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Data Source Patterns. Enterprise application architecture. Data Source Patterns. Table Data Gateway Row Data Gateway Active Record Data Mapper Unit of Work Identity Map. Table Data Gateway.
Data Source Patterns Enterprise application architecture
Data Source Patterns • Table Data Gateway • Row Data Gateway • Active Record • Data Mapper • Unit of Work • Identity Map
Table Data Gateway • An object that acts as a Gateway to a database table. One instance handles all the rows in the table. • Separate SQL from business logic • Hide SQL in Gateway from business logic • A Table Data Gateway holds all the SQL for accessing a table. • All CRUD operations on the table • Usually a table data gateway is stateless
TDG: Architecture Table Module businessTransaction1() businessTransaction2() businessTransaction3() Table Data Gateway sql_query= “ SELECT * FROM table 1…” sql_insert = “INSERT into tablei…” sql_update = “ UPDATE tablei …” sql_delete = “DELETE FROM …” findDataForBusinessTransaction1(sql_query) insertRecordsForBusinessTransaction1(sql_insert, items) updateRecordsForBusinessTransaction2(sql_update, items) … DB
TDG: When to use it • Works best with Table Module • Works lest with Domain Model
TDG: Example • Database Schema 1 1 * * Product Contract RevenueRecognition Name type date _signed revenue Amount date
TDG: Example RecognitionTableModule calcRecognitions(contract#) recognizedRevenue(contract#, date) … RecognitationGateway Sql_findContract = “ SELECT * FROM Contract WHERE id = ?” Sql_findRecogns = “select* from recog Where cid=? and date<?” …… findRecognitionsFor(contract#, date) insertRecognition(contract#, revenue, date) … DB
Sequence Diagram: test cases :ContractGateway :ContractTableModule :Tester :RecognitionTableModule :RecognitionGateway :Database createContract() insertContract() INSERT into contract … calcRecognitions() insertRecognition() INSERT iintoRecog… insertRecognition() INSERT iintoRecog… insertRecognition() INSERT iintoRecog… recognizedRevenue() findRecognitionsFor() SELECT * FROM …
TDG: Example class RecognitionGateway { static String findRecogns = “SELECT * FROM revenueRecognition WHERE contract = ? And date <= ?”; static String findContract = “SELECT * FROM contract c, product p WHERE c.id = ? And c.pid = p.id”; public ResultSetfindRecognitionsFor(intcontrno, Date d) { PreparedStatement s = db.prepareStatement(findRecongs); s.setInt(1, contrno); s.setDate(2, d); ResultSet result = s.executeQuery(); return result; } } Class ContractGateway { public ResultSetfindContract(intcontrno) { PreparedStatement s = db.prepareStatement(findContract); s.setInt(1, contrno); ResultSet result = s.executeQuery(); return result; } }
TDG: Example class RecognitionTableModule { private RecognitionGatewaygw = new RecognitionGateway(); public Money recognizedRevenue(intcontrno, Date d) { Money Result = Money.dollar(0); ResultSetrs = gw.findRecognitionsFor(contrno, d); while (rs.next()) { result = result.add(rs.getBigDecimal(“amount”)); } return result; } public void calculateRevenueRecognitions(intcontrno) { ResultSetcontrs = contractGateway.findContract(contrno); totalRevenue = contrs.getBigDecimal(“revenue”); dates = contrs.getDate(“date_signed”); type = contrs.getChar(“type”); if (type == ‘S’) { gw.insertRecognition(contrno, totalRevenue/3, date); gw.insertRecognition(contrno, totalRevenue/3, date+60); gw.insertRecognition(contrno, totalRevenue/3, date+90); } else if (type = ‘W’) { gw.insertRecognition(contrno, totalRevenue, date); } else if (type == ‘D’ { ... } ...
Row Data Gateway • An object that acts as a gateway to a single record in a table.
RDG: Example - PersonGateway PersonFinder PersonGateway last, first, numOfDeps last, first, numOfDeps find(int ID) findParents() Registry insert() update() delete() getPerson(ID) addPerson(person) DB Person ID int primary key, last varchar(30), First varchar(30), Dependents int
RDG: Example – Person Record class PersonGateway { int id; String last; String first; intnumOfDeps; // getters and setters Static String updateSQL = “UPDATE person SET last = ?, first =?, dependents = ? WHERE id =?”; static String insertSQL = “...”; static String delete = “... “; void update() { PreparedStatementst= null; try { st = db.prepareStatment(updateSQL); st.setString(1, last); st.setString(2, first); st.setInt(3, numOfDeps); st.setInt(4, id); st.execute(); } catch (SQLException) { ... } } void insert() { ... } void delete() { ... } }
RDG: Example – PersonFinder class PersonFinder { Static String personSQL = “SELECT * FROM person WHERE id =?”; static String parentsSQL = “SELECT * FROM person WHERE dependents >0”; PersonGatewayfind(int ID) { PersonGateway result = Registry.getPerson(ID); if (result != null) return result; PreparedStatementst= null; try { st = db.prepareStatment(personSQL); st.setString(1, ID); ResultSetrs = st.executeQuery(); rs.next(); result = PersonGateway.load(rs); return result; } catch (SQLException) { ... } finally { db.cleanup(st, rs); } } }
RDG: Example – PersonFinder class PersonFinder { Static String personSQL = “SELECT * FROM person WHERE id =?”; static String parentsSQL = “SELECT * FROM person WHERE dependents >0”; List<PersonGateway> findParents() { List<PersonGateway> result = new ArrayList(); PreparedStatementst= null; try { st = db.prepareStatment(parentSQL); ResultSetrs = st.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { result.add(PersonGateway.load(rs)); } return result; } catch (SQLException) { ... } finally { db.cleanup(st, rs); } } }
RDG: PersonGateway.load() class PersonGateway { ... Static PersonGatewayload(ResultSetrs) { int id = rs.getInt(1); PersonGateway result = Registry.getPerson(id); if (result != null) { return result; } result = new Person(id, rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getInt(4)); Registry.add(result); return result; } }
RDG: Sequence Diagram: find(id=123) :TableModule new :PersonFinder Registry DB Find(id=123) getPerson(123) PersonGateway Return null SELECT Return ResultSet load(ResultSet) new aPerson:PersonGateway Add(aPerson) return aPerson return aPerson
RDG: As a Data Holder When RowDataGateway is used with Domain Model. RowDataGateway may be employed as a data holder of the domain object. class Person { private PersonGateway data; public Person(PersonGateway data) { this.data = data; } public intgetNumberOfDependents() { return data.getNumberOfDependents(); } public Money getExemption() { Money baseExemption = 1500; Money dependentExemption = 750; return baseExemption + dependentExemption * data.getNumberOfDependents(); } }
Active Record • An object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on that data • Putting DB access login in the domain object. • Each active record is responsible for DB access as well as domain logic • Find methods may be static of ActiveRecord • Find methods may be put into a Finder class.
AR: Architecture Person (ActiveRecord1) Person(Table_1) LastName firstName numberOfDependents Id lastName firstName NumberOfDependents CRUD operations getExemption isFlaggedforAudit getTaxableEarnings Table_2 Attributes Database ActiveRecordn Table_n CRUD operations on Table_n Business Logic related to Table_n Attributes
AR: Example – Person Record class Person{ int id; String last; String first; intnumOfDeps; // getters and setters Static String updateSQL = “UPDATE person SET last = ?, first =?, dependents = ? WHERE id =?”; static String insertSQL = “...”; static String delete = “... “; void update() { PreparedStatementst= null; try { st = db.prepareStatment(updateSQL); st.setString(1, last); st.setString(2, first); st.setInt(3, numOfDeps); st.setInt(4, id); st.execute(); } catch (SQLException) { ... } } void insert() { ... } void delete() { ... } }
AR: Person.load() class Person { ... Static Person load(ResultSetrs) { int id = rs.getInt(1); Person result = Registry.getPerson(id); if (result != null) { return result; } result = new Person(id, rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getInt(4)); Registry.add(result); return result; } }
AR: Domain Logic class Person { ... public Money getExemption() { Money baseExemption = Money.dollars(1500); Money dependentExemption = Money.dollar(7500); Money totalDepExemptions = dependentExemption.multiply( this.getNumberOfDependent()); Money totalExemption.add(totalDepExemptions); return totalExemptions; } }
Data Mapper • A layer of Mappers that moves data between objects and a database while keeping them independent of each and the mapper itself. • The data mapper layer is to separate the in-memory objects from the database • It allows the object model and database to evolve (or be designed) independently • A mapper is an object that sets up a communication between two independent objects • Works best with Domain Model • Use existing framework for data mappers (Hibernate)
DMP: How It Works • A simple mapper maps a database table to an memory class on a field-to-field basis • A find method of a mapper loads the object from DB. • Identify Map may be used to keep one copy in memory • For insert and update, the mapping knows what new objects have been created and what have been destroyed. • A request from client could load a graph of object from DB • A purchase order contains multiple line items • Unit of Work determines what to write back to DB • Lazy Load may be used to postpone the load of some objects.
DMP: When to Use It • When the object model and database schema need to evolve independently • When Domain Model is used for domain logic. • The object model does not know the structure of the database • Don’t use Data Mapper without Domain Model
DMP: A Simple Data Mapper findStatement() – part of TemplateMethod, to be called by AbstractMapper.abstractFind(); class Person{ String last; String first; intnumOfDeps; ... } Class PersonMapper extends AbstractMapper { static Person find(int id) { return (Person) abstractFind(id); } String findStatement() { return “SELECT * FROM person WHERE id =?”; } DomainObjectdoLoad(int id, ResultSetrs) { String lName = rs.getString(2); String fName = rs.getString(3); intnumOfDependents = rs.getInt(4); return new Person(id, lName, fName, numOfDependents); } ... } to be called by AbstractMapper.load();
DMP: A Simple Data Mapper Class AbstractMapper { protected Map identityMap = new HashMap(); abstract String findStatement(); DomainObjectabstractFind(int id) { DomainObject result = (DomainObject)identityMap(id); if (result != null) return result; PreparedStatementfindStmt; try { findStmtn = DB.prepareStatement(findStatement()); findStmt.setInt(1, id); ResultSetrs = findStmt.executQuery(); rs.next(); result = load(rs); return result; } catch (SQLException) { ... } finally { DB.cleanup(); } } Template Method Pattern here: findStatement() to be implemented by PersonMapper
DMP: A Simple Data Mapper Class AbstractMapper { DomainObjectload(ResultSetrs) { int id = rs.getInt(1); if (identityMap.containsKey(id) return (DomainObject) identityMap.get(id); DomainObject result = doLoad(id, rs); identityMap.put(id, result); return result; } } Defined in PersonMapper.doLoad()
DMP: A Simple Data Mapper Class PersonMapper extends AbstractMapper { static String updateSQL = “UPDATE person SET lastName = ? ...”; public void update(Person subject) { PreparedStatement update = null; try { update = DB.prepareStatement(updateSQL); update.setInt(1, subject.getId()); update.setString(2, subject.getLastName()); update.setString(3, subject.getFirstName()); update.setInt(4, subject.getNumberOfDependents()); update.execute(); } catch (SQLException) { ... } finally { DB.cleanup(update); } } public void insert(Person subject) { // similar to update() } }
DMP: Separate Finders Domain Package Dependency Injection Principle DomainObject Artist Id: long ArtistFinder Album find(id) Mapper Package AbstractMapper Insert() Update() Load() findStatement() doLoad() ArtistMapper find(id) findStatement() doLoad()
DMP: Separate Finders Interface ArtistFinder { Artist find(int id); } Class ArtistMapper extends AbstractMapper implements ArtistFinder { public Artist find(int id) { return (Artist) abstractFind(id); } String findStatement() { return “SELECT * FROM Artist WHERE id = ?”; } } Class AbstractMapper { // similar to the AbstractMapper of previous example }
Unit of Work • Maintains a list of objects affected by a business transaction and coordinates the writing out of changes and the resolution of concurrency problems.. • To keep track of what objects have changed so they can be written back to the DB • Batch multiple DB statements for performance • Implement transactions • To control concurrency related problems
UoW: Architecture Unit of Work registerNew(object) registerDirty(object) registerClean(object) registerDelete(object) commit() DB
UoW: How It Works • Each time you touch the database, create a Unit of Work. • Every time you create, change, or delete an object, you tell the Unit of Work. • When you are done, ask the Unit of Work to commit • The Unit of Work opens a transaction, does needed concurrency control, and writes changes to the DB.
UoW: How to Tell Unit of Work • Caller Registration: the client of an object has to register the object with the Unit of Work. • Object Registration: Each object will register itself when it is changed. For example: • Load an object: UnitOfWork.registerClean(obj); • Setters: UnitOfWork.registerDirty(obj) • Unit of Work Controller: UnitOfWork keeps a copy of each object when loaded from DB, then compares with the actual object when committing.
UoW: Example Class UnitOfWork{ private List newObjects = new ArrayList(); private List dirtyObjects = new ArrayList(); private List removedObjects = new ArrayList(); public void registerNew(DomainObjectobj) { newObjects.add(obj); } public void registerDirty(DomainObjectobj) { dirtyObjects.add(obj); } public void registerRemoved(DomainObjectobj) { removedObjects.add(obj); } public void registerClean(DomainObjectobj) { if (!identityMap.contains(obj.getId())) { identityMap.add(obj.getId(), obj); } } }
UoW: Example Class UnitOfWork{ // commit() public void commit() { insertNew(); updateDirty(); deleteRemoved(); } public void insetNew() { for (Iteratorobjs = newObjects.iterator(); objs.hasNext()) { DomainObjectobj = (DomainObject)objs.next(); MapperRegistry.getMapper(obj.getClass()).insert(obj); } } public void updateDirty() { // similar to insertNew() } public void deleteRemoved() { // similar to insertNew() } }
UoW: Example • Each business transaction is carried out in a Thread • Create a UnitOfWork local of the Thread // one UnitOfWork per Thread Class UnitOfWork{ Private static ThreadLocal current = ThreadLocal(); public static void newCurrent() { setCurrent(new UnitOfWord()); } public static void setCurrent(UnitOfWork, uow) { current.set(uow); } public static UnitOfWorkgetCurrent() { return (UnitOfWork) current.get(); } }
UoW: Example // Abstract Class that handles registration Class DomainObject { protected void markNew() { UnitOfWOrk.getCurrent.registerNew(this); } protected void markClean() { UnitOfWOrk.getCurrent.registerClean(this); } protected void markDirty() { UnitOfWOrk.getCurrent.registerDirty(this); } protected void markRemoved() { UnitOfWOrk.getCurrent.registerRemoved(this); } }
UoW: Example // how a domain object register with Unit of Work Class Album extends DomainObject { // attributes public static Album create(String name) { Album obj = new Album(IdGenerator.nextId(), name); obj.markNew(); return obj; } pubic void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; markDirty(); } } // how domain logic employs Unit Of Work Class EditAlbumTransactionScript { public static void updateTitle(intalbumId, String title) { UnitOfWOrk.newCurrent(); Mappermapper = MapperRegistry.getMapper(Album.class); Album album = (Album)Mapper.find(albumId); album.setTitle(title); UnitOfWork.getCurrent().commit(); } }
Identity Map • Ensure that each object gets loaded only once by keeping every loaded object in a map. • We don’t want to have two separate objects from the same DB record. • Looks up objects using the map when referring to them • If a record in memory as an object, don’t load it from the DB again
IM: How It Works • Each DB table corresponds to an Identity Map • Choice of Keys: the key of the map may be the primary key or a surrogate key • Explicit or Generic: • An explicit map is accessed with distinct methods for each kind of objects, e.g., findPerson(123) • A generic map uses a single method for all kinds of objects, e.g., find(“Person”, 123)
IM: How It Works • How Many: • A single map for the session • One map per class/table • A single map for each inheritance tree • Where to Put Them: • Inside the Unit Of Work if exists, or • Inside a Registry of the session
IM: When to Use It • To avoid multiple objects to the same DB record • To act as a cache for DB reads • Don’t use it for immutable objects • Don’t use it for dependent objects which are to be handled by their parent.
IM: Example Class PersonIdentityMap { private Map persons = new HashMap(); public static void addPerson(Person p) { soleInstance.persons.put(p.getId(), p); } pubic static Person getPerson(int id) { return (Person) soleInstance.persons.get(id); } }
Data Source: Summary • Table Data Gateway • Row Data Gateway • Active Record • Data Mapper • Unit of Work • Identity Map