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Concept of Monitoring and Evaluation and Its Application in Nepal. Krishna Prasad Dhakal Program Director National Planning Commission Secretariat. Public Sector Management. MANAGEMENT . What is Monitoring and Evaluation?.
Concept of Monitoring and Evaluation and Its Application in Nepal Krishna Prasad Dhakal Program Director National Planning Commission Secretariat
Public Sector Management MANAGEMENT
What is Monitoring and Evaluation? • The term “monitoring and evaluation” tends to get run together as ifit is only one thing. • In fact, these are two distinct sets of organizational activities. • M and E are related (both are ultimately about measurement) but not identical.
Divorce of M&E • Divorce between Monitoring and Evaluation is needed to understand and use it in appropriate way.
What is Monitoring? • Monitoring is a continuous process of collecting and analyzing information to compare how well a project, program or policy is performing against expected results. • It is aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a project or organization. • It is based on targetssetand activitiesplanned during the planning phases of work.
What is Monitoring? • It helps to keep the work on track, and can let managementknow when things are going wrong. • it is an invaluabletool for goodmanagement, and it provides a useful base for evaluation.
What is Monitoring? • It enables you to determine- • whether the resources you have available are sufficient and are being wellused, • whether the capacity you have is sufficient and appropriate, and • whether you are doing what you plannedtodo?
What is Monitoring? • gLlt, of]hgf, sfo{qmd÷cfof]hgfdfnufgLtyf ;fwgsf] k|jfx ;d"lrt(ª\un] ePsf] %÷%}g / lqmofsnfkx?sf] sfof{Gjogsfo{tflnsfcg';f/ eO{ nlIftk|ltkmnk|fKtePsf] %÷%}gegLljleGgtxsf] Joj:yfkgjfJoj:yfkgn] tf]s]sf] JolQm, lgsfoaf^ lg/Gt/ / cfjlws?kdflgu/fgL/fVg] sfo{ cg'udgxf] . -cg'udgtyfd"NofÍgsfo{ljlw, 2069 sf] d:of}baf^_
s] x]%{ cg'udgn] -s_ cfof]hgfsf] ;|f]t, ;fwgx?sf] k|flKt / k|of]u :jLs[t ah]^ / ;dotflnsfcg';f/ ePsf] 5, 5}g < -v_ cfof]hgfsfck]lIftk|ltkmnx? ;dod} / nfutk|efjsf/L ?kdfxfl;nePsf] 5, 5}g < -u_ cfof]hgfsf] sfof{GjogIfdtfs], s:tf] 5< -cg'udgtyfd"NofÍgsfo{ljlw, 2069 sf] d:of}baf^_
cg' + udg • of] sfo{s|dcjlwe/lg/Gt/ul/g] k|ls|ofxf] . • o;nfO{ cfof]hgfsf] Pp6f cfGtl/s sfo{sf] ¿kdfklglnO{G5 . • cg'udg ;fdfGotofsfof{Gjogsf] cj:yfdf b]lvPsfsdL, sdhf]/Lx¿nfO{ ;'wf/ug]{ ;+:yfutk|ls|ofxf] . • cg'udgsfo{ cfof]hgfsf] k|ls|of, nufgL/ k|ltkmn;Fuk|ToIf¿kdf;DalGwtx'G5 . • cg'udgJoj:yfkgsf] k|0ffnLsf] Pp6f c+uxf] .
glthfd"nscg'udgsfljlwx¿ ! nIo/ k|ultsf] t'ngfljlw nIocg';f/ sfo{ ePgePsf] tyfsfo{qmdsf] ;du| l:ylt -ef}ltsk|ult, ljQLok|ult / JotLt;do_ ljj/0f sfo{qmd,cfof]hgfaf6 x/]s rf}dfl;scjlwdful/g] k|ltj]bgaf6 ul/g] cg'udg . nIo / k|ultsf] t'ngf
glthfd"nscg'udgsfljlwx¿ @= :ynutcg'udgljlwsfo{qmd, cfof]hgfdfePsfljleGglqmofsnfkx? cfof]hgf:ynd} uP/ cjnf]sg u/L ul/g] cg'udg. o;df ;DalGwtsfo{qmd,cfof]hgfsf] lgDgb:tfj]h ;d]t k|of]u ug{' kb{5 . != nlhsn k|m]djs{ @= aflif{s ljsf; sfo{qmd #= rf}dfl;s k|ult k|ltj]bg $= ;"rsx¿ %= jflif{s ljsf; sfo{qmd -efu !_ ^= lhNnf:t/Lo jflif{s ljsf; sfo{qmd -efu @_ #= t];|f] kIfcg'udgljlws'g} vf; bIftftyfsfo{s'zntfsf] dfWodaf6 cg'udgu/fpgk/]df:jtGqlgsfotyfJolQmx?af6u/fOg] ljlw .
What is Evaluation? • Evaluation is an assessment, based on detailed data collection and careful analysis, of the results of a policy or program. • Evaluation is research, but notjust any research. • It is the comparison of actual project impactsagainst the agreed strategicplans. • It looks at what you set out to do, at what you have accomplished, and how you accomplished it.
What is Evaluation? • It can be formative(taking place during the life of a project or organization, with the intention of improving the strategy or wayof functioning of the project or organization). • It can also be summative(drawing learning from a completed project or an organization that is nolonger functioning). • Someone once described this as the difference between a check-up and an postmortem.
What is Evaluation? • sfof{Gjogul/PsfgLlt, sfo{qmd÷cfof]hgfxfnsf] ;dodfs]slt;fGble{s, nfebfoL / k|efjsf/L /x]sf5g\ tyfs]s:tf pknlJwPjd\ k|efjx? xfl;nePsf5g\ eGg] s'/fsf] cfGtl/s / afXod"NofÍgstf{af6p2]Zok"0f{ / Jojl:yttl/sfn] n]vfhf]vfug]{ sfo{ d"NofÍgxf] -cg'udgtyfd"NofÍgsfo{ljlw, 2069 sf] d:of}baf^_
d"NofÍg ljlwx¿ != kl/df0ffTds ljlw (Quantitative Method) nfO{sfo{qmd, cfof]hgfn] kf/]sf] jfkfg]{k|efjjf c;/nfO{ ;+Vofjfk|ltztdfk|:t't u/L ck]lIftglthf;Fut'ngf u/L d"NofÍg ug]{ ljlwkl/df0fTds ljlwxf] . kl/df0ffTds tYofÍk|fKtug]{ tl/sfx¿ k|ZgfjnL/ ;j]{If0f ljlw ljBdfg 8f6fa];x?— EMIS, HMIS, FMIS etc
d"NofÍg ljlwx¿ tYofÍljZn]if0f • nfut–nfetyfnfut–sfo{bIftf • sfo{qmd, cfof]hgf;~rfngx'g'cl3/ ;~rfngeO;s]kl5sf] cj:yft'ngf(Pre/Post Test) • sfo{qmd, cfof]hgf…;~rfngePsf] If]qÚ(with) / …;~rfnggePsf]Ú(without) p:t} k|s[ltsf If]qaLrsf] t'ngfTdsljZn]if0f
d"NofÍg ljlw @= u'0ffTds ljlw (Qualitative Method) kl/df0fTds ?kdfdfkgug{ g;lsg] ;]jfu|fxLx?sf] afgLJojxf/, wf/0ff, ;fj{hlgs ;]jfk|ltsf] ;Gt'li6h:tfljljwkIfx?nfO{ dfkgug{ o;sf] k|of]u ul/G5 . Uf'0ffTds tYofÍk|fKtug]{ tl/sfx? • k|ToIfcjnf]sgljlw • nlIft ;d"xljlw • cGtjf{tf{ ljlw • gd"gfljlw • SWOT Analysis ljlw • b:tfj]h cWoog
d"NofÍg ljlw #= ldl>t ljlw (Mixed Method) -kl/df0ffTds / u'0ffTds ljlwsf] ld>0f_ kl/df0ffTds ljlw / u'0ffTds ljlwsfcf}hf/ (tools)/ lgrf]8(fact findings)nfO{ ;Tofkg(triangulate)ug]{ p2]Zon] ldl>t ljlw(Mixed method)ckgfOG5 . o; ljlwn] kl/df0ffTdsljlw / u'0ffTdsljlwx?sf] ;sf/fTdskIf / ;Ldf(Limitations)nfO{ WofglbO{ k|fKtlgrf]8x?sf] j}wtf/ ljZj;gLotf(Validity and Reliability)kl/If0f u/L lg0f{o ug{ ;xof]u u5{ .
Facilitating Vs Conducting Evaluation Facilitating • Selectionof policy, programs projects for evaluation • Preparing TOR • BiddingProcess • Getting reports in various stages such as inception report, field report, draft report and finalreport. • Providing feedback and suggestions • Implementing and Using Evaluation report for establishing accountability and lessonlearning. Conducting
Ways of Evaluation? Self-evaluation It is a way of self-reflective, learning and improving practice. Participatoryevaluation This is an internal evaluation involving stakeholders such as project staff and beneficiaries Interactiveevaluation This involves a very activeinteractionbetween an outsideevaluatoror evaluation team and the organizationor projectbeing evaluated.
What is Evaluation? RapidParticipatoryAppraisal This is a qualitative way of doing evaluations by an interdisciplinaryteam over a shorttimeespecially applied in rural areas. It involves the use of secondary data review, direct observation, semi-structured interviews, key informants, group interviews, games, diagrams, mapsand calendars. Externalevaluation This is an evaluation done by a carefully chosen outsider or outsiderteam.
Uses and Importance of M&E • Help you identifyproblems and their causes; • Suggest possible solutions to problems; • Raise questions about assumptions and strategy; • Push you to reflect on where you are going and how you are getting there;
Uses and Importance of M&E • Provide you with information and insight; • Encourage you to act on the information and insight; • Increase the likelihood that you will make a positivedevelopmentdifference. But It is important to recognize that monitoring and evaluation are not magic wands that can be waved to make problemsdisappear, or to cure them, or to miraculously make changes without a lot of hardwork being put in by the project or organization.
cg'udgsf] dxTj • ljsf; sfo{qmd÷cfof]hgfx?dfnufgLul/Psf] ;|f]t;fwgsf] kf/bzL{, lhDd]jf/Lk"0f{ / k|efjsf/L k|of]u ;'lglZrtug{, • lqmofsnfkx¿nfO{ lgwf{l/t nIok|flKttkm{{ lgb]{lztug{, / • sfof{Gjogdfs'g} ;d:of / afwfJojwfgx¿ b]lvPdftTsfn;dfwfgug{ .
d"NofÍgsf] dxTj • cfof]hgfsf] p2]]ZotyfnIoxfl;nug{ k"j{lgwf{l/t lqmofsnfk, ;|f]t ;fwg / If]q (scope) dfkl/jt{gcfjZos 5, 5}g eGg] hfgsf/LsfpknAw u/fpF5 . • ;DkGgcfof]hgfsf] ;fGble{stf, bIftf, k|efjsfl/tf, k|efj / lbuf]kgfsfaf/]dfoyfy{ hfgsf/L pknAwu/fO{ rfn" cj:yfdfcfjZos ;'wf/ ug{ / eljiodfgLlt, of]hgfsfo{qmd÷cfof]hgfx¿sf] th"{dfdfljutsf cg'ejaf6 kf7l;sLuNtLx¿bf]xl/gglbg ;xof]u k'¥ofpF5 .
glthfd"nscg'udgk|ltj]bgtyfglthfsf] k|of]u • -;fef/– >L tLy{/fh 9sfn, ;x;lrj, /fof]cf;_
Monitoring responsibility • -;fef/– >L tLy{/fh 9sfn, ;x;lrj, /fof]cf;_
ljleGgtxdfug'{kg]{ cg'udgtyfd"NofÍg • -;fef/– >L tLy{/fh 9sfn, ;x;lrj, /fof]cf;_
ljleGgtxdfcg'udgtyfd"NofÍgAoj:yfM /fli6«o tx • dxfn]vf k/LIfssf] sfof{no • k|wfgdGqL tyf dlGqkl/ifb\sf] sfof{no • /fli6«o of]hgf cfof]u • cy{ dGqfno • /fli6«o ;ts{tf s]Gb| • dxfn]vf lgoGqssf] sfof{no
;+:yfut Joj:yf • /fli6«o ljsf; ;d:of ;dfwfg ;ldlt • dGqfno:t/Lo ljsf; ;d:of ;dfwfg ;ldlt • cg'udgtyfd"NofÍgdxfzfvf÷zfvf lhNnf:t/Lo ljsf; sfo{qmd÷cfof]hgfx?sf] cg'udgtyfd"NofÍgJoj:yf • ;'kl/j]If0f tyfcg'udg ;ldlt • :yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g P]g, @)%% tyf • :yfgLo :jfoQ zf;g lgodfjnL, @)%^ adf]lhdsf] Joj:yf .