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Civil Air Patrol

Learn how to effectively plan and set goals for your region or wing in the Civil Air Patrol. This workshop highlights the importance of strategic planning, recruiting and retention, and provides tools to guide the planning process.

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Civil Air Patrol

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  1. Strategic Planning at the Region/Wing Level10 August 2019Baltimore, MDCol John M Knowles, CAP/XP Civil Air Patrol One Civil Air Patrol, excelling in service to our nation and our members!

  2. Why? • Answers the question – How do I fit in? • Establishes Goals – Actions and Numbers • What gets measured gets done • The further up you go the more planning you need to do • Recruiting and retention • You are already doing it for OPS, which is only one of our three missions….there is a lot more you should be looking at • You can’t run an Air Force on the back of a napkin • 8000 members; 63+4 AC; 152 vehicles; 152 units (MER)

  3. One Bite At a Time • Bite size bits: • Review CAP’s Strategic Plan and it’s Annex’s 2019-2023 Strategic Plan • Review your Region’s plan • Identify what Goals & Objective are applicable to you and your wing Strat Plan with MER Strategies JK • Identify what other unique goals you in your wing – State MOU etc.. • Staff retreat • ID who “owns” the goal (probably multiple staff areas) • What can the section do to support the objective • What SMART goals can you set to demonstrate “mission accomplished” MER Non-training metrics • Have each staff section brief their piece for clarity and concurrence How Staff Builds Their Portion of ATP • Once you are all in agreement – draft their part of the ATP

  4. Tools to Guide The Process • Staffing XP (Plans/Strategic Plans) • Vice Commander guiding the process • Chief of Staff helping each staff member • CAP Strategic Plan and Annex’s to the plan • Staff spreadsheets • Last years ATP (it is easier the next time around) 2019 Draft MER ATP • Report card – how are we doing towards our goals • Published and briefed at the annual conference (Color – Green/Yellow/Red) • Next year – review and adjust as needed • Goals (metrics) have to be easy to get at

  5. Schedule- XP (Plans) CV • 2ND FY Qtr start the ATP Planning Process. • Reviewing the NHQ 2020 Annex to begin our FY20 ATP planning. • Tools needed • FY19 MER ATP • 2019 NHQ Annex • 2020 NHQ Annex. • Review 2020 NHQ Annex and compare it to the 2019 NHQ Annex • NHQ changes any Priorities or Objectives • No major changes • Strategies in the  FY19 ATP to see if they are still valid. • Remove or add • List the MER Strategies for FY 20 • Commander also does a parallel review to see if he wants to add and/or delete - by 24 Feb • OPORD for the Retreat with the “Pre-work” for the staff - by 10 March. • Plan for the Staff retreat which will be to build the FY20 MER ATP and to conduct a mid-year review of the Training and Non-Training Scorecards (Goals) April 21-23, 2020

  6. Other Benefits of ATP • Basis for the Yearly Training Calendar – YTC • Basis for staff budget requests • Recruiting tool • Raises the level of professionalism • State Legislative tool

  7. “If you take care of the little things, you’ll find that the big things tend to take care of themselves” - John Knowles-

  8. Resources • CAP Strategic Plan and it’s Annex’s • Region Annual Training Plan (if there is one) • Wing ATP (if there is one) • Ask for help – Region or National Level (jknowles@cap.gov) • State MOU • CAP Cooperative Agreement – SOW

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