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We’re So Glad That You Have Come to Worship God With Us. We have an attended nursery for you to leave your child (Infant thru 24 months). It is located in Room 16. We also have a training room for you to remain with your child (Infant thru 4 years).
We’re So Glad That You Have Come to Worship God With Us
We have an attended nursery for you to leave your child (Infant thru 24 months). It is located in Room 16. We also have a training room for you to remain with your child (Infant thru 4 years). It is located in Room 2.
Happy Birthday April 28 Betty Johnson
Happy Birthday April 28 Shirley Stephens
Happy Birthday April 28 Cami Kate Davis
Happy Birthday April 29 Brittani Farmer
Happy Birthday April 30 Larry Brown
Happy Birthday May 2 Dava Griffith
This Week’s Special Shut In Betty Johnson 155 S. Mission Ridge Drive Rossville, GA 30741 (706) 866-3371
Weekly Bible Study and Devotional “Girls Gone Wise” High School and College young ladies at the home of Shelby Griffith Mondays at 8:00pm
VBS Supplies VBS needs bed sheets. Please donate your old sheets for VBS to make robes
Tuesday April 30 Men`s prayer meeting 7am Ladies Bible Class at 10:00amInner City will meet Tuesday at 6:30
Wednesday Night Bible Study is at a new time Wednesday night Bible Study will be a 6:30pm
Inner City Catfish Dinner May 3rd at Red Bank. The dinner is free but there will be an opportunity to give a donation. If anyone plans to attend one of the dinners, please let Craig or Sherri Womack know, so a table may be reserved.
Together with their parents Heather Michelle Headrick and Michael Travis Best request the honor of your presence at their marriage on Sunday, the twelfth of May two thousand and thirteen at four o’clock in the afternoon at The Barn at High Point Farms. Big shindig to follow
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower for Terran & David Carlisle Today at 4:30pm Ladies in Lynn Mason’s shower group will be hosting.
All ladies are invited to a Baby Shower for Trisha & David Thomas Sunday, May 19th at 4:30pm. If you would like to participate in a group gift, please see Connie Brown. Ladies in Kathy Raulston’s shower group will be hosting.
Shut-in Ministry Meeting will be today at 5:30pm
Ladies’ Spring Luncheon Saturday, May 18th - 11:30am Guest Speaker: Jenny Johnson The theme will be A Spoon Full of Sugar. We are hoping that you will join us for lunch and fellowship. This event is for our Ladies and any of their friends. The cost will be $5.00 a person. Please sign the sheet on the board, if you plan to attend and pay Donna or Dava. Also, please note if you have any food allergies
Please Silence Your Cell Phone. If God calls you won’t need it.