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Mazovian Fund of Credit Sureties. Warsaw (June 2010). MFPK Sp. z o.o. MFPK was created thanks to the Marchal’s initiative of the Mazovia region in 2003. MFPK shareholders. Warsaw Marshall Office and Warsaw City Council State Economy Bank
Mazovian Fund of Credit Sureties Warsaw (June2010)
MFPK Sp. z o.o. MFPK was created thanks to the Marchal’s initiative of the Mazovia region in 2003
MFPK shareholders • Warsaw Marshall Office and Warsaw City Council • State Economy Bank • Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej in Warsaw • Districts: Otwocki, Płocki, Sochaczewski, Kozienicki, Mławski • Gminy: Mszczonów, Teresin, Świercze, • Cities: Józefów, Siedlce, Ostrołęka, Sokołów Podlaski, GarwolinMiasto i Gmina Wołomin Miasto i Gmina Grodzisk Mazowiecki • Business associations: Mazovian Chamber of Craft and Entrepreneurship, Warsaw and Mazovian Employers Association
MFPK Ownership structure of the Fund increases credibility in the financial market which confirms the co-operation with major banks operating in Poland, crediting beneficiaries of the Fund: PKO BP SA, BRE Bank SA, Pekao SA, ING Bank Śląski SA, DnB Nord Polska SA, BPH SA, Polski Bank Spółdzielczy in Ciechanowie, Mazowiecki Bank Regionalny SA. Now Fund is negotiating partnership agreements with: Bank BGŻ SA, Bankiem Polskiej Przedsiębiorczości SA oraz Millennium SA
MFPK mission The statutory task of the Fund is to help Polish entrepreneurs from the SME segment in improving access to external sources of financing through granting civil law guarantees that secure credit and bank loans repayment With large-scale guarantee activity MFPK carries out public tasks in the framework of combating unemployment and activating labor market.
MFPK MFPK as regional fund cooperates with many institutions and organizations creating the infrastructure for business support in Mazovia region. Thanks to this cooperation fund provides its beneficiaries with easier access to economic information, helps to identify the optimal sources of financing current activities and future investments, helps to identify areas of increased risk (Thanks to this clients of the Fund are only occasionally unable to pay contracted obligations)
MFPK cooperates with • Mazovian Regional Loan Fund • Mazovian Development Agency • Mazovian Energy Agency • Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation • Mazovian Chamber of Craft and Entrepreneurship • Warsaw and Mazovian Employers Association • Polish Economic Covenant • Institute of Mechanised Construction and Rock Mining (beneficiary of EU network in terms of Enterprise programme)
MFPK offers The beneficiaries of the Fund are micro, small and medium-sized companies - already operating or entering the market, having registered headquarter or one of its subsidiaries in Mazovia region
MFPK offers Credits and bank loans guarantees up to 70% of commitments (in case of another co-underwritting with regional fund or the BGK max. 80%) Guarantee time– till 60 months Maximum guarantee amount– 800,000,000 PLN (bridge guarantee- 2 mln PLN) One-time fee for the provision of guarantees– max. 3% (dependent on the period of guarantee and risk of guarantee)
MFPK Within six years of building its brand MFPK developed safe procedures of granting guarantees and the principle of cooperation with banks, which resulted in dynamic growth in the amount of provided guarantees. During this period Fund strengthened its partnership credibility thanks to the received positive financial results. This gavebasis for obtaining high ratings given by the BGK and independent rating agencies.
MFPK Receiving additional capital inter alia from the EU funds and gathering guarantee capital of more than 53 mln PLN, enables active and effective activities supporting development of entrepreneurship in the region and thus activation of the labor market.
MFPK In 2005-2008 MFPK finalised two projects in cooperation with Polish Agency for Enterprise Development funded by the European Union sources within the Sectoral Operational Programme: Improvement of Competitiveness of Enterprises Measure 1.2.2. "The recapitalization of credit guarantee funds” . Both projects were completed, achieved result- support for 1,000 companies operating in Mazovia region.
Number and value of granted guarantees and value of secured loans (in the following years) MFPK
MFPK MFPK gavemore than 2000 guarantees in anamount of nearly370 million PLN until the end of 2009. Thanks to the Fund’s cooperation with financial institutions they were able to give credit for the amount of 660 million PLN.
The ratio of guarantee capital to the value of active guarantee (increasingly) years 2004-2009
MFPK Thanks to the shareholders and the EU sources MFPK managed to facilitate running business of almost 1700 companies and individual entrepreneurs from the Mazovia region . Fund has also contributed tomaintenance of employment in companies that had receivedexternal funding for its development.In many cases MFPK was a driving forceincreasing employment growth.
The level of employment rate growth in each year (data compiled on the basis of statements of the Funds beneficiary)
MFPK Based on the data obtained from the Fund the number of newly created jobs are estimated at around 3.7 thousand within the past six years. Running guarantee business in accordance with the EU horizontal policies also led to support projects related to setting up new companies by women. More than 340 companies cooperating with MFPK aredriven by women or co-managed by them.
EU subsidies in the framework of RPO WM In 2009 MFPK took part in the contest to win a further grant from the EU projects implemented under the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 in the Mazovia voivodeship under Priority I - "Creating the conditions for the development of innovative capacity and entrepreneurship in Mazowsze", Action 1.4, "Strengthening the business environment institutions„ This contest has been settled and the Fund after completion of the procedures relating to the signing up the agreement received additional resourcesamounting up to 70 million.
Further recapitalization of the Fund allows MFPK to: • Extendthe financial services catalogue and create new products (with emphasis on the promotion of innovative projects contributed to the infrastructure development, environment protection, information society) • Launch new branches in the other regions • Sign up new agreements with new financial institutions
MFPK All these activities aim to create stronger links and partnership contacts between the private and publicsector in order to support SME’s development activities and to eliminate disparities in economic and social development of Mazovian region.
Benefits for SMEs resulting from the cooperation with the Fund • Possibility of financing its activities with external sources • Increasing the competitiveness of enterprises through new investments • Obtaining the Status of credible client in Banks cooperating with the Fund • Possibility of benefiting from the EU funds • Better cooperation with businessassociations • Opportunity to increase employment and thus faster development of the company
Summarizing of the MFPK activity Awards and honours • 2006 - the title of "Leader of Business in 2006" for outstanding achievements in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation and adapting the company's integration with European market • 2006 - Award received from the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Warsaw for cooperation related to environmental protection • 2007 - leader for the Promotion of Enterprise Development Program • 2008 - leader for Enterprise Development Promotion Programme • 2009 - Polish National Sales Award (PNSA) - A leader in the use of EU funds • 2009 - the title 'Partner of Promotion of Entrepreneurship Development " • 2010 - participation in the Programme for Economic and Consumer "Reliable Company
MFPK Contact info: Ul. Mycielskiego 20, 04-379Warszawa (working hours 8.00-16.00)Phone: +48 22 840-32-35, Fax. +48 22 840 32 53E-mail: biuro@mfpk.com.pl
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