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ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008

ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008. Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor 247 Nicholson Hall [Slides from Lecture22]. Telescopes (Chapter 6). Traditional ground-based optical telescopes Refracting (light passes through a lens) Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror)

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ASTR 1101-001 Spring 2008

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  1. ASTR 1101-001Spring 2008 Joel E. Tohline, Alumni Professor 247 Nicholson Hall [Slides from Lecture22]

  2. Telescopes (Chapter 6) • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • SIRTF (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • GRO (g-ray)

  3. Telescopes (Chapter 6) • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a convex lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • SIRTF (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • GRO (g-ray)

  4. Landolt Astronomical Observatory 11.5-inch refracting telescope Location: roof of Nicholson Hall http://www.phys.lsu.edu/landoltobservatory/index.html

  5. Refracting Telescope: “How it works”

  6. Telescopes (Chapter 6) NOTE: A large lens is advantageous because it can collect more light in a given amount of time. The collecting area goes as the square of the radius of the lens. • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • SIRTF (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • GRO (g-ray)

  7. 40-inch Refractor at Yerkes Observatory (near Chicago, IL)

  8. Telescopes (Chapter 6) • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a convex lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • SIRTF (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • GRO (g-ray)

  9. Highland Road Park Observatory(BREC park just south of Siegen Lane) 20-inch diameter reflecting telescope http://www.bro.lsu.edu

  10. Telescopes (Chapter 6) NOTE: A large mirror is advantageous because it can collect more light in a given amount of time. The collecting area goes as the square of the radius of the mirror. • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • SIRTF (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • GRO (g-ray)

  11. Reflecting Telescope:“Gemini North” in Hawaii • Primary mirror has a diameter of 8.1 meters • Secondary mirror has a diameter of 1.0 meter • Hole in primary through which light passes to reach the Cassegrain focus

  12. Summit of Mauna Kea (Hawaii)

  13. Hubble Space Telescope Operated by: Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland www.stsci.edu

  14. Hubble Space Telescope Operated by: Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland www.stsci.edu NOTE: Hubble does not have a particularly large primary mirror. Hubble images are not “fuzzy,” however, because its view of objects is unhampered by atmospheric turbulence.

  15. Telescopes (Chapter 6) • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • SIRTF (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • GRO (g-ray)

  16. Telescopes (Chapter 6) • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • SIRTF (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • GRO (g-ray)

  17. 64-meter “Parkes” Radio Telescope New South Wales, Australia

  18. Very Large Array (VLA) of Radio Telescopes Socorro, New Mexico

  19. Telescopes (Chapter 6) • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • SIRTF (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • GRO (g-ray)

  20. Telescopes (Chapter 6) • Traditional ground-based optical telescopes • Refracting (light passes through a lens) • Reflecting (light bounces off a concave mirror) • Telescopes for wavelengths outside the visible part of the EM spectrum • Ground-based radio telescopes and telescope arrays • Space-based satellite telescopes • Spitzer Space Telescope (infrared) • Hubble Space Telescope (visible and ultraviolet) • Chandra & XMM (x-ray) • Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (g-ray)

  21. Spitzer

  22. Spitzer Space Telescope(infrared)

  23. Hubble

  24. Hubble Space Telescope (visible & UV) Operated by: Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland www.stsci.edu

  25. Chandra & XMM

  26. Chandra X-ray Observatory

  27. Compton GRO

  28. Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO)

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