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Bayesian Probabilistic reasoning and learning. Tang Ying State Key Lab of Cad&CG, Zhejiang Univeristy 03/10/04. Outline. Probability axioms The meaning of probability Forward probabilities and inverse probabilities Facial modeling example. Probability Axioms.
Bayesian Probabilistic reasoning and learning Tang Ying State Key Lab of Cad&CG, Zhejiang Univeristy 03/10/04
Outline • Probability axioms • The meaning of probability • Forward probabilities and inverse probabilities • Facial modeling example
Probability Axioms • Marginal Probability – sum the joint probability • Conditional Probability
Product Rule (chain rule) • Obtained from the definition of conditional probability • Sum Rule • A rewriting of the marginal probability definitions
Bayes’ Theorem • obtained from the product rule • Independence
The Meaning of Probability (1) • Describe frequencies of outcomes in random experiments • Probability = percentage of events in infinite trials • Related to random variables • Used in Medicine, Biology, etc. where we can repeat random experiments
The Meaning of Probability (2) • Describe degrees of belief in proposition that do not involve random variables • “the probability that Mr. S. was the murderer of Mrs. S., given the evidence” • “the probability that Shakespear’s play were written by Francis Bacon” • “the probability that a particular signature on a particular cheque is genuine”
Belief • Let B(X) = “belief in X”, • B(¬X) = “belief in not X” • An ordering of beliefs exists • B(X) = f(B(¬X)) • B(X) = g(B(X|Y),B(Y))
Cox axioms R.T. Cox, “Probability, frequency, and reasonable expectation,” American J. Physics, 14(1):1-13, 1946
Bayesian Viewpoint • You cannot do inference without making assumptions • Real world is uncertain • Don’t have perfect information • Don’t really know the model • Model is non-deterministic
Forward Probabilities • Forward probability problems involve a generative model that describes a process that is assumed to give rise to some data; the task is to compute the probability distribution or expectation of some quantity that depends on the data
Inverse Probabilities • Like forward probability problems, inverseprobability problems involve a generative model of a process, but instead of computing the probability distribution of some quantity producedby the process, we compute the conditional probability of one or more of the unobserved variables in the process, given the observed variables. • This invariably requires the use of Bayes’ theorem
Prior probability of B The Likelihood of B The posterior probability of B given A Evidence Terminology of inverse probability
An example • Bill tosses a coin N times, obtaining a sequence of heads and tails, suppose k heads have occurred in N tosses. We assume that the coin has a probability f of coming up heads. We do not know f. what is the probability distribution of f ?
Assume we have a uniform prior (subjective), Maximum a Posteriori (MAP)
Learning • Maximum a Posterior (MAP) • Maximize the posterior • Maximum Likelihood(ML) • The MAP estimate under uniform priors
Learning in a nutshell • Create a mathematical model • Get data • Solve for unknowns
Face modeling • Blanz, Vetter, “A Morphable Model for the Synthesis of 3D Faces,” SIGGRAPH 99
Generative model • Faces come from a Gaussian Learning
Bayes Rule Often
Maximization trick • Maximize <->minimize
Fitting a face to an image • Generative Model
Fitting a face to an image Maximize Minimize
General features • Models uncertainty • Applies to any generative model • Merge multiple sources of information • Learn all the parameters
Caveats • Still need to understand the model • Not necessarily tractable • Potentially more involved than ad hoc methods
My current work on texture compression • Find the most reused parts in the texture image • Use the parts as samples and for each block in the original image find the corresponding similar block in these samples • If we cannot find the similar blocks in the given threshold, we just cut the current block and paste it in our codebook. • For each block in the original image, record the positions in the codebook.