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Advanced Solr Cluster Security: Authentication and Authorization Framework

Improve user experience with Solr by enhancing security through authentication and authorization plugins. Learn about JWT basics, bundled security plugins, and Solr security prerequisites.

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Advanced Solr Cluster Security: Authentication and Authorization Framework

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  1. Not-So-basic Auth Securing your Solr cluster Jason Gerlowski Solr Integration Engineer, Lucidworks Inc @jeg90 #Activate19 #ActivateSearch

  2. Who am I? “Improving the experience users have when picking up Solr for the first time … by adding to SolrJ, the bin/solr scripts, and the documentation” • Jason Gerlowski Email: gerlowskija@apache.org Twitter: @jeg90

  3. What’s “Off the Table”? • “Why” • Third Party Security Tie-ins, External Plugins (Apache Ranger, Apache Sentry) • Writing your own Security Plugin/Working with Plugins in Solr • Kerberos • SSL Configuration • Secure ZK Configuration

  4. Agenda • Authentication and Authorization • Framework details • Plugin Options • Prerequisites • JWT Authentication Plugin • JWT Process and Format • Plugin Configuration • Rule-Based Authorization Plugin • Basic Concepts • Plugin Configuration • Common Mistakes and Misunderstandings

  5. Authentication and Authorization

  6. Security Plugin Framework • Supports plugins for authentication, authorization, and audit-logging plugins • Third-party plugins supported. • Simple well-documented API • 4BUNDLED AUTHC PLUGINS • 1BUNDLED AUTHZ PLUGIN • 2AUDIT-LOGGING PLUGINS

  7. { "authentication":{ "class":"solr.BasicAuthPlugin", "blockUnknown": true, "credentials": {"solr-user":<encoded-creds>", "solr-admin":<encoded-creds>",} }, "authorization":{ "class":"solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin", "permissions":[ {"name":"security-edit", "role":"admin"}, {"name":"security-read", "role":"admin"} ], "user-role":{ "solr-user":"user", "solr-admin":"admin" } } }

  8. Bundled Security Plugins Authorization • Rule-Based Authorization Authentication • Kerberos • Hadoop Authentication • Basic Authentication • JWT Audit Logging • Solr Log • Multi-Destination

  9. Bundled Security Plugins Authorization • Rule-Based Authorization Authentication • Kerberos • Hadoop Authentication • Basic Authentication • JWT Audit Logging • Solr Log • Multi-Destination

  10. Solr Security Framework Prerequisites • SSL configured? • ZK security enabled? • ZK SSL enabled? ( where available, starting Solr 8.2+) • Disk encryption?

  11. JWT Authentication Plugin

  12. JWT Authentication Token-based model Identity Provider <JWT> User Solr

  13. JWT Authentication Token-based model Identity Provider <JWT> User Solr

  14. JWT Basics What is a JWT anyways? Header{ "alg":"HS256", "typ":"JWT" } Payload { "iat":"14227796", "exp":"14228896", "sub":"username", "iss":"foo.com" ... } Signature <binary>

  15. JWT Basics What is a JWT anyways? base64UrlEncode(header) + ‘.’ + base64UrlEncode(payload) + ‘.’ + base64UrlEncode(signature) eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJsb2dnZWRJbkFzIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJpYXQiOjE0MjI3Nzk2Mzh9.gzSraSYS8EXBxLN_oWnFSRgCzcmJmMjLiuyu5CSpyHI curl -k -H “Authorization: Bearer eyJhb..<snip>..SpyHI” “http://host:8983/solr/coll1/select”

  16. Solr JWT Configuration JWK Key {"authentication": { "class": "solr.JWTAuthPlugin", "blockUnknown": true, "jwk": { "kty": "RSA", "alg": "RS256", "use": "sig", "kid": "test", "e": "AQAB", "n": "jeyrv..<snip>..MUfqQ" } } }

  17. Solr JWT Configuration (cont’d) JWK URL Configuration {"authentication": { "class": "solr.JWTAuthPlugin", "blockUnknown": true, "jwkUrl": "http://my.key.server.com" } }

  18. Solr JWT Configuration (cont’d) OpenID Connect Configuration {"authentication": { "class": "solr.JWTAuthPlugin", "blockUnknown": true, "wellKnownUrl": "https://foo.openid.com/well-known/open-id-configuration" } }

  19. Solr JWT Configuration (cont’d) Other Configuration Options {"authentication": { "class": "solr.JWTAuthPlugin", "blockUnknown": true, "wellKnownUrl": "https://foo.openid.com/well-known/open-id-configuration", "scope": "solr:read solr:write solr:admin", "requireExp": true, "claimsMatch": { "foo": "A|B", "dept": "IT" }, "algWhitelist": [ "RS256", "RS384", "RS512" ], "jwkCacheDur": 1800 } }

  20. Rule Based Authorization Plugin

  21. Rule-Based Authorization Core Concepts Permissions - access rules; restrict access to specific “roles” Roles - user-defined grouping for users. Share permissions Users - principal verified by authentication plugin

  22. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Syntax: Predefined • security-read, security-edit, schema-read, schema-edit, config-read, config-edit, core-admin-read, core-admin-edit, collection-admin-read, collection-admin-edit, read, update, all {"name": "read", "role": "dev"}

  23. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Syntax: Custom { "name": "system-export", "collection": "*", "path": "/export", "role": "admin" }

  24. Rule-Based Authorization Security.json Example { "authorization": { "class": "solr.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin", "permissions": [ {"name": "foo-access", "collection": "foo", "role": "*"}, {"name": "all", "role": "admin"} ], "user-role": {"admin-user": "admin", "dev-user": "dev"} } }

  25. Permission Resolution Quirks

  26. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #1 • One permission always controls the request (even if multiple technically “match”) GET /solr/collection1/select?q=*:*” {"name": "read", "role": "dev"}, {"name": "read", "role": "admin"}

  27. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #1 • One permission always controls the request (even if multiple technically “match”) GET /solr/collection1/select?q=*:*” {"name": "read", "role": "dev"}, {"name": "read", "role": "admin"}

  28. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #1 • One permission always controls the request (even if multiple technically “match”) GET /solr/collection1/select?q=*:*” {"name": "read", "role": ["dev", "admin"]}

  29. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #2 • Permission ordering is unintuitive - NOT always top to bottom.

  30. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #2 • Permission ordering is unintuitive - NOT always top to bottom. Top - to - Bottom

  31. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #2 Admin Request? • Check permissions specific to collection and path • Check permissions specific to collection (not path) • Check permissions specific to path (not collection) • Check permissions specific to neither path nor collection No Yes • Check permissions specific path • Check non-path-specific permissions More specific permissions considered first.

  32. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #2 • Permission ordering is unintuitive - NOT always top to bottom. • {"name": "read", "role": "dev"} • {"name": "foo-read", "collection": "foo", "role": "other", "path": "/select"} • {"name": "all", "role": "admin"} What order will the permissions be checked for the request: GET /solr/admin/info

  33. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #2 • Permission ordering is unintuitive - NOT always top to bottom. • {"name": "read", "role": "dev"} • {"name": "foo-read", "collection": "foo", "role": "other", "path": "/select"} • {"name": "all", "role": "admin"} What order will the permissions be checked for the request: GET /solr/admin/info (3)

  34. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #2 • Permission ordering is unintuitive - NOT always top to bottom. • {"name": "read", "role": "dev"} • {"name": "foo-read", "collection": "foo", "role": "other", "path": "/select"} • {"name": "all", "role": "admin"} What order will the permissions be checked for the request: GET /solr/foo/select?q=*:*

  35. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #2 • Permission ordering is unintuitive - NOT always top to bottom. • {"name": "read", "role": "dev"} • {"name": "foo-read", "collection": "foo", "role": "other", "path": "/select"} • {"name": "all", "role": "admin"} What order will the permissions be checked for the request: GET /solr/foo/select?q=*:* (2)

  36. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #3 • Permission names matter! {"name": "read", "role": "dev", "method": "GET"}

  37. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #3 • Predefined permission names are often misleading! Which endpoints does the “read” permission control? • - /solr/collection1/select?q=*:* • - /solr/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERSTATUS • - /solr/admin/collections?action=LIST • - /solr/collection1/export • - /solr/collection1/schema

  38. Rule-Based Authorization Permission Resolution Issue #3 • Predefined permission names are often misleading! Which endpoints does the “read” permission control? • - /solr/collection1/select?q=*:* • - /solr/admin/collections?action=CLUSTERSTATUS • - /solr/admin/collections?action=LIST • - /solr/collection1/export • - /solr/collection1/schema

  39. Rule-Based Authorization Putting it all together • {"name": "all-cols", "role": "A", "collection": "*", "path": "/select"}, • {"name": "custom-schema-read", "role": "A", "path": "/schema"}, • {"name": "read", "role": "B", "collection": "system"}, • {"name": "read-sys", "role": "C", "collection": "system", "params": {"fl": ["secret_field"]}}

  40. Rule-Based Authorization Common Traps • Only the first “matching” permission is considered for a request • Permissions are not (always) processed in the order they appear in security.json • Permission names matter! Override method, params, other attributes. • Predefined permission names are deceptive • Failing open: if no permissions “match”, request is allowed

  41. Rule-Based Authorization Troubleshooting and Tips • Order permissions: most to least specific • End permission list with catch-all permission to prevent “failing open” • Prefix all custom rules to avoid collisions with “predefined” permissions • Raise logging-level for org.apache.solr.security.RuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin (8.3+) • Automate testing of authorization changes

  42. Thank You! http://home.apache.org/~gerlowskija/authcz.pptx

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