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Unit 7: Temperatures of the Lower Atmosphere

Unit 7: Temperatures of the Lower Atmosphere. Average January surface temperatures. Source : http://www.meteo.psu.edu/~ j2n/3_1_avetemp_sub.bmp. OBJECTIVES Discuss the measurement and characteristics of temperature and heat

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Unit 7: Temperatures of the Lower Atmosphere

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  1. Unit 7: Temperatures of the Lower Atmosphere Average January surface temperatures. Source: http://www.meteo.psu.edu/~j2n/3_1_avetemp_sub.bmp

  2. OBJECTIVES • Discuss the measurement and characteristics of temperature and heat • Explain the adiabatic process whereby vertically moving air warms and cools • Discuss the global distribution of temperatures and their variation in time and space

  3. Temperature, Temperature Scales • What is temperature? • Thermometers • Scales: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin Source: http://www.windows2universe.org/physical_science/basic_tools/images/thermometers_kelvin_celsius_fahrenheit_sm.gif

  4. The Vertical Distribution of Temperature • Environmental Lapse Rate • Adiabatic Lapse Rates • -Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR) • - Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR) • Stability • -stable • -inversions (ground, subsidence) • -unstable • -conditionally stable • Stability and Air Pollution Source: http://www.fas.org/irp/imint/docs/rst/Sect14/Sect14_1b.html

  5. James Glaisher and his assistant, Coxwell, during a balloon flight on September 5, 1862.

  6. Concept of Stability Source: http://epswww.unm.edu/facstaff/gmeyer/envsc101/wk11atmcompcirc.htm

  7. Environmental lapse rate conditions Source: https://www.meted.ucar.edu/sign_in.php?go_back_to=http%253A%252F%252Fwww.meted.ucar.edu%252Fmesoprim%252Fbandedprecip%252Fprint.htm

  8. In an unstable atmosphere numerous thunderstorms billow up as viewed over southern Florida looking south.

  9. Downtown Los Angeles is a leading city of air pollution due to poor vertical and horizontal mixing. Throughout the summer, there is a restrictive temperature inversion over the region. Adopting the strictest air pollution controls in the world, the air quality has improved remarkably. Fig. 8.7 3rd ed.

  10. Horizontal Distribution of Temperature • Temporal cycles • -Daily cycle • -Annual cycle • Heating of land vs. water • -maritime effect • -continental effect, continentality • Global temperature variations • -seasonal variations • -isotherms and temperature gradients

  11. Daily Radiation Patterns Figure 3.12

  12. Land–Water Heating Differences   Figure 3.20

  13. The annual range in sea surface temperature (A) and the lag between maximum solar heating and the date of maximum temperature (B).

  14. Fig 8.9-annual temperature regimes for inland vs coast

  15. Effects of Latitude Figure 3.17

  16. Annual Temperature Regime in Siberia Source: http://www.verkhoyansk.climatemps.com/

  17. Mean sea-level air temperatures, in Fahrenheit for January Source: http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter3/graphics/jan_temps.jpg

  18. Mean sea-level air temperatures, in Fahrenheit for July Source: http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/classes/met130/notes/chapter3/graphics/july_temps.jpg

  19. Global Temperature Ranges Figure 3.28

  20. Urban Heat Island Figure 3.30

  21. Wind chill Correlates cold and wind speed Heat index Correlates heat and humidity Air Temperature and the Human Body

  22. Wind Chill Table Figure 1

  23. Heat Index Table Figure 2

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