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Behavior Therapy

Behavior Therapy. Chapter 5. The Case of Shirley. 75-year-old widowed Caucasian female Court referred for therapy due to shoplifting charges Complains of recurrent obsessive thoughts about stealing Not optimistic about therapy. Basic Philosophy. Neutral view of human nature

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Behavior Therapy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Behavior Therapy Chapter 5

  2. The Case of Shirley 75-year-old widowed Caucasian female Court referred for therapy due to shoplifting charges Complains of recurrent obsessive thoughts about stealing Not optimistic about therapy

  3. Basic Philosophy Neutral view of human nature Emphasis on behavioral descriptions

  4. Human Motivation Primary motivation for humans is survival Behavior enables humans to get things that facilitate survival

  5. Central Constructs Classical Conditioning Unconditioned stimulus (anxiety) Unconditioned response (sweating & shaking) Conditioned stimulus (snake) Conditioned response (sweating & shaking)

  6. Central Constructs Operant Conditioning Reinforcers Positive Amy’s mother gives her a sticker when Amy finishes her homework Negative Amy’s mother lets Amy keep playing because it stops her tantrum

  7. Central Constructs Observational Learning Humans learn by watching another person perform a task and then modeling that person’s behavior

  8. Theory of the Person Primary interest is how a person has learned different behaviors No interest in personality theory No interest in developmental stages

  9. Psychological Health Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Observational Learning Psychological Dysfunction Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Observational Learning Psychological Health and Dysfunction

  10. Nature of Therapy Assessment Direct Observation Client Interview Behavior Logs Symptom Checklists

  11. Role of the client Co-therapist Learns from the counselor Role of the counselor Consultant Provides a model for the client Nature of Therapy

  12. Nature of Therapy Goals of therapy Increase adaptive behaviors Decrease maladaptive behaviors

  13. Assessment Counselor and client determine target behaviors to focus on Counselor forms hypotheses about what is maintaining the client’s current problematic behavior(s) Intervention Goals of initial session Establishment of the working alliance Identify target behaviors Gather information about what maintains the target behaviors Teach the client about behavior therapy Process of Therapy

  14. Therapeutic Techniques Relaxation Training Flooding Simple Exposure and Response Prevention Systematic Desensitization Aversive Techniques Blow-up Technique Shaping Reinforcement

  15. Therapeutic Techniques Differential Reinforcement Extinction Punishment Assertiveness Training Stimulus Control Covert Conditioning Modeling Behavioral Self-Control

  16. Evaluation Qualities Precision Testability Empirical validity Research Support Outcome research Theory-testing research

  17. Pros Structure Collaborative nature of counselor/client relationship Focus on the present Active, directive, and problem focused Learning is a function of environmental factors Cons Relatively informal approach is used Interventions target the individual’s behavior No consideration for sociopolitical factors Approach to behavior is based on White, Male, European Values Issues of Individual and Cultural Diversity

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