsBit Islemleri EXAMPLE-Using shift Operations-PACKING CHARACTERS
import static java.lang.Long.toHexString;
public class PackingCharacters {
public static void main(String[] args) {
char letterA = ‘A’;
char letterB = ‘B’;
char letterC = ‘C’;
char letterD = ‘D’;
long packed = 0L;
packed = letterD; // Store D
packed = (packed << 16) | letterC; // Shift and add the next letter - C
packed = (packed << 16) | letterB; // Shift and add the next letter - B
packed = (packed << 16) | letterA; // Shift and add the next letter - A
System.out.println(“packed now contains 0x” + toHexString(packed));
// Now unpack the letters and output them
long mask = 0xFFFF; // Rightmost 16 bits as 1
char letter = (char)(packed & mask); // Extract the rightmost letter
System.out.println(“From right to left the letters in packed are:”);
System.out.println(“ “ + letter + “ 0x” + toHexString(letter));
packed >>= 16; // Shift out the rightmost letter
letter = (char)(packed & mask); // Extract the new rightmost letter
System.out.println(“ “ + letter + “ 0x” + toHexString(letter));
packed >>= 16; // Shift out the rightmost letter
letter = (char)(packed & mask); // Extract the new rightmost letter
System.out.println(“ “ + letter + “ 0x” + toHexString(letter));
packed >>= 16; // Shift out the rightmost letter
letter = (char)(packed & mask); // Extract the new rightmost letter
System.out.println(“ “ + letter + “ 0x” + toHexString(letter));
9. Bitwise OperationsBit Islemleri Methods for Bitwise operations
int data = 0x0F00;
// data is: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0000 0000
int bits = Integer.bitCount(data); // Result is 4
10. Bitwise Operations EXAMPLE- Methods for Bitwise operations-TRYBITMETHODS
import static java.lang.Long.*;
public class TryBitMethods {
public static void main(String[] args) {
long number = 0xF00000000000000FL;
System.out.println(“number:\n” + toBinaryString(number));
long result = rotateLeft(number,2);
System.out.println(“number rotated left 2 bits:\n” + toBinaryString(result));
result = rotateRight(number, 3);
System.out.println(“number rotated right 3 bits:\n” + toBinaryString(result));
result = reverse(result);
System.out.println(“Previous result reversed:\n” + toBinaryString(result));
System.out.println(“Bit count in number:\n” + bitCount(number));
11. enumeration Variables with a fixed set of integer values
You will often need variables that can have values only from a predefined fixed set.
enum Day {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday }
Day weekday = Day.Tuesday;
12. enumeration Variables with a fixed set of integer values
enum Month { January, February, March , April , May , June, July , August , September, October, November, December }
Month current = Month.September; // Initialize to September
current = Month.October;
13. enumeration EXAMPLE-Using enumeration- TRYENUMERATION
public class TryEnumeration {
// Define an enumeration type for days of the week
enum Day {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, Sunday }
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Define three variables of type Day
Day yesterday = Day.Thursday;
Day today = Day.Friday;
Day tomorrow = Day.Saturday;
// Output the values of the Day variables
System.out.println(“Today is “ + today);
System.out.println(“Tomorrow will be “ + tomorrow);
System.out.println(“Yesterday was “ + yesterday);
14. Boolean variablesBool Degiskenleri Variables of type boolean can have only one of two values, true or false. The values true and false are boolean literals
boolean state = true;
state = false;
15. Operator precedenceIslem Önceligi a = b + c + 10;
a = (b + c) + 10;
(), [], postfix ++, postfix --
unary +, unary -, prefix ++, prefix --, ~, !
(type), new
*, /, %
+, -
<<, >>, >>>
< ,<= , >, >=, instanceof
==, !=
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, |=, ^=
16. comments Yorumlar Program comments
* This is a long explanation of *
* some particularly important *
* aspect of program operation. *
Documentation Comments
This is a documentation comment.
//single line comment