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DETECTOR ALIGNMENT with tracks. OUTLINE. Why do we need software alignment Principle of Chi2 minimization Local, iterative approach with 5-6 parameters solved at a time Example – the experiment NA57 silicon telescope Global alignment method with ALL parameters solved simultaneously
DETECTOR ALIGNMENTwith tracks Adam Jacholkowski
OUTLINE • Why do we need software alignment • Principle of Chi2 minimization • Local, iterative approach with 5-6 parameters solved at a time • Example – the experiment NA57 silicon telescope • Global alignment method with ALL parameters solved simultaneously • Utility of cosmic muons for detector pre-alignment, example of the ALICE ITS detector • Summary and discussion Adam Jacholkowski
TRACK RECONSTRUCTION PRECISION R.L. GLUCKSTERN Nucl. Instr. & Methods 24(1963) 381 Plus (unknown) Mis- align- ment terms !!! σ0 = pitch/sqrt(12) B in kGs, p in GeV/c, L in cm (3 points parabolic approximation) Adam Jacholkowski
Why do we need software alignment • Hardware alignment techniques (optical, photogrametry, X rays etc) have technological limits 50 -100 microns • Geometrical resolution of the modern detectors (like pixels) as good as about 10 -15 microns • High tracking precision necessary in order to reach physics goals of the experiments ( for ex. heavy flavours) • The only practical method to reach the required precision – use of (high momentum) tracks • A general principle – minimize the track residues but keeping some external (physics wise) constraints Adam Jacholkowski
Example - Impact Parameter resolution Impact parameter resolution is crucial for the detection of short-lived particles: charm and beauty mesons and baryons. Determined by pixel detectors: at least one component has to be better than 100 mm (ct for D0 meson is 123 mm) Mass 1.864 GeV/c2 c=124 m impact parameter d0 (rf) better than 40 µm for pT> 2.3 GeV/c ~20 µm at high pT Adam Jacholkowski
track x z y (z) residual (y) LOCAL ALIGNMENT method (1) Adam Jacholkowski
Local sensor alignment(2) Adam Jacholkowski
Local sensor alignment (3) Adam Jacholkowski
Local sensor alignment (4a) Will come back to it Adam Jacholkowski
Local sensor alignment (4b) Adam Jacholkowski
Warning – different rotation conventions Adam Jacholkowski
Slightly more MATH(1) Note – 3rd component of qxc = 0 ! Adam Jacholkowski
Slightly more MATH(2) qw= 0 as we are in the sensor/local reference system ! But tw ≠0 Adam Jacholkowski
Slightly more MATH(3) With good approximation the 2 ratios ~tanψ and ~tanθ Adam Jacholkowski
Slightly more MATH(4) Adam Jacholkowski
Slightly more MATH(5) Needed for solving the Chi2 minimization problem giving as a solution 6 correction parameters Adam Jacholkowski
Local sensor alignment (4) Adam Jacholkowski
Local sensor alignment (6) Adam Jacholkowski
NA57 SETUP (Pb - Pb run) (~ 1.0 M pixels) 1.4 T Apparatus X 5 cm Target:1% Pb Scintillator Petals: centrality trigger MSD: multiplicity silicon detector Tracking device: silicon pixel planes (5 x 5 cm2 cross section) Lever arm: double side mstrips Adam Jacholkowski
5 cm 5 cm 30 cm L p- X- HYPERON DETECTION X Plus many other associatedtracks byp byL Adam Jacholkowski
NA57 Alignment plots Z mm Y Z microns Single Y (vertical) ladder Y-plane tilt test Adam Jacholkowski
Y X aspect ratio ≈ 9 ! p-Be 40 GeV/c Ξ event ORHION [cm] Ω3YΩ3ZΩ2YΩ2ZΩ3YΩ2YΩ2ZΩ2Y Ω2Z Ω3YΩ3Y planes sequence Adam Jacholkowski
Z X aspect ratio ≈ 9 ! p-Be 40 GeV/c Ξ event ORHION [cm] Ω3YΩ3ZΩ2YΩ2ZΩ3YΩ2YΩ2ZΩ2Y Ω2Z Ω3YΩ3Y planes sequence Adam Jacholkowski
Mass Resolution: Ξ 158 A GeV/c 40 A GeV/c Adam Jacholkowski
Global Alignment Approach • Limitations of the local method • Correlations not (fully) taken into account • Convergence not always guaranteed • Constraints not easy to be included • Possible solution – simultaneous fit of ALL the parameters (tracks and sensors) problem of inverting huge matrices ! • Millepede Algorithm developed in DESY by Volker Blobel (http://www.desy.de/~blobel) • Numerical limitations an attempt to overcome the problem Millepede II Adam Jacholkowski
Global Alignment (1) Adam Jacholkowski
Global alignment (2) Adam Jacholkowski
Global alignment (3) Adam Jacholkowski
Global alignment (4) Adam Jacholkowski
Global alignment (5) Adam Jacholkowski
Global alignment (6) Adam Jacholkowski
Global alignment (7) Adam Jacholkowski
Global alignment (7) Adam Jacholkowski
A word on constraints Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(1) point source of particles (mini telescope of 3 planes) Local & global parameters Millipede Simultaneous fit of global AND local parameters Adam Jacholkowski
Polynomial Parameterization Fit (example) Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(2) System of 5 linear equations The resulting matrix equation looks like Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(3) No problem to invert 5x5 matrix but let’s see the reduction method 3x3 Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(4) The key point is that update of the matrix to be inverted (C11-C12C22-1C21) can be done on the track by track basis due to the quasi diagonal, symmetric form of C22 Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(5) Actually the matrix inversion algorithms fail for more than 50000 d.o.f. (even when using quadruple precision !!) The next and the last step would be inclusion of constraints in order to avoid bad collective modes like global displacement and/or shearing Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(6): constraints • Forcing the fit to conform to physics principles and/or to external knowledge not known by the internal variables of the fit - 2 methods: • Elimination of unknowns by direct substitution, but equations cannot be always solved analytically, covariance matrix is calculated only for the reduced set of variables • Method of Lagrange multipliers – a preferred one Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(7) , WHERE initial set of parameters Let’s assume in our toy example one constraint equation like β1+ β2+ β3 = 0 with d0 = 0 (i. e. no global dis-placement) Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(8) Now we have a (final) matrix of (n+r) x (n+r) size, like Adam Jacholkowski
A simple, explicit example(9) Original matrix C11 In our case we have just one extra column and row of 1s, one λ, d0 = 0 !! Adam Jacholkowski
ALICE coordinates Adam Jacholkowski
ALICE Inner Tracking System (ITS) Alignable elements: SPD -- 240 SDD -- 260 SSD - 1698 Total – 2198 * 6 d.o.f + ~12 collective dof Adam Jacholkowski
SUMMARY • All modern particle detectors need software (track) alignment methods in order to reach the design precision • Two main approaches: • Local with many iterations • Global needing inversion of huge matrices • We have looked into MATH involved in these 2 methods, discussed some approximations and tricks • Computing and bookkeeping very challenging in real life, especially in the LHC experiments under preparation • Alignment is part of the art of detector calibration (MATH is not ALL) Adam Jacholkowski
COSMICS as a tool in the detector pre-alignment in ALICE Before the (true) beam becomes available…
Hadronic interaction models in cosmic rays PPR part II $6.11 It is a paragraph describing the importance of the knowledge of hadronic interactions at energies involved in cosmic rays E > 1014 eV The LHC contributions and in particular the ALICE possibilities to study p-p p-A and A-A interactions Adam Jacholkowski
Effects on muons of the Alice environment Location of ALICE set-up Rock composition over Alice Element H C O Na Mg Al Si K Ca Fe % 0.8 4.3 48.5 0.7 4.2 3.7 21.5 2.3 10.0 4.0 • Nm(Em >15 GeV) • Direction • Energy Adam Jacholkowski