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Lecture #2.5: Numerical Functions, Differentiation, Square Root, Primes, and Sorting

This lecture covers the concepts and examples related to numerical functions, differentiation, square root, primes, and sorting. Topics include implementing numerical functions, finding the square root using approximation, generating prime numbers, and sorting algorithms like insertion sort and quicksort.

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Lecture #2.5: Numerical Functions, Differentiation, Square Root, Primes, and Sorting

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  1. Lecture #2.5 Today’s Topics • A Few Less Trivial Examples • Numerical Functions • Differentiation and square root. pp 30-32 Fokker Notes • Primes. pp 29 Fokker Notes • Display Tool. pp 105 Reade Book • Numbers in Long Hand • Sorting. pp 106-109 Reade Book • Making Change. Bird & Wadler Reading Assignment • Begin reading chapter 2 in • “The Haskell School of Expression”

  2. f x f x - f(x+h) f(x+h) h x f Numerical Functions • Differentiating a function diff :: (Float -> Float) -> (Float -> Float) diff f = f' where f' x = (f (x+h) - f x)/ h h = 0.0001 • For Small enough h, good approximation of slope of f

  3. Square Root Again! • Repetition on functions until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a ? until (>10) (+1) 1 11 ? until (< 0.001) (/2.0) 1.0 0.000976562 • Next approximation (again) next n a = (a + (n/a) )/ 2.0 • “Almost Equal” infix 5 ~= a ~= b = abs(a-b)<h && abs(b-a)<h where h = 0.00001 • Square Root sqrRoot n = until goodenough (next n) 1.0 where goodenough p = p*p ~= n

  4. Lists of Prime Numbers • Does one number evenly divide another? divisible :: Int -> Int -> Bool divisible t n = t `rem` n == 0 denominators :: Int -> [Int] denominators x = filter (divisible x) [1..x] ? denominators 235 [1, 5, 47, 235] • A Prime has only two denominators prime :: Int -> Bool prime x = denominators x == [1,x] ? prime 12 False ? prime 37 True

  5. Primes (cont.) • To get a list of primes then generate and prune. primes :: Int -> [ Int ] primes x = filter prime [1..x] ? primes 30 [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29] • What efficiency concerns does this algorithm have?

  6. A List Display Tool • How do we print? [1,2,3,4] pl :: Text a => [a] -> [Char] pl [] = "" pl (x:xs) = (show x) ++ "," ++ (pl xs) ? pl [1,2] 1,2, • How do we get rid of the annoying last "," pl :: Text a => [a] -> [Char] pl [] = "" pl [x] = (show x) pl (x:xs) = (show x) ++ "," ++ (pl xs) ? pl [1,2,3] 1,2,3

  7. List Display Tool (cont.) • What about the “[“ and “]” pl :: Text a => [a] -> [Char] pl l = "[" ++ (p l) ++ "]" where p [] = "" p [x] = (show x) p (x:xs) = (show x) ++ "," ++ (p xs) ? pl [1,2,3,4] [1,2,3,4] ? pl [True, not True] [True,False]

  8. Generalize • let “[“ and “]” be parameters pl :: Text a => [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [a] -> [Char] pl front back sep l = front ++ (p l) ++ back where p [] = "" p [x] = (show x) p (x:xs) = (show x) ++ sep ++ (p xs) ? pl "{" "}" " " [1,2,3] {1 2 3} ? pl "(" ")" "," [1,2,3] (1,2,3)

  9. Writing out numbers in long hand • 342 -> three hundred forty-two • Solve for two digit numbers first units = ["one","two","three","four","five", "six","seven","eight", "nine"] teens = ["ten","eleven","twelve","thirteen","fourteen", "fifteen","sixteen", "seventeen","eighteen", "nineteen"] tens = ["twenty","thirty","forty","fifty", "sixty","seventy","eighty","ninety"] • Split into tens and ones digits2 n = (n `div` 10, n `mod` 10); ? digits 76 (7,6) ? digits2 345 (34,5)

  10. Two Digits Solution (cont.) • Split into tens and ones then combine in correct way. • First a helper function nth (l,n) = l !! n ? nth([1,2,3,4], 2) 3 • Now combine {- Good only for two digit numbers -} combine2 (0,0) = "" combine2 (0,u) = nth(units,u-1) combine2 (1,u) = nth(teens,u) combine2 (t,0) = nth(tens,t-2) combine2 (t,u) = (nth(tens,t-2)) ++ "-" ++ (nth(units,u-1)) convert2 = combine2 . digits2 ? convert2 34 thirty-four

  11. Three Digit Solution • Split into hundreds and tens digits3 n = (n `div` 100,n `mod` 100) • Then Combine combine3 (0,t) = convert2(t) combine3 (h,0) = (nth(units,h-1)) ++ " hundred" combine3 (h,t) = (nth(units,h-1)) ++ " hundred and " ++ (convert2 t) convert3 = combine3 . digits3 ? convert3 345 three hundred and forty-five • What about thousands ?

  12. Sorting • Insertion Sort • Assume list is already sorted insert item [] = [item] insert item (a:x) = if item < a then item : a : x else a : (insert item x) ? insert 5 [1,3,6,8] [1,3,5,6,8] • Now insert each element sort [] = [] sort (x:xs) = insert x (sort xs)

  13. Does this pattern look familiar? sort [] = [] sort (x:xs) = insert x (sort xs) foldr op e [] = e foldr op e (x:xs) = op x (foldr op e xs) sort = foldr insert []

  14. Sorting (cont) • Here is a definition of quiksort: • First a helper function non :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Bool non f x = not (f x) • Divide into two sublists and conquer quiksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] quiksort [] = [] quiksort (x:xs) = (quiksort (filter (<=x) xs)) ++ (x : (quiksort (filter (non (<=x)) xs))) ? quiksort [4,8,2,6,1,9] [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9]

  15. Better Quiksort • Can we take the two lists computed by two calls to filter and write a function which computes them both in one pass? split :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) split pivot [] = ([],[]) split pivot (x:xs) = let (sm,bg) =split pivot xs in if x >= pivot then (sm,x:bg) else (x:sm,bg) ? split 4 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] ([1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6, 7]) quik2 [] = [] quik2 (x:xs) = (quik2 l) ++ (x : (quik2 h)) where (l,h) = split x xs

  16. Making Change • Producing Change (exact number of nickels, dimes, quarters, pennies) for a given amount. • Lots of solutions, how should we constrain the problem? • largest amount of "big" coins" change x = makechange x coins where coins = [("quarters",25), ("dimes",10), ("nickels",5), ("pennies",1)] makechange x [] = [] makechange x ((word,amt):m) = let count = x `div` amt left = x `mod` amt in if count==0 then makechange left m else (count,word):(makechange left m) ? change 72 [(2,"quarters"), (2,"dimes"), (2,"pennies")] (50 reductions, 198 cells)

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