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Challenges of Garuda : The National Grid Computing Initiative of India

Challenges of Garuda : The National Grid Computing Initiative of India. Subrata Chattopadhyay C-DAC Knowledge Park Bangalore, India. ATIP 1 st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09. Outline . Introduction – C-DAC Garuda overview PoC Phase Foundation phase Current status Challenges

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Challenges of Garuda : The National Grid Computing Initiative of India

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  1. Challenges of Garuda : The National Grid Computing Initiative of India Subrata Chattopadhyay C-DAC Knowledge Park Bangalore, India Workshop on HPC in India ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  2. Outline Introduction – C-DAC Garuda overview PoC Phase Foundation phase Current status Challenges Q & A ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  3. C-DAC - Overview Established in 1989 as a Resource Centre in System Software for High Performance Computing (HPC) Activities cover HPC & Grid computing, Real Time & Dependable Computing, Heritage Computing, E-Governance, Education and Training Houses C-DAC’s TeraScale Supercomputing Facility (CTSF) as a National HPC Facility Several turn key projects in system software, real time systems and E-Governance for the domestic and foreign markets 100-150 Technical Members ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  4. GARUDA - Overview Proof of Concept phase of project completed in March 2008 Precursor to the National Grid Computing Initiative Test Bed for grid technology/concepts and applications leading to the plan for the main grid initiative Major Deliverables on PoC Technologies, Architectures, Standards & Research Initiatives Nation-wide high-speed communication fabric Aggregation of Grid Resources Deployment of Select applications of National Importance Grid Strategic User Group High-speed Networking Component in collaboration with ERNET ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  5. Garuda MPLS Network ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  6. Architecture • Access Methods • Access Portal for SOA • Problem Solving Environments • Management, Monitoring • & Accounting • Paryaveekshanam • Web MDS • GARUDA Information • Service • GARUDA Accounting • Security Framework • IGCA Certificates • MyProxy • VOMS • GARUDA Resources • Compute, Data, Storage, • Scientific Instruments, • Software,.. • Resource Mgmt & Scheduling • GridWay Meta-scheduler • Resource Reservation • Torque, Load Leveler • Globus 4.x (WS Components) ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  7. Grid Infrastructure – Resources PARAM Padma and Linux Clusters have been setup at Pune, Hyderabad & Chennai Grid Labs have been setup at three locations Fourteen of the partner institutions contributing resources including satellite terminals ( aggregating to more than 1500 CPUs and over 60TB storage) ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  8. GARUDA Partners Motivation To Collaborate on Research and Engineering of Technologies, Architectures, Standards and Applications in Grid Computing To Contribute to the aggregation of resources in the Grid Current Participation 36 research & academic institutions in the 17 cities ERNET-HQ in Delhi 8 centres of C-DAC Total of 45 institutions ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  9. Virtual User Community Astrophysics High Energy Physics & Astronomy Grid Technology Disaster Management Earth Science Bioinformatics (Genome) Computational Fluid Dynamics Network Technology ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  10. Research Initiatives Objective Create the foundation for next generation grids by addressing long term research issues in the strategic areas of Knowledge and data management Programming models Architectures Grid Management and Monitoring Problem solving environments Tools and grid services Research Initiatives in Semantic Grids Integrated Development Environment Network Simulation Mobile Agents Grid File Systems Resource Brokers ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  11. Collaborations Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad Disaster Management Grid Middleware for Satellite Grids Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Climate Modeling Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai Grid Middleware for Semantic Grid Services Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai Computational Fluid Dynamics Package on PARAM Padma University of Pune Quantum Chemistry, Materials Modeling, Bioinformatics INDMOL Molecular Package developed EU-India Grid BARC, C-DAC, ERNET, Saha Institute, TIFR, Univ. Pune Consortium GARR, ICTP, INFN (Italy) Cambridge University (UK) ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  12. GARUDA – POC - Overview Proof of Concept phase of project completed in March 2008 Precursor to the National Grid Computing Initiative Test Bed for grid technology/concepts and applications leading to the plan for the main grid initiative Major Deliverables on PoC Technologies, Architectures, Standards & Research Initiatives Nation-wide high-speed communication fabric Aggregation of Grid Resources Deployment of Select applications of National Importance Grid Strategic User Group High-speed Networking Component in collaboration with ERNET ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  13. Highlights of GARUDA PoC Building core technical competence in grid computing – development and deployment of Grid middleware, tools and services Deployment of Cyberinfrastructure High speed Networking Resource aggregation (resources from various institutes/organizations) Prototype Demonstration of Applications of National importance Disaster Management (DMSAR) Bioinformatics Building the Grid community Understanding research challenges in Grid computing ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  14. Garuda–Foundation Phase:2008-09 Test interoperability of Garuda with other international grids Monitor and operate the high speed bandwidth Garuda network and grid resources Upgrade Garuda resources Demonstrate SOA framework that may lead to participation from Industry Research on security and grid technologies Establish certificate authority for national grid operation Enable selected applications on grid environment ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  15. Achievements - Foundation Phase Explored viability of commercial applications / services in areas of CAE and Molecular Docking on SOA GARUDA Replaced commercial grid scheduler with OpenSource ‘Gridway’ meta scheduler Exploring OpenSource solution for Data Grid through SRM as an alternate to SRB from Nirvana Established the First CA in India to address security issues of grid – IGCA Improved processing time from 6.1hrs to 54 mins for processing one set of Radar data (9GB) for the DMSAR application using the new resources of GARUDA (272 cores) Winglet applications for processing 6000 winglets taking nearly 30 days to complete on ordinary machines were able to complete in 3 hours by harnessing the large computational power offered by GARUDA. ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  16. Objective ofOperational Phase of Garuda To provide stable, robust, and efficient grid environment with guaranteed quality of service for various applications ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  17. Major components Architecture and Framework Middleware & Associated tools: Development, deployment and operational support Migration to interoperation with international grids Resource aggregation & coordination with resources initiative Operational pilot of applications & coordination with new application initiatives ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  18. Garuda Services 2012 2012 - - 2012 2012 - - - - Next Gen Services Knowledge Dissemination Deploy Operational Applications 2011 2011 - - - - Resource Aggregation & Augmentation Participation – Intl Commn, Stds Forum Stabilize & Enhance – NKN, middleware, tools - - - - 2010 2010 2011 - 2011 - Grid Enablement Support Migration to NKN Middleware & Tools Architecture & Framework 2010 - 2010 - ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  19. International Visibility ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  20. Eu-Indiagrid Project Goals To support the interconnection and inter-operability of the prominent European Grid infrastructure (EGEE) with the Indian Grid infrastructure (Garuda National Grid Initiative, DAE-Grid) for the benefit of eScience applications; To identify and aggregate research, scientific and industrial communities which may benefit from the use of Grid technology resulting in an eScience Network Community To promote the use of advanced Grid technologies within the created Network Community relying on pilot applications in Biology and High Energy Physics Material Science, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and specific outreach and dissemination activities To disseminate European EGEE Grid technology achievements in India and leverage on Indian Grid experiences and skills. ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  21. Participants EUROPE Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, INFN (project coordinator), Metaware SpA, Italian Academic and Research Network (GARR) Cambridge University INTERNATIONAL Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) INDIA Indian Education and Research Network (ERNET), University of Pune, SAHA Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai TATA Institute for Fundamental Research (Mumbai) National Centre for Biological Sciences(Bangalore) ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  22. Challenges! Heterogeneous Resources Policy across different administrative domains Diverse requirements and priorities Funding and sustainability Killer Apps - Interoperation and standards ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

  23. Thank you! ATIP 1st Workshop on HPC in India @ SC-09

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