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This Directory is created to work when viewed as a Slide Show. Please click on Slide Show on the menu at the top of PowerPoint followed by: View Show or From Beginning This box will disappear when the ‘show’ is launched. Learning and Achievement. Additional Needs.
This Directory is created to work when viewed as a Slide Show. Please click on Slide Show on the menu at the top of PowerPoint followed by: View Showor From Beginning This box will disappear when the ‘show’ is launched. Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Click on the service area to access details for teams and staff who deliver specific services for schools from Herefordshire Public Services and Hoople. The icons by each service and name reveal the relevant webpages, phone numbers and email address. Clicking them for a second time will hide the details. Please let us know what you think of the Directory or if you think we can improve it in any way by emailing us at qualityandimprovement@herefordshire.gov.uk.
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Early Years wboulter@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383043 Primary Secondary and Post 16 Curriculum Advisors and the Music Service Admissions and Transport Governor Services
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin amurphy@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 881141 Early Years sjsharp@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 880930 Primary cdavenport@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 881023 Secondary and Post 16 rcoultas@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383336 Admissions and Transport ehughes@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 880917 dwoodbridge@herefordshire.gov.uk 0779 2880754 Governor Services jmansfield@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 880291 dball@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 880024 gpritchard1@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 880030 bmiller@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 881021
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin dbeddard@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260824 Early Years Primary jtinsley@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260837 ssomers@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 261964 Secondary and Post 16 andrew.best@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260824 Admissions and Transport Governor Services sjsharp@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 880930 cdavenport@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 881023
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin wboulter@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383043 Early Years bhodgkin@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792881037 Primary ltanner@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383333 Secondary and Post 16 lamos@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383332 lcooper@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383334 Admissions and Transport ldyer@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383329 Governor Services slewis3@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383329 fwheatley@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383331 kbanks@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383331
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Click for School Admissions webpage ablackman@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260927 Early Years Primary 01432 260925 Secondary and Post 16 dbaldwin@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260937 Click for the School Transport webpages Admissions and Transport Governor Services
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Early Years Primary Secondary and Post 16 Admissions and Transport Click for Governor Services webpage governorservice@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 261880 Governor Services
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) lknight1@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 261724 Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. Specialist Services Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) slaycock@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260816 SEN Statutory Function Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. Social Inclusion/ Reintegration Specialist Services LAC Education The educational psychology service is also managed by Steve but can be contacted via the central localities team. Click here for their information. Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin slaycock@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260816 Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) ededwards@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260817 SEN Statutory Function Herefordshire Council’s SEN web pages cwilliams2@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383164 Social Inclusion/ Reintegration LAC Education 01432 260868 kaoconnor@herefordshire.gov.uk sparker@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 881535 Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. Specialist Services jdavies5@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 269404 dmagness@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260945 Behaviour and PRUs gparry@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260945
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) slaycock@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260816 SEN Statutory Function rshephard@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792880262 Social Inclusion/ Reintegration LAC Education Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. Specialist Services Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) slaycock@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260816 SEN Statutory Function hjones@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260579 Social Inclusion/ Reintegration LAC Education jgriffiths1@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260599 Looked After Children’s education support webpages Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. tgodfrey@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260599 Specialist Services Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) ahough@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260888 English as an Additional Language Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. GRT, EHE and Bullying Specialist Services Learning and Inclusion Consultant Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. ahough@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260888 English as an Additional Language bstraker@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 881458 GRT, EHE and Bullying Learning and Inclusion Consultant hshaw@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260890 cshaw@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260890 Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) ekercher@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260890 Specialist Services aparfitt@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260890 _____@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 ______ Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. ahough@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260888 English as an Additional Language bstraker@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 261840 GRT, EHE and Bullying Learning and Inclusion Consultant slicence@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383492 Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) joy.burnet@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383194 Specialist Services Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. ahough@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260888 English as an Additional Language jhealey2@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 261780 GRT, EHE and Bullying Learning Inclusion Consultant Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) Specialist Services Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) dwhite2@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Visual Impairment Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. Hearing Impairment Specialist Services Learning & Communication Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Specialist Services dwhite2@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Visual Impairment dleitch@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260875 Hearing Impairment cgateley@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Learning & Communication vwebb@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. serhardt@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Specialist Services dwhite2@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Visual Impairment jwilliams3@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Hearing Impairment kmallon@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Learning & Communication zjohns@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) kbucknell@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. cworkman@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260876 Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Specialist Services dwhite2@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 Visual Impairment jrolfe@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260878 Hearing Impairment dbudge@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260878 Learning & Communication afinch@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260878 rsime@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260878 Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. jlewis1@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 356438 Behaviour and PRUs csoble@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260878
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) 01432 265153 oevans@brookfield.hereford.sch.uk Behaviour Support Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. PRUs Specialist Services Behaviour and PRUs
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Behaviour and PRUs 01432 265153 oevans@brookfield.hereford.sch.uk Behaviour Support dwhite2@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260877 PRUs vbarton@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792880256 dbudge@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792880911 Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) afinch@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792880254 Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. emcenery@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260873 smcenery@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792880571 Specialist Services aeastman@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792880251
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Behaviour and PRUs 01432 265153 oevans@brookfield.hereford.sch.uk Behaviour Support gowen@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 274485 PRUs Additional Needs Casework (Statutory SEN, Social Inclusion, LAC Education) Equalities & SEN Advice for Schools & SENCos. Specialist Services
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Raising a concern about a child LADO Invitations to LAC reviews or conferences Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board Children’s Rights and Advocacy
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Raising a concern about a child How to report a concern about a child: HSCB Website LADO Invitations to LAC reviews or conferences Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board Children’s Rights and Advocacy
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Raising a concern about a child athompson@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 261708 LADO More information about LADO at herefordshire.gov.uk Invitations to LAC reviews or conferences Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board Children’s Rights and Advocacy
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Raising a concern about a child LADO vcavanagh@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260010 Invitations to LAC reviews or conferences Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board Children’s Rights and Advocacy
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin Raising a concern about a child LADO Invitations to LAC reviews or conferences achurcher@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260278 Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board HSCB Website: www.herefordshiresafeguardingchildrenboard.co.uk Children’s Rights and Advocacy
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin charris1@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 881 509 Raising a concern about a child LADO aevers@herefordshire.gov.uk 07792 881 500 Invitations to LAC reviews or conferences Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Board Children’s Rights and Advocacy Click for the Children’s Rights and Advocacy webpage
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin School data, census and School Profiles ICT Support Continued Professional Development Staffing Site Management and Licences and Accounts Finance, Insurance and Payroll
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin cbennett@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260297 School data, census and School Profiles ICT Support isockett@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260919 Continued Professional Development Staffing isockett@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260919 Site Management and Licences and Accounts Click for Herefordshire’s online Census Guidance pcooper@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260916 Finance, Insurance and Payroll
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin SchoolsHelpdesk@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 261500 School data, census and School Profiles ICT Support lucy.hall@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 383489 Continued Professional Development chris.murray@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 383392 Staffing Site Management and Licences and Accounts 01432 383883 alicia.bolger@hoopleltd.co.uk Finance, Insurance and Payroll
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin School data, census and School Profiles ICT Support sharron.goode@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 377770 Continuing Professional Development Click for Herefordshire's CPD Online Staffing Site Management and Licences and Accounts Finance, Insurance and Payroll
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin mganderton@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260934 School data, census and School Profiles ICT Support julie.davies@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 260933 candida.kuegler@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 260901 Continued Professional Development sheila.thompson@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 260233 Staffing julie.davis@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 364013 Site Management and Licences and Accounts caroline.skyrme@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 260030 Finance, Insurance and Payroll malcolm.lloyd@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 377770
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin mthomas@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260129 School data, census and School Profiles ICT Support Click for our School Licences and Accounts webpage Continued Professional Development iwilkie@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260650 Staffing Click for our School Health and Safety guidance webpage Site Management and Licences and Accounts kknight@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 383042 Finance, Insurance and Payroll
Learning and Achievement Additional Needs Social Work and Child Protection Locality Teams and multi-agency services Schools Management and Admin school.finance@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 261580 School data, census and School Profiles malcolm.green@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 260818 ICT Support malcolm.foster@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 260071 Continued Professional Development john.francis@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 261755 Staffing amanda.dallimore@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 261999 Site Management and Licences and Accounts acook@herefordshire.gov.uk 01432 260301 Finance, Insurance and Payroll angela.Jones@hoopleltd.co.uk 01432 260584