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Theme #3

Theme #3. VERBS OFTEN CONFUSED. DO Now. In your English Journal Use the following verbs each in a sentence: sit set rise raise lie lay. Sit, set; lie, lay; rise; raise. EQ: How are the verbs sit/set, rise/raise, and lie/lay used correctly?.

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Theme #3

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  2. DO Now • In your English Journal • Use the following verbs each in a sentence: • sit • set • rise • raise • lie • lay

  3. Sit, set; lie, lay; rise; raise EQ: How are the verbs sit/set, rise/raise, and lie/lay used correctly?

  4. How would you fix the verbs that are used incorrectly? • Ike and Ron raise healthy hens, which they keep in nice clean pens. • As the farmers wait for eggs, they set down and rest their legs. • Once the eggs are in a heap, Ike and Ron lay down to sleep.

  5. Some verbs have related but different meanings.

  6. Sit, set; lie, lay; rise; raise • To decide which verb to use, ask yourself what the subject is doing. If the subject is placing a object somewhere, use set or lay. • If the subject is resting use sit or lie. • To decide whether to use rise or raise, ask yourself, raise what? If your answer names something use raise. If the question has no answer use rise.

  7. Guided Practice • Transparency #3-32

  8. Assignment • Complete Lab # 255 • Homework: Workbook Plus #64 • Quiz Tomorrow on Verbs Confused

  9. Verbs Confused • In class- Workbook Plus #65 • Quiz- Reteaching Workbook #38 • When you are finished with the quiz put your quiz on the front table and answer the Essential Question in your journal.

  10. Write six sentences using a form of sit/set, lie/lay, and rise/raise. • Exchange papers with a partner. Underline the verb and check to make sure it has been used correctly. • Answer the EQ when finished

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