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Peritoneal Dialysis: Regimes, Survival Rates, and Peritonitis Trends (1997-2012)

Explore peritoneal dialysis regimes, technique survival, causes of peritonitis, and outcome trends from 1997 to 2012, sourced from the 20th MDTR Report 2012. Analyze variation in delivered Kt/V, technique outcomes by age, gender, diabetes status, and Kt/V levels.

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Peritoneal Dialysis: Regimes, Survival Rates, and Peritonitis Trends (1997-2012)

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  1. CHAPTER 12Peritoneal Dialysis Sunita Bavanandan Lily Mushahar Anita Bhajan Manocha Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  2. Table 12.1.1: Peritoneal dialysis regimes, 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  3. Table 12.1.2: PD System, 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  4. Table 12.1.3a: CAPD Number of Exchanges per day, 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  5. Table 12.1.3b: APD dwell volumes per day, 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  6. Table 12.2.1: Distribution of delivered Kt/V, PD patients 2003-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  7. Figure 12.2.1: Cumulative distribution of delivered Kt/V, PD patients 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  8. Table 12.2.2: Variation in proportion of patients with Kt/V  1.7 per week among PD centres, 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  9. Figure 12.2.2: Variation in proportion of patients with Kt/V  1.7 per week among PD centres Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  10. Table 12.2.3: Peritoneal transport status by PET D/P creatinine at 4 hours, new PD patients 2004-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  11. Table 12.2.4: Peritoneal Transport Status (PET) with dialysis vintage Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  12. Table 12.3.1(a): Unadjusted technique survival by age (uncensored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  13. Figure 12.3.1(a): Unadjusted technique survival by age (uncensored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  14. Table 12.3.1(b): Unadjusted technique survival by age (censored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  15. Figure 12.3.1(b): Unadjusted technique survival by age (censored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  16. Table 12.3.2(a): Unadjusted technique survival by gender (uncensored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  17. Figure 12.3.2(a): Unadjusted technique survival by gender (uncensored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  18. Table 12.3.2(b): Unadjusted technique survival by gender (censored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  19. Figure 12.3.2(b): Unadjusted technique survival by gender (censored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  20. Table 12.3.3(a): Unadjusted technique survival by diabetes status (uncensored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  21. Figure 12.3.3(a): Unadjusted technique survival by Diabetes status (uncensored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  22. Table 12.3.3(b): Unadjusted technique survival by diabetes status (censored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  23. Figure 12.3.3(b): Unadjusted technique survival by diabetes status (censored for death and transplant), 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  24. Table 12.3.4: Unadjusted technique survival by Kt/V, 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  25. Figure 12.3.4: Unadjusted technique survival by Kt/V,1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  26. Table 12.3.5: Adjusted hazard ratio for change of modality, 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  27. Table 12.3.6: Reasons for drop-out from PD program, 2003-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  28. Table 12.3.7: Drop-out rate from PD program with time on treatment, 2003-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  29. Table 12.3.8: Time on PD (1997-2012) Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  30. Table 12.4.1 Variation in peritonitis rate (patient-month/episode) among PD centres, 1997-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  31. Figure 12.4.1 Variation in peritonitis rate among PD centres, 2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  32. Table 12.4.2: Causative organism in PD peritonitis, 2003-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  33. 400 350 300 250 Frequency 200 150 100 50 0 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 Staph. Aureus Staph coagulase neg. Other gram positive Pseudomonas E.Coli Polymicrobial Fungal Mycobacterium Culture negative Figure12.4.2 Causative organism in PD peritonitis, 2001-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  34. Outcome of peritonitis in 2012 16.07% 20.44% 63.49% Resolved Not resolved, catheter removed Death Figure 12.4.3(a): Outcome of peritonitis by causative organism, 2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  35. Table 12.4.3(a): Outcome of peritonitis by causative organism, 1993-2002 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  36. Resolved Not resolved, catheter removed Death 100 80 60 Percent (%) 40 20 0 Strep E.Coli Others Others Fungal Others Klebsiella No growth Enterobacter Polymicrobial Acinetobacter Staph. Aureus Pseudomonas Mycobacterium Staph Coagulase Neg. Figure 12.4.3(b): Outcome of peritonitis by causative organism, 1993-2002 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  37. Table 12.4.3(b): Outcome of peritonitis by causative organism, 2003-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  38. Resolved Not resolved, catheter removed Death 100 80 60 Percent (%) 40 20 0 Strep E.Coli Fungal Others Others Others Klebsiella No growth Enterobacter Polymicrobial Acinetobacter Staph. Aureus Pseudomonas Mycobacterium Staph Coagulase Neg. Figure 12.4.3(c): Outcome of peritonitis by causative organism, 2003-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  39. Resolved Not resolved, catheter removed Death 100 80 60 Percent (%) 40 20 0 2003-12 2003-12 1993-02 2003-12 1993-02 2003-12 1993-02 2003-12 1993-02 2003-12 1993-02 2003-12 2003-12 1993-02 2003-12 1993-02 2003-12 2003-12 1993-02 2003-12 1993-02 1993-02 2003-12 1993-02 1993-02 2003-12 2003-12 1993-02 1993-02 1993-02 Strep E.Coli Others Others Others Fungal Klebsiella No growth Enterobacter Polymicrobial Acinetobacter Staph. Aureus Pseudomonas Mycobacterium Staph Coagulase Neg. Figure 12.4.3(d): Comparing outcome of peritonitis by causative organism in 1993-2002 vs 2003-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

  40. Table 12.4.4: Risk factors influencing peritonitis rate, 1993-2012 Source: 20th MDTR Report 2012, NRR

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