The Important Thing About My Mom • The important thing about my mom is that she cares for me. It is true that she was adopted and that she always does my laundry. And that she always provides food for me and always prays for me. But, the important thing about my mom is that she cares for me.
The Important Thing About My Mom The important thing about my mom is that she takes care of me. It is true that she wants me to clean my room ,and that she has brown hair, and that she has blue eyes like me. But, the important thing about my mom is that she takes care of me.
The Important Thing About Trey By Annie The important thing about Trey is that he loves me. It is true that my family is trying to adopt him and that he is sometimes mean to me and that he waits for me to get off the bus every day after school and that he hides when he’s scared of “monsters” and always thinks it’s his birthday. But, the important thing about Trey is that he loves me.
MYPARENTS The important thing about my parents is they take care of me. It is true that they love me because they spoil me too much. And that they take me to baseball gamesand that they cook delicious varieties of food. And always show me supportwhen I’m feeling down. But, the important thing about my parents is they take care of me and love me.
The Important Thing The important thing about my mom is that she loves me and takes care of me when I am sick. It is true that she gets mad when people mess with me and she shows me that she loves me when she is with me in hard and happy moments and that she cares about our family and always will be with me for ever. But the important thing about my mom is that she loves me.
The Important Thing • About my mom is that she’s awesome. It is true she’s nice and cooks good and that she’s cool and that she’s funny and always there for me. • But the important thing about my mom is that she’s awesome.
The Important Thing About my babysitter is that she likes me. It is true that she feeds me, helps me with my homework, and takes care of me and that she gives me hugs and that she makes me laugh and always picks me up from school. But, the important thing about my babysitter is that she likes me!!
The Important thing about my mom is that she’s awesome. It is true that she cares for me everyday, and that she screams atme when I don’t clean my room, and that she works hard in her job and with her family, and always loves me. But the important thing about my mom is that she’s awesome!
The Important Thing The important thing about my dad is that he helps me with my homework. It is true that he makes me happywhen I am sad and that he loves me and that he takes me to the school sometimes and he is always funny. But, the important thing about my dad is that he helps me with my homework.
The Important thing The important thing about my mom is she loves me it is true that she cooks for me and that she orders pizza for me and always cares about me but the important thing about my mom is that she loves me.
The Important Thing About my mom is that she loves me. It is true that she cooks and she takes care of me, and when I'm hurt she helps me. She cheers for me when I play soccer, and always watches out for me. But the important thing about my mom is that she loves me.
My Mom and Me The Important Thing about my mom is that she loves me. It is true that she helps me with my homework, and she feeds me my favorite meals, and that she drives me to school every day, and always works for money for our family. But the important thing about my mom is that she loves me.
Mymom andme The important thing about my mom is that she loves me.It is true that she is the best mom in the world. And that she is awesome because she lets me do science Olympiad.And that she pays for me to go to Jekyll island.And will always care for me and feed me. but, the important thing about my mom is that she loves me.
The important thing about my Mom is that she loves me. It is true that she makes the best Egg-Bake in the world and that she gives me awesome hugs and that she helps me be successful and always looks out for me But, the important thing about my mom is that she loves me.
The important thing about my Dad is that he loves me. It is true that he takes me to school every day and that he built the F22 and that he prays with me every night and always works hard every day But, the important thing about my Dad is that he loves me
Importantthingsaboutmymom The important thing about my mom is that she cares about me.It is true that she goes to work everyday and that she helps me with my homework. And she always says, “Good Night” and “I love you” when I go to bed. But the important thing about my mom is that she cares about me.
The Important Thing The important thing about my mom is that she loves me. It is true that she feeds me yummy pizza and that she is nice and she is a great mom and she gives me hugs when I need them. But the important thing about my mom is that she will always love me.
The Important Thing • My Mom and Me! about my mother is that she takes care of me when I’m in a cast. It is true that she takes me to softball games and that she loves me and that feeds me and always bakes me apple pie. But the important thing about my mother is that she takes care of me when I’m in a cast.
Me and my Mom The Important Thing about My Mom is that she loves me. It is true that she has to work a lot, and she makes enough money for us. And that she is 30. And we have a big family. And always she works late hours. But, the important thing about My Mom is that She Loves me. ByDonovan Fitzgerald
The Important Thing About My Mom • The important thing about my mom is that she cares about me more than the world. It is true that she is super cool and that she shows affection to me in the coolest of ways and that she is so fun to be around and always respect her or you’ll get in so much trouble, but other than that she's awesome. But, the important thing about my mom is that she cares about me.
TheImportantThing About my dad is that he loves me. It is true that he pays me my allowance on Sundays. And that he cooks me awesome Ox Tail Stew. And that he makes cables. And that he’ll always be with me. But, the important thing about my dad is that he loves me.
The Important Thing About my Uncle Dix is that he is family. It is true that he is from South Africa. And that we don’t see him very often. And that I love him and wish we could see him more. And he will always love us. But, the Important Thing about my Uncle Dix is that he is family. By Stella Gainsford
My Mom and Me The important thing about my mom is that she takes care of me. It is true that she gives me money, and she teaches me Arabic, and that she cooks for me, and always gives me love , but the important thing about my mom is that she takes care of me.
Mommy andme! The important thing about my mom is that she is always there for me. It is true that she loves haircuts, Loves animals, but does not want to buy one, and she thinks that pugs are so ugly, they’re cute And she always makes the best food in the world. But, the important thing about my mom is that she is always there for me!