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Scalable Program Analysis for Reliable Software Development

Explore techniques and challenges of ESP program analysis for reliable software development. Learn about managing resources, scalability, and ensuring program correctness. Case studies and flow-sensitive dataflow analysis included.

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Scalable Program Analysis for Reliable Software Development

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  1. CleanL TSys DSL DFA WP/SP MC ATP ESP [Das et al PLDI 2002] Interface usage rules in documentation • Order of operations, data access • Resource management • Incomplete, wordy, not checked Violated rules ) crashes • Failed runtime checks • Unreliable software

  2. CleanL TSys DSL DFA WP/SP MC ATP ESP [Das et al PLDI 2002] C Program Rules ESP Safe Not Safe

  3. CleanL TSys DSL DFA WP/SP MC ATP ESP [Das et al PLDI 2002] • ESP is a program analysis that keeps track of object state at each program point • e.g.: is file handle open or closed? • Challenge: scale to large programs • One of scalability issues: merge nodes • Always analyze both sides of merge node ) exponential (or non-terminating) program analyses • ESP has a heuristic for handling merges that • avoids exponential blow-up and runs fast in practice • maintains enough precision to verify programs

  4. Prop Sim example: stdio usage in gcc void main () { if (dump) fil = fopen(dumpFile,”w”); if (p) x = 0; else x = 1; if (dump) fclose(fil); }

  5. Prop Sim example: stdio usage in gcc void main () { if (dump) Open; if (p) x = 0; else x = 1; if (dump) Close; }

  6. $uninit Print/Close * $error Open Close Open Opened Print Prop Sim example: stdio usage in gcc void main () { if (dump) Open; if (p) x = 0; else x = 1; if (dump) Close; }

  7. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T F Close exit Example: no path-sensitivity

  8. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T F Close exit Example: no path-sensitivity {$uninit} {$uninit,Opened} {$uninit,Opened} {$error,$uninit,Opened}

  9. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T F Close exit Example: full path-sensitivity

  10. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T F Close exit Example: full path-sensitivity [$uninit] [$uninit|dump=T] [Opened|dump=T] [Opened|dump=T,p=T] [Opened|dump=T,p=T,x=0] [Opened|dump=T,p=T,x=0] [$uninit|dump=T,p=T,x=0]

  11. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T Close F exit Example: ESP technique

  12. entry dump T F Open p F T x = 0 x = 1 dump T [Opened|dump=T,p=T,x=0] [Opened|dump=T,p=F,x=1] Close F exit Example: ESP technique [$uninit] [Opened|dump=T] [$uninit|dump=F] [Opened|dump=T] [$uninit|dump=F] [$uninit|dump=T][$uninit|dump=F] [$uninit|dump=T] [$uninit]

  13. Case study: stdio usage in gcc • cc1 from gcc version 2.5.3 (Spec95) • Does cc1 always print to opened files? • cc1 is a complex program: • 140K non-blank, non-comment lines of C • 2149 functions, 66 files, 1086 globals • Call graph includes one 450 function SCC

  14. Experimental results • Precision • Verification succeeds for every file handle • No transitions to $error; no false errors • Scalability • Average per handle: 72.9 seconds, 49.7 MB • Single 1GHz PIII laptop with 512 MB RAM • Proved that: • Each of the 646 calls to fprintf in the source code prints to a valid, open file

  15. ESP follow-up • ESP has since been run on large real-world applications • ESP/X: local intra-procedural version • PSE: post-mortem analysis • run ESP backwards to figure out what cause a crash

  16. Recap and conclusion

  17. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  18. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  19. Flow-sensitive intraproc dataflow analysis • Iterative dataflow analysis • flow functions, lattice-theoretic formulation • Termination • monotonic flow functions + finite height lattice • Meet over all paths vs. meet over all feasible paths vs. dataflow analysis • For distributive problems, MOP = dataflow analysis

  20. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  21. Program representations • Simple • AST • CFG • More advanced • Dataflow Graph • Control Dependence Graph • Program Dependence Graph • SSA

  22. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  23. Interprocedural analysis • Context insensitive • caller summaries and callee summaries • Context-sensitive • call-strings as context (k-CFA, “call-strings”) • dataflow info as context • bottom-up, complete summaries • top-down, partial summaries (partial transfer functions)

  24. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  25. Flow-insensitive analysis • Keep only one piece of information for the entire program/procedure • Loses precision, but improves space consumption

  26. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  27. Path-sensitive analysis • Enhance dataflow to try to keep paths separate • Two kinds of path-sensitive analysis: • aim towards MOP • aim towards removing infeasible paths (branch correlations)

  28. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  29. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  30. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  31. Pointer analysis • Started with simple naïve intraproc analysis with allocation site summaries • To scale to large programs: • make naïve pointer analysis flow insensitive (Andersen) • make each node have only one outgoing edge, which makes it near linear time (Steensgaard) • add one level of flow to regain some precision (One-level flow)

  32. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  33. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  34. Program analysis and program reliability • Property simulation • path sensitive analysis in polynomial time • uses clever heuristic for merges • algorithm behind ESP • Predicate abstraction and iterative refinement • given set of predicates, compute predicates that hold at each program point • iteratively refine set of predicates • core of BLAST and SLAM

  35. Course overview • Cross-cutting issues • Correctness • Ordering transformations and analyses • Dataflow analysis and variations • iterative dataflow analysis • program representations • interprocedural • flow-insensitive • path-sensitive • Applications • Pointer analysis • Optimizing OO languages • Program reliability • Rhodium

  36. Looking forward (discussion) • What are the current hot topics in compilers and program analysis? • Compilers and program analysis in 20 years from now?

  37. Looking forward: Concurrency • Hardware trends are making exploiting concurrency more and more important • Language features and compiler technology to express and exploit concurrency • Current examples: • race detection • primitives for concurrency and efficient implementations (eg: atomic primitive)

  38. Looking forward: Scalability • Scale to large programs while retaining precision • Current examples: • Use scalable constraint solvers such as SAT (SATURN) • Use compact representations such as BDDs

  39. Looking forward: Verification • Tradeoffs between: • automation • scalability • precision • domain-specificity • Current examples • ESP, BLAST, SLAM, Rhodium

  40. Looking forward: Extensibility • Removing barrier to entry to the compiler • New models of using compilers for • domain-specific checkers • domain-specific optimizations • Current examples: • Rhodium, Collider

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