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The Patient. Dr. Percy Trevelan has written a book on catalepsy . . Dr. Trevelyn set up a private medical practice in his home with the help of a stranger , Mr. Blessington . .
Dr. PercyTrevelanhaswritten a book oncatalepsy . Dr. Trevelyn set up a private medical practice in his home withthe help of a stranger, Mr. Blessington. In exchange, Blessingtonstayedatthehouseandreceived a percentageofthedoctor’searnings.
Trevelyan came to Holmes whenBlessingtonbecamecrazywithfear. His anxietystartedwhenheheardabout a recentrobbery. Blessingtonkeptallhismoney in a metal box in hisroombecausehedidn’ttrustbanks.
Trevelyanstartedtreating a patientwhointroducedhimself as a Russianlord. He came withhis son. Blessingtonwas out for a walkwhenthemanwasbeingexamined.
WhenBlessingtonreturned, hesawfootprints in hisroom. Someonehadbeen in therebutnothinghadbeentaken. Holmes askedBlessingtonwhothemenwereandwhytheywerehisenemies.
WhenBlessingtonsaidhedidn’tknowthem, Holmes toldhimheneededtotellthetruthandleft. The nextday, Trevelyantold Holmes thatBlessingtonhadhunghimself. Holmes figured out thatthetwomenandBlessingtonhadbeenpartof a groupof four robbers.
Blessingtonhadhelpedthepoliceandwas set free, whileoneofthemenwashanged. Oncefree, they came topunishBlessington. It seemedthattheyputBlessingtonontrial, foundhimguilty, andhangedhim. The othertwo ( whohaddisguisedthemselves as thepatientandson) hadgone to prison. Nobodywaspunished for Blessington’sdeath