Why Value-Added??? Widespread support from SOAR districts, Ohio’s teachers’ unions, education associations, educators and business and community leaders led to the passage of Ohio House Bill 3 in August 2003. Receiving overwhelming bipartisan support, this legislation adopted the implementation of a value-added progress measure as an official metric in Ohio’s education accountability system in 2007-2008. All Ohio school districts will receive 4th-8th-grade reading and math value-added reports. Source: Battelle For Kids website
Value-Added Leadership Team Jan Broughton Deborah Call Rebecca Blume Dana Pollock ???
Value-Added Analysis Our goal – Is to assist everyone in using value-added data for the benefit of one main objective – HELPING OUR STUDENTS !
What is Value Added? • A method to measure a school’s impact on the rate of student progress from year to year. • Value-added should not be seen just as another indicator, but a more reliable indicator of a school’s impact on student learning across grades and subject levels. • Value-added offers another lens to access whether instructional methods, programs, and practices are working.
What is Value Added? • NOT AN EVALUATION TOOL! • The purpose of applying data is not to prove, but rather to improve. • The goal in reviewing results is not to name, blame and shame, but rather to help others uncover, discover, and recover. • But, we will approach student results “head-on” (together), and allow the data to help us make changes for the betterment of a child’s performance.
What is a Value-Added Progress Metric? • Think of academic progress in terms of a child’s growth chart. Data points can be plotted to display a child’s physical growth over a specific period of time. You can use value-added data points to plot a child’s academic progress over time.
AchievementversusProgress & Achievement Measures a student’s performance at a single point in time Relates to a student’s family background Compares students’ performance to a standard Critical to a student’s post secondary opportunities Progress Measures a student’s progress between two points in time Not related to a student’s family background Compares students’ performance to their own prior performance Critical to ensuring a student’s future academic success A more complete picture of student learning The Power of Two
With value-added information.. • Teachers are better able to: • Monitor students’ progress • Modify instruction • Align professional development • District administrators and principals are better able to: • Measure impact • Make better-informed, data-driven decisions • Benchmark progress against other districts and schools • Identify best practices and implement more effective programs
Why is Value Added Analysis Important? • It’s right for KIDS • Provides data, which can be used at the administrative level or at grade level/department team meetings to help strengthen classroom or school improvement strategies (intervention or enrichment) • Identifies strengths and weaknesses, and allows individuals to celebrate and/or establish new individual classroom goals • Value-added information includes projections of future academic performance.
When will the Value-Added Metric Arrive? • We currently have the 4th grade results for 2005-2006 • For grades 3 through 8 -- Fall, 2007 • Being piloted in high schools.
Steps Taken by the Leadership Team Leadership team has completed four (4) out of five (5) days of Value-Added Training. Presented an overview to administrative team, guidance counselors, and 4th grade staff members. Analyzed 4th grade data with administrative team, guidance counselors. 4th grade staff members will get a chance to analyze their data on April 25. Met with administrative team and counselors a final time to examine student data charts and asked participants to draw conclusions/ assumptions from the charts.
What are theNext Steps? Meet with 4th grade staff members and ask them to look at the student data charts and draw conclusions/ assumptions from the charts. Plan similar fall meetings with staff members teaching in Grades 3-8. Continue to train and support staff during the implementation of Value-Added.
Resources: http://battelleforkids.com/home http://www.ode.state.oh.us/GD/Templates/Pages/ODE/ODEPrimary.aspx?page=2&TopicID=1065&TopicRelationID=1065 http://www.nsba.org/site/docs/12000/11966.pdf http://www.aasa.org/publications/saarticledetail.cfm?ItemNumber=1066 http://www.teacherqualitypartnership.org/valueaddedassessment.html http://www.iu13.k12.pa.us/inst_init_vaas.shtml http://www.nea.org/teachexperience/ask040402.html Do a search on: Value-Added Assessment William Sanders